One day, Jack wanted to build a snowman. He collected everything to decorate(装饰)his snowman. Outside, in his yard, he started to roll(滚)the snow into a big ball. At a window nearby, someone was watching Jack play. It was his new neighbor Naoko, She wanted to help Jack build his snowman.

She put on her winter clothes, ran outside to Jack and asked if she could help. “Yes, I need to roll one more snowball for my snowman's body. Please help me roll another one for its head," Jack said.

“But snowmen only have two snowballs," Naoko said.

“No, snowmen always have three snowballs," Jack said. “I don't think I need you to help me.”

Feeling disappointed, Naoko walked back to her own yard and began to build her own snowman. She took off her hat and scarf and decorated her snowman. In the next yard, after Jack added a carrot for the snowman's nose, he finished too. Suddenly, the head fell off Jack's showman!

“Oh, no!” Jack cried.

Naoko heard Jack's cry and ran over to see what the problem was. “Let me help you," Naoko said. Together they made a new head for the snowman and decorated it with the carrot and other things.

Jack said, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome. I like your snowman better,” Naoko said “Mine doesn't have a nose”.

Jack pulled his carrot out, broke it into two pieces and gave half to Naoko.

“Thank you,” Naoko said.

“You're welcome,” Jack said. “I think our snowmen made good neighbors.”

1.What's the relationship between Jack and Naoko?

A.They are neighbors. B.They are classmates.

C.They are best friends. D.They are brother and sister.

2.Jack said“I don't think I need you to help me. ” because ________.

A.Naoko didn't follow his words B.Naoko was not creative enough

C.he almost finished doing his job D.he had someone else to help him

3.What was the problem with Jack's snowman?

A.It had no nose. B.Its head fell off.

C.lts body was too small. D.It couldn't stand up straight.

4.What did Jack share with Naoko?

A.A snowball B.A scarf C.A carrot D.A hat

5.The writer writes the passage to ________.

A.Warn children not to play outside alone B.tell a happy story between two children

C.encourage children to find joy in winter children's love for snowman building

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