Today some women are wearing the new high platform shoes that came into style (时髦,式样)not long ago. Young women enjoy wearing stylish clothes. They also enjoy being taller while they are wearing these shoes.

But doctors are not very happy with the platform shoes. Foot specialist report that many women hurt their feet by wearing them. These specialists say that if you turn ankle when wearing a normal shoe, the foot can easily return to its position. However, if you fall while walking on a high platform shoe, your foot may turn so far you will break.

There is also a possibility that these shoes cause backaches. Many platform shoes have high heels (跟),and women who wear them say that these shoes sometimes make them feel tired.(It has been found that people use more energy when walking on high-heeled shoes.)

Because the platforms are very thick and stiff (硬), these shoes could cause auto (汽车) accidents. The driver might not be able to feel the difference between the brake (闸) and the accelerator (油门踏板). Also, if the platforms are very high, and if the driver has to stop the car quickly, she might not be able to move her foot to the brake in time.

Women are not alone in wearing platform shoes. Many U.S. shoe stores sell platform shoes designed for men. Doctors continued to warn people about the dangers of wearing them. A high style is not always a safe style.

1.Some people enjoy wearing high platform shoes because they think ________.

A.the shoes will make them healthy

B.they would be more alert when they drive

C.they would look taller

D.the shoes are popular

2.What does "high style" mean in this passage?

A.Being taller B.Standing higher

C.High platform shoes D.Taller people

3.Wearing high platform shoes can cause a woman ________. break her back easily feel too tired to walk

C.backaches and headaches act slowly when driving

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