
Susie and I are good friends and we study in the same school but different classes. I usually go to the library to increase my 1.(知识)of the world, unless I have my volleyball practice. Both of us have many 2.(爱好). We enjoy swimming, reading and 3. (听)to music. On Saturdays, we will go for a walk or go to the science museum.

Last Sunday we went to a famous concert at the Victoria Concert Hall. Two girls sat behind us. They 4.(开始)to talk loudly when the concert started. Even we could not hear the music clearly. The old man beside us turned around and looked at them angrily. They stopped talking after that. Anyway I enjoyed 5. (我自己) a lot.


What does “self-control” mean? Suppose you have a ticket for an exciting film which you want to see very much, but unluckily you have to study____an exam tomorrow. What will you do? See the film____study for the exam? If you can give up seeing the film and work hard at your____, it means that you have self-control. Self-control is not something that you have at birth. It needs to be cultivated in your life.

Often, young children are easily____when their needs or wishes are not met at once. Almost daily, children see a lot of food, toys and activities that are attractive to them. Many time children do not know how to____their frustration(挫折) when they are told “no” or “later”. Also, sometimes young children do not understand____they are not allowed to do anything. In order to have positive experiences at home and at school, children need to learn____to properly deal with their feelings when they cannot have something. These skills will increase children’s self- control.

Don’t go to bed late because of a nice TV program, or you may go to school____and it is a waste of time. Every one of us has some hobbies, a few of which may____us from making progress in life. We must use our____to become free of them.

1.A.for B.at C.on D.about

2.A.and B.while C.but D.or

3.A.school B.lessons C.films D.listening

4.A.happy B.upset C.tired D.excited

5.A.begin with B.play with C.deal with D.do with

6.A.what B.which C.why D.who

7.A.skills B.lessons C.ways D.strategies

8.A.early B.late C.on time D.slowly

9.A.leave B.make C.keep D.push

10.A.decision B.energy C.knowledge D.self-control

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