Guess what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the United States president Donald Trump’s granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, have in common? 1. Although Chinese is known as one of the hardest languages to learn, a lot of people from different backgrounds are studying it.

On Novemeber 2, the 12th “Chinese Bridge” Competition was held in Zheng zhou, Henan . And more than 120 foreign students from 105 countries took part in it. 2. After it, the competitors also visited shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes(石窟)and other historical sites in Henan.

Although they have different reasons for learning Chinese, the competitors were all excited about the country’s rich culture and rapid development. Raissa, a 17-year-old girl, developed a strong emotional connection with China. 3. This led her to learn Chinese at a local Confucius Institute. Fascinated by Chinese culture, she has taken part in activities on traditional Chinese medicine and folk arts during her first trip to China. 4. For Fekete Marcell Zoltan, from Hungary, studying Chinese may offer him a better future job . “After graduation from high school, I would like to further my studies in China,” he said.

Since a bridge has been set up between the competitors and China , where will their journeys take them? Robert Davis, a director of a Chinese-language school in Chicago, may give you a reply. 5.


A.They all study Chinese as a second language.

B.Her dream is to study Chinese medicine to treat patients.

C.Her grandmother was cured by Chinese doctors three years ago.

D.Speech contests and talent shows were included in the competition.

E.He said Chinese would be the new international language in the future.

When I was a little girl, my father loved to play catch (接球) with me. I wasn't very good at it, but we would play anyway. He was always telling me "Keep your eye on the ball" as I would not be able to catch even the easiest of throws.

As I got older, we didn't play catch as much. If I had a problem and would go to my father to ask for his advice, he would try to joke with me and say "Keep your eye on the ball". We would both laugh because usually that advice was not useful to the problem, but he would try to make me smile.

My father became ill in 1995 when I was 23. There weren't any more conversations, as he suffered from a stroke (中风). He could not speak. He could only give mouth words, which were sometimes hard to understand. After a while, I seemed to be pretty good at reading at his lips (唇), even better than the nurses who were caring for him there.

During one of our last conversations, I was telling him about a problem I was having with my boyfriend. Once again, I could read his lips "Keep your eye on the ball." We both smiled.

That was the last time I saw my father before he passed away.

All these years later, when I get in trouble, I just tell myself "Keep your eye on the ball".

1.At first, by saying"keep your eye on the ball", the writer's father ________.

A.tells her to be careful while playing catch

B.wants to teach her a life lesson

C.wants her to work harder in every way

D.laughs at her when she misses the ball

2.When the writer asked for advice from her father, he usually ________.

A.tried to solve the problem for her

B.didn't care about her problem

C.joked with her and made her smile

D.told her to solve the problem alone

3.When in trouble, the writer tells herself "keep your eye on the ball" to ________.

A.encourage herself to face the difficulty

B.remember the old days with her father herself forget her troubles

D.remember how to play catch

4.Which of the following can describe the writer's father?

A.Honest. B.Serious. C.Careless. D.Cheerful.

Different from common belief, blue light may not have a strong negative effect as people thought-according to the scientists from the University of Manchester.

It's known that our body clock measures brightness through melanopsin(黑素蛋白),a specialized light sensitive protein in the eye. So there has been lots of interest in studying the influence of light on the body clock. Researchers changed the make-up of short and long wavelength light, which provided a small difference in brightness, as well as changes in color. Findings suggested blue light might be troublesome to our sleep patterns.

The new research, however, used a different method, since the changes in color may oppose the benefits from reducing the brightness signals detected(探测)by melanopsin. The team used specially designed lighting to change color without changing brightness.

Findings of the new research showed that blue colors produced weaker effects on the subjects' body clock than equally bright yellow colors. "Our recognition of color comes from the retinal cone cells(视网膜锥形细胞),and the blue color signals they supply reduce the influence of light on the body clock," explained the lead researcher. "The research shows the common view that blue light has the strongest effect on the body clock is misguided.”

According to the team, using dim(昏暗的),cooler lights in the evening and bright warmer lights during the day may be more beneficial to ensure healthy patterns of sleep. Twilight(暮光)is both dimmer and bluer than daylight and the body clock uses both of those features to decide on the proper times to be asleep and awake.

The findings have important suggestions for the design of lighting and visual displays which aim to promote people's sleep patterns. Present technologies are mostly designed to limit our evening exposure to blue light by changing the screen color of mobile devices. The technology, however, may send the body clock mixed messages. This is because the small changes in brightness they produce come along with colors that are commonly seen during the day. So there's more for the designers to take into consideration.

Setting our body clocks in line with our social and work schedules can be good for our health, and using color correctly could be a way to help us better achieve that.

1.The writer mentions different research methods in Paragraph 2 and 3 to________.

A.suggest how the data of the research should be collected

B.explain why the findings of the old research are reasonable

C.discuss possible ways of studying the influence of blue light the progress in the methods used in the studies of blue light

2.According to the new findings, what should the designers take into consideration?

A.The changes in both colors and brightness.

B.The influence of the daylight on sleep patterns.

C.The suggestions on the proper use of mobile devices.

D.The balance between technologies and the body clock.

3.What can we learn from the new research?

A.Blue light cannot he easily detected by the body clock.

B.Blue light has the weakest effect on people's body clock.

C.Blue light is not as harmful to their sleep patterns as people thought.

D.Blue light benefits people more in their sleep patterns than yellow light.

One day when government officers were rebuilding a barn(粮仓), they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out.

A while later they saw mice running out, one after another. Then, everyone thought that all the mice had come out. But just as they were about to start to clean up, they saw two mice getting out of the exit of the hole. After some hard tries, the mice finally got out. The strange thing was that after they came out of the hole, they did not run away at once. It seemed that one was trying to bite (咬) the tail of the other. Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped closer to take a look. They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so he could pull the blind one with him to run away.

After seeing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought. During meal time, the group of officers sat down in a circle and started to talk about what happened to the two mice. One man said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of emperor and minister.” Another man said: I think the relationship between those two mice was husband and wife. Then a third person said: I think the relationship between those two mice was that of mother and son. The others thought for a while, and felt this was more reasonable. At that moment, the last man looked at other people, and asked: Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship? Suddenly, the air froze. The group looked back at the him and all lowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to reply. In fact, the greatest love does not depend on benefit, friendship or blood relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.

1.All the mice was driven away together after the officers used smoke to force them out. (__________)

2.The last two mice were blind so they didn’t run away at once. (__________)

3.The officers made several guesses about the relationship between the two mice. (__________)

4.The last man was right about the relationship between the two mice. (__________)

5.The passage tells us that the greatest love comes from our heart instead of any relationship. (__________)

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