A new series of Chinese Maths textbooks was published in the UK following the success of the previous edition, with an expert saying Chinese Maths textbooks are generally more difficult for UK students. However, new Chinese Maths textbooks teach UK students learning skills.

Yi Ke Yi Lian, or One Lesson, One Exercise, is a series of popular textbooks for primary and junior high schools in Shanghai. For about 20 years, this series has helped students to practice what they have learned in class. This summer, the Maths textbook series was published in the UK.

The British version has 11 volumes (册), as there are 11 grades from primary school to high school in the UK. The publishers cut out part of the content in the Chinese version to go with the curriculum setting (课程安排) there. They also changed some terms (术语) and background knowledge. But the overall difficulty level is the same.

The move follows the British government’s efforts to learn from Shanghai’s Maths teaching methods starting from last year. In the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA.国际学生评估项目), Shanghai students got the first place on the Maths exam while British students got 24th place.

In September, the British government invited 60 of Shanghai’s top Maths teachers to British schools to share their teaching experience. A number of teachers from the UK also visited Shanghai for experience.

“It seems that the Shanghai teaching methodology (方法) uses resources much more effectively,” said Liz Truss, a government education officer. We have stagnated (停滞) in our Maths performance for the last 15 years, and it’s time for us to learn and apply good practices.”

1.The British publishers ________ before publishing the textbooks.

A.added more content to the books

B.changed the curriculum setting

C.changed some of the book’s background knowledge

D.changed the overall difficulty level of the books

2.In the 2012 PISA, students from which country got the first place on the Maths exam?

A.The UK. B.China. C.Japan. D.The USA.

3.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The UK is using Chinese Maths books. B.How to improve UK kids’ Maths skills.

C.Lots of practice can make a difference. D.China has the best teaching methodology.

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