
In today’s world of mobile phones, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them. Since these small machines are so common, will people stop wearing the 500-year-old watches? According to some people, yes. A teenager says it’s unnecessary to wear a watch. Many young people agree-and use their mobile phones to tell time. Louis Galie, apresident, said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago.
However, watchmakers say that watches get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they want to spend money on a nice time-telling tool which doesn’t just keep a good time. For this reason, the watch industry has become an accessory business (配件业) in recent years.
Today’s ______ offer a lot of uses that meet the need of almost any personality (个性). They can be used as compasses (指南针), calendars, and even USB drivers…
People are always trying their best to creat new kinds of watches. A certain watchmaker business watches that don’t even look like watches. Their popular model uses different color lights to tell the time. Amother watchmaker business, make a “handless” watch, using a ring of circles to keep time. This watch makes people talk a lot about modern watches.
Whether a watch express fashion sense, creative ability of a love of sports, people want their time-telling tools to be beautiful, fashionable and practical. All in all, a watch has become more important than the time it tells.
小题1: Many young people agree that it’s unnecessary to __________________.
小题2:When do watches get popular again according to watchmakers?
小题3: ___________________________________________________________
小题4: ___________________________________________________________

小题1:wear a watch/wear watches
小题2:When people reach their 20s and 30s, watches get popular again.
小题4:A watch has become more important than the time it tells.

小题1:根据短文第一段的内容以及A teenager says it’s unnecessary to wear a watch.可知,现在的青少年们都觉得没有必要戴手表,他们可以通过手机来知道时间。这里wear a watch或wear watches都可以。
小题2:根据短文第二段中However, watchmakers say that watches get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s.可知,手表制造商们说,当人们二、三十岁的时候,手表会变得又受欢迎起来。那个年龄的人们愿意花钱来买一块好的手表。
小题4:纵观文章大意可知,短文的最后一句话对这篇文章的中心做了一个总结,是整篇文章的中心句。All in all, a watch has become more important than the time it tells.总而言之,手表已经变得比告诉时间更重要了。故这个题的答案就是短文的最后一句话。
小题5:这个句子中使用的短语是try one’s best to do sth.,尽某人的最大努力去做某事;create是一个动词,意思是创造,在这里我们可以根据文意翻译成设计或制造;new kinds of watches,新型的手表。因此这句话的意思是:人们一直/总是在努力创造/设计/制造新型/种类的手表。
Before I even started school, people felt that I was not going to amount to much. At the age of four, I started speech lessons because even I could not speak well enough to be understood.
First grade was a struggle. I not only had difficulty speaking, but I was expected to learn to read and I just couldn't do it. My parents grew more and more frustrated. They bought books and offered great rewards if I could read one of them from start to finish to them. Well, with my speech problems and now my reading problems, I did not like to do reading and so refused to do it whenever possible.
Second grade was not much better. It was in the second grade that the teacher decided that I needed special education. I remember the days of taking the physical exams. However, after all that, they decided that I did not qualify for special education.
It was in third grade that a new school was built close to where I lived. I remember going there with my parents and helping to get the school ready so that we could transfer(转学). It was a happy day that we started school at Vandalia. However, things did not get better as my parent expected.
It was now time for fifth grade. Mrs. Wakefield was my teacher, and if ever there was a teacher that deserved a gold star, it was her. She did not make me feel upset. Instead, she helped me in so many ways and built my self-confidence so that I actually did believe that I could do something special. And that is just what I did.
For the past 22 years, I have been a fifth grade teacher. Because of Mrs. Wakefield's influence in my life, I am now encouraging students who have had difficulties in their lives to believe that they can overcome and become someone. I have won a large number of awards but I know that all of them belong to one fifth grade teacher who believed in me and challenged me to be all that I could be.
I still have a class picture of her with her fifth grade class hanging on the wall of my office, encouraging other teachers to reach out to their students.
小题1: What does the underlined phrase “amount to much” mean in Paragraph l?
A.get rich.B.get successful.
C.get recovered.D.become healthy.
小题2:From the second paragraph we know that______________.
A.the writer's parents lost confidence in the writer completely
B.the writer's speech problems didn’t stop him from reading
C.the writer's parents tried many things to encourage him
D.the writer couldn't improve his speech ability from reading
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The writer’s parents believed he could get improved in his speech ability.
B.The new school was not far away from where they lived.
C.The teachers in the new school were gold stars
D.The writer himself wanted to transfer to a new school.
小题4:In which grade did the turning point in writer's life appear?
A.In Grade Two.B.In Grade Three
C.In Grade FourD.In Grade Five
小题5:.What can we learn from the passage?
A.A good teacher is hard to find in our lives.
B.Many students have speech difficulties,
C.Confidence is very important in one's life
D.Different teaching methods work the same
When I was a child, my parents often took me to an old house in a thick forest. No other children ever stayed there. I didn’t even have the choice of playing with a brother or sister.
I could never understand what the attraction(吸引) of the house was, even for my parents, who enjoyed nothing better than to sit in silence with a good book. The woman in the house, my father’s distant cousin, was a terrible cook and her food was inedible.
One day, when I was wandering around the garden behind the house, I noticed a wooden house which had clearly been abandoned(被遗弃的). As I walked towards it, I heard a noise, like an animal moving hurriedly away. Then I saw a man with a long beard standing at the door. I was greatly surprised.
“Please don’t tell them you saw me,” he said. “They never use this place, and I have nowhere else to live.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I won’t tell anyone. But are you all right out here? I mean—do you have enough to eat?” The old man shook his head.
The same evening, I took a small plastic bag into the dining room and, while no one was looking, emptied some of the food into it. Later, I got out of the back door secretly and gave the food to the old man, whose name I had discovered was Taff.
I had never seen anything else as lovely as the smile of satisfaction on Taff’s face when he ate the food. From then on, my visits to the old house had a purpose, and I enjoyed every minute of the rest of my stay.
小题1: How did the writer feel about staying in the old house at first?
A.He was happy to be with his parents.
B.He enjoyed reading good books there.
C.He was pleased with the woods.
D.He felt very lonely.
小题2: The underlined word “inedible” is closest in meaning to “_______”.
A.too bad for him to eatB.nice to look at
C.not enough to eatD.as delicious as usual
小题3: The writer discovered the old man _______ the old house.
A.near the back door ofB.in the dining room of
C.in the garden behindD.among the bushes before
小题4:What can we know about the old man from the passage?
A.He was poor and hungry.
B.He helped to repair the old house.
C.He liked to play hide-and-seek with the writer.
D.He raised many animals.
小题5: The story mainly tells us _______.
A.it’s nice to raise wild animals
B.it’s valuable to help others
C.it’s good to live in the forest
D.it’s comfortable to live in the old house
Everyday is afraid of something.
Tommy, 11, is afraid of the dark. Rachel ,11, is most afraid of the big jellyfish (水母)in Australia. Morgan, 9 ,wishes she would stop being afraid to ride a bike on busy streets.
What’s fear ? Fear is a feeling that everyone has, and that’s a good thing because fear is there to protect us . When the fear comes ,it  means we may meet something dangerous.
For the fear of dark , a kid could have much imagination .What’s under my bed ? Is there someone
breaking into (闯入)my house ? With the help of a parent , kids can get more comfortable in the dark. Using a night light to see that there’s nothing there can also help fight that fear.
For other fears ,we needn’t fight . If you’re afraid to ride your bike on a busy street ,you’re right ! You should be afraid because it’s dangerous. There’s no need to fight a fear like that . Find a better place to ride.
It’s also ok for Rachel to be afraid of the big jellyfish because it’s really dangerous . But it lives only in some waters. So when she’s not swimming in one of them ,there should be no worries about the big jellyfish.
Here is some advice about fighting fears from kids.
Monique,10, says when you are scared, just think about happy times . Eight-year-old Jessica finds that taking a deep breath helps when you’re scared. Amanda ,10, thinks kids should talk with a parent . Dustin ,11, likes to talk with a group of friends.
小题1:What is Rachel afraid of ?
A.The dark.
B.Talking with others.
C.The big jellyfish.
D.Riding a bike on busy streets.
小题2:In Paragraph 4, the writer gives ________ way(s) of helping kids fight the fear of dark.
小题3:According to the writer , ________ needs to fight his/her fear.
小题4:Which piece of advice is not mentioned about fighting fears ?
A.Talking with others.
B.Taking a deep breath.
C.Thinking about happy times.
D.Regarding fears as challenges.
We go to school every day to become a better person. So how can we become powerful and start changes in our own life? Perhaps we can get tips from the US First Lady Michelle Obama. During her visit to China, from March 20–26, Mrs Obama shared her views on education with students.
The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education. In Chengdu No 7 High School, she told students that having poor roots doesn’t matter as long as you have perseverance (毅力).
Mrs Obama said her family was not rich. Like many Chinese students, her parents had big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents’ sacrifices (牺牲) on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud.
Persevering was not easy, though. Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 a.m. and study late into the night. “But whenever I got tired or discouraged… I would remember something my mother always told me. She said: ‘A good education is something that no one can take away from you.’”
Mrs Obama also encourages Chinese students to study abroad. “As the Chinese saying goes: It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books,” she said. It’s not enough to get good grades in school. It’s also important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies different from your own, she noted.
Studying abroad could also gain future international relations. It could help young people from different countries work together to deal with problems such as climate change, Mrs Obama said.

Views from Michelle Obama on  小题1:
To aim  小题3:
and get a good education
*To have perseverance. If you insist, you will    小题4: .
*To feel the weight and encouragement from her  小题5: .
*To study     小题6: .
To study     小题7:
* It’s important to have real experience with    小题8:  languages, cultures and societies.
*To gain    小题9:  international relations.
*To work together to deal with problems   小题10:  climate change.
From:  anne1@freemail4all.com
To:    tss_liam@kidsstarmail.net
Sent:  Tues., Nov. 12
Subject:  Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico!
Hello again. We’re on holiday! My family won a prize – tickets for a round-world-trip on the Freedom of the Seas! Can you believe it? This is one of the biggest cruise(巡游)ships in the world – it‘s huge! It’s as long as 37 buses and can carry more than 4,000 passengers. That’s a lot of people! You know that I like to be very active, so at first I thought this cruise was going to be a little boring … I was so wrong! The ship has an ice-skating rink, an outdoor climbing wall (more than 13 meters high), two swimming pools, a water park and even a boxing ring. But best of all … the Flowrider! It’s a surfing attraction at the top of the ship. I tried it yesterday but I kept falling! I must try again this afternoon. Mom and Dad were also pretty impressed(印象)by the shopping mall on the ship. You’ve really got to see this fantastic ship – it’s truly spectacular(壮观). I’ll write again when I get home (Sunday) and tell you more about the cruise. Bye!
小题1: The Freedom of the Seas is _______.
A.a ship with 40,000 passengersB.as long as 37 buses
C.a water parkD.a shopping mall
小题2: The climbing wall is _______.
A.the biggest in the worldB.boring
小题3:The name of the surfing attraction is _______.
A.the Freedom of the SeasB.the Flowrider
C.boxing ringD.the Gulf of Mexico 8
小题4: The surfing attraction is _______.
A.at the top of the shipB.inside the ship
C.as long as 37 busesD.next to the ice-skating rink
小题5:Anne will go on surfing on _______ afternoon.
When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me. I’ve lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem, but in my neighborhood, there are shoot-ups all the time. I know kids who have been shot or beaten up. I have friends who ended up in prison. I could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark wouldn’t let that happen.
Mr. Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work. My grades rose. In fact, the scores of our whole class rose. One day, he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera, and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem. Before the show, he treated us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We did not want to let him down.
Mr. Clark was selected as Disney’s 2000 Teacher of the Year. He said he would draw three names out of a hat; those students would go with him to Los Angles to get the award. But when the time came to draw names, Mr. Clark said, “You’re all going.”
On graduation day, there were a lot of tears. We didn’t want his class to end. In 2001, he moved to Atlanta, but he always kept in touch. He started giving lectures about education, and created a bestseller based on his classroom rules, The Essential 55. In 2003, Mr. Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to deliver school supplies and visit orphanages (孤儿院). It was the most amazing experience of my life. It’s now my dream to one day start a group of women’s clubs, helping people from all backgrounds.
小题1:Without Mr. Clark, the writer _________.
A.might have put into prisonB.might not have won the prize
C.might have joined a women’s clubD.might not have moved to Atlanta
小题2:The Essential 55 is ___________.
A.a showB.a speech
C.a classroom ruleD.a bestseller
小题3:How many students’ names were finally drawn out of a hat by Mr. Clark?
小题4:In the passage, the writer intends to tell us that ___________.
A.Mr. Clark went to South Africa because he liked traveling
B.Mr. Clark helped to set up a group of women’s clubs
C.a good teacher can raise his or her students’ score
D.a good teacher has a good influence on his or her students
小题5:What is the writer’s attitude towards Mr. Clark?
A.He speaks highly of Mr. Clark.
B.He looks down upon Mr. Clark.
C.He doesn‘t show his attitude towards Mr. Clark.
D.He takes a neutral (中立的)attitude towards Mr. Clark.

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