
Imagine that your hairstyle is important for your future.  For teenage boys in  Papua  New Guinea this is true! The Hulie people believe that beautiful hair shows a man is healthy and strong.. They respect men who wear wigs, so teenage Hulie boys have to grow great hair. With this hair, they make a wig that they can wear every day.
The Hulie live deep in the rain forest of Papua New Guinea.  Before the 1930s, people from the outside world didn't even know about them. Today, there are about 70000 Hulie people,  Most still follow their traditional way of life. The Hulie live in small villages, but families. do not live together. Women and small children live in one house and. men live together in another house.  When boys are eight years old, they have to leave their mothers to live with their fathers.
Some Hulie children go to school to study reading and math.  But after middle school. While teenage girls babysit their younger brothers and sisters, most teenage boys,to wig school.  At wig school, they learn how to grow their hair and how to make wigs. The rules are pretty serious
1 .They cannot run, because their hair can be damaged.
2. They have to stay away from fire.
3. They have to put water on their hair 12 times a day to make it Grow faster.
When a Hulie teen wears his wig for the first time, he shows he is a man now, he can get married. To prepare, boys grow their hair for 18 months or longer. Then they cut it and use their own hair to make a mushroom-shaped wig.  Later they grow their hair again for special wigs. These special wigs are for celebrations and festivals. Hulie men wear their mushroom-shaped wigs every day, but they like to be fashionable, too. To add style, they decorate their wigs with flowers and feathers.
【小题1】The article is mainly about________
A. teenage Hulie girls   
B. teenage Hulie boys      
C. Hulie men and women
【小题2】 People didn't know the Hulie people until the 1930s because______
A.they lived in small villages 
B. there are only 2700Huli people
C. they were hidden in the rain forest
【小题3】 The underlined phrase "people from the outside world" means______
A. people who don't live in the rain forest  
B. people who follow their old traditions
C. people who do things outside of the forest
【小题4】According to the article we can refer that Huli_________
A. teenage boys live with the mothers  
B. teenage girls live with their fathers
C. husbands and wives do not live together
【小题5】Hulie boys do not decorate their wigs with_______
A. flowers            B. mushrooms         C. feathers


解析试题分析:这篇文章讲述的是住在Papua New Guinea(巴布亚新几内亚)的热带雨林深处的居民的生活习性,尤其介绍了有关他们头发的一些情况。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文中原句The Hulie live deep in the rain forest of Papua New Guinea.(他们居住在巴布亚新几内亚的热带雨林深处)可知此题选C。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据文中原句The Huile live in small villages, but families. do not live together. Women and small children live in one house and  men live together in another house.(Huile人住在小村庄里,但是家人不住在一起。女人和小孩子住在一个房间里,男人们在另一个房间里住在一起)可知此题答案是C。
【小题5】细节理解题。根据文中原句they decorate their wigs with flowers and feathers.(他们用花和羽毛来装饰他们的假发)可知此题答案是B。


I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her husband died because of traffic accident. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights with us.
The class was clearly over. She said,"Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you an important thought.”  “Each of us is on Earth to learn, share, love and *appreciate. We must *cherish every single day.”
Her eyes beginning to water, she went on, “So I would like you to make me a *promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful. It could be a *scent----perhaps of freshly baked bread, or it could be the sound of the *breeze slightly *rustling the leaves in the trees.
“Please look for these things, and cherish them. For, although it may sound * trite, these things are the *stuff of life. They are the little things on Earth to enjoy. They are the things we often take for *granted. We must try to notice them because it can be easily taken away at any time.”
The class was completely quiet. We picked up our books and went out of the room silently. That afternoon I noticed more things on my way from school than I had that whole semester.
I often think of that teacher and try to appreciate all off those things that sometimes we *overlook.
Take notice of something special you see on your lunch time today. Walk *barefoot along the beach at *sunset. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we didn’t do.
【小题1】In the writer’s eyes , the high school teacher was ________________________.

A.weak B.happy C.strict D.special
【小题2】The words “insight” in the first paragraph means_____________________.
A.promise B.thought C.love D.thing
【小题3】From the underlined sentence in the third paragraph we know the writer’s teacher suggests ____________.
A.cherishing every single day
B.finding something beautiful
C.cherishing even very little things
D.taking for granted
【小题4】The best title for the passage may be __________________________.
A.My high school days B.Making a promise
C.My teacher’s insights D.Little things in life

Which country grows the most tea? The answer is India. It grows three times as much as China. Which country drinks the most tea? It’s neither China nor Japan. It’s Great Britain.
In the wild, tea plants may be 30 feet tall. But a plant grown for market is pruned. Pruning keeps the plant only three or four feet tall. This is an easy height for tea picking. Only the two top leaves and bud of each new shoot are picked. So to make money, tea plantations must be huge.
In general, there are two kinds of tea. Black tea and green tea. Black tea is fermented. In the process, the tea loses nearly all of its healthy qualities. Green tea is steamed right after the leaves are picked. Green tea retains its healthy qualities. For example, it may prevent heart disease.
How did we get tea bag? The answer: by accident. Tea merchants used to send samples in tin boxes. This was costly. One merchant thought of a cheaper way. He sent samples in small silk bags. Customers would cut open the bag. They would brew the leaves as usual. One customer put the bag into a pot. Then he just poured hot water over it. And the tea bag was born.
Shen Nong was the first to drink tea. (Shen was a Chinese emperor.) This was about 2737 B.C. Shen had bad digestion. So he drank several cups of hot water daily. One day something happened. Leaves from a wild tea tree fell into the hot water pot. The next cup was poured. The water was now colored. Shen sipped it. He liked it. He drank it all. Shen was proud of his new drink. He served it to his guests. Word spread. People thought this way. Tea is good enough for the Emperor. So it must be good enough for the people. Tea became the drink of China.
【小题1】The best title for this passage should be ________________.

A.Black Tea B.Tea Plant
C.About Tea D.Tea Bag
【小题2】One difference between green tea and black tea is that green tea __________.
A.must be pruned B.has a better taste
C.is fermented D.is healthier
【小题3】What does the underlined word “retains” mean?
A.Keeps. B.Makes.
C.Produces. D.Loses.
【小题4】We can know from this passage that __________.
A.tea bag was invented by a merchant
B.tea is better than any other drink
C.tea is popular in many countries
D.tea only grows in warm climates

A Korean(韩国的) wave is sweeping across China. Many Chinese women think South Korean actors Kim Soo-hyun(金秀贤) and Lee Min-ho(李敏镐) are their demigods(男神). Chinese people have different ideas about South Korean TV dramas, but there is no doubt that many people in China are interested in Korean TV dramas. And a big part of the credit(功劳) for that goes to You Who Came From The Star《来自星星的你》, the South Korean TV series which is on the air now.
In You Who Came From The Star ,the top South Korean actors Jun Ji-hyun(全智贤) and Kim Soo-hyun recently earned a popularity rating(收视率) of 24.8 percent in their country.  You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs(继承者们) have  been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia.
The two TV programs have several common elements(元素): a tall, handsome, and rich hero who loves a woman and always protects her, and an equally handsome man madly in love with the same woman. Both programs represent the purity of love. Perhaps that’s the secret of their success; perhaps people still love Cinderella-type(灰姑娘型的) stories.
However, Chinese TV screens are full of poorly made soap operas(肥皂剧). Most of the Chinese TV dramas either describe the War against Japanese or blindly copy foreign programs. There are too many TV series on time travel or fights in the palace of Qing Dynasty (清朝1644-1911). These, in short, do harm to Chinese TV productions.
Hopefully, the success of South Korean TV programs will encourage Chinese TV drama makers to think of new ideas and give up their bad practice of copying foreign productions in order to attract more viewers at home, and possibly abroad.

【小题1】Who is the main actor in the Korean TV dramas You Who Came From The Star?

A.Jun Ji-hyun B.Kim Soo-hyun 
C.Lee Min-ho D.both A and B 
【小题2】 Why aren’t the Chinese dramas so popular as the Korean TV dramas?
A.The actors are not handsome. 
B.The stories are not interesting. 
C.Therearen’tstories about time travel. 
D.The fights in them are too cruel. 
【小题3】Which is not mentioned(提及,涉及) in the passage?
A.Therating of the Korean dramaThe Heirs. 
B.Many people in China are interested in Korean TV dramas. 
C.Too manyTV series on time traveldo harm toChinese TV productions. 
D.The success willencourageChinese TV drama makers to thinkofnew ideas. 
【小题4】Which is not the common element in Korean TV dramas?
A.A handsome actor B.Two main actors love the same woman 
C.Time travel D.Pure love story 
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The TV drama makers 
B.The actors in TV dramas 
C.TV dramas need creativestories 
D.The differences between China and Korea. 

Why play games? Because they are fun, and a lot more besides. Following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member------these are all “game” ideas that you will have throughout your life.
Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Some games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dreams that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and teamwork.
Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as adults. For example, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones. It can be very helpful to exercise their hands and eyes, which is needed in hunting.
Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in the friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for a whole country, not just the athlete who has got it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.
Sports are also an event that brings people together. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it------some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He set up an organization which can provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a hopeful future.
Next time, when you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in your life.
【小题1】The underlined part “translate life into exciting dreams” in Paragraph 2 most probably
means that games can ________.

A.describe life in an exciting way
B.turn real-life experiences into a play
C.change people’s views of sporting events
D.teach children something useful and important
【小题2】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The whole country.
B.The gold medal.
C.The event.
D.The game.
【小题3】According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging?
A.It means a lot for a whole country.
B.It proves how excellent the winners are.
C.It helps the country out of natural disasters.
D.It brings the winners satisfaction and money.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The most famous games are the Olympic Games.
B.People around the world play soccer just for fun.
C.The game called bones can be helpful to the Arabian children.
D.Nicolette Iribarne gives poor children a chance for a better life.
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The popular games.
B.Games and real life.
C.The advantages of games.
D.Children’s games and the future.

Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum(论坛) asking what “PK” meant.
“My family has been watching the ‘I Am the Singer’ singing competition TV program. My little daughter asked me what ‘PK’ meant, but I had no idea,” explained the puzzled father.
To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, “PK” is short for “Player Kill”, in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.
In the case of the “I Am the Singer” singing competition, “PK” was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition raking.
Like this father, Chinese teachers at Middle schools have also been finding their students using Internet jargons which are difficult to understand. A teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write the compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didn’t understand.
“My ‘GG’ came back this summer from college. He told me I’ve grown up to be a ‘PLMM’. I loved to ‘FB’ with him together; he always took me to the ‘KPM’,” went one composition.
“GG” means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). “PLMM” is Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). “FB” means Fu Bai (corruption). “KPM” is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonald’s.
Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language. If you do not even know what a Kong Long (dinosaur, meaning an ugly looking female) or a Qing Wa (frog, meaning an ugly looking male ) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!
【小题1】By writing the article, the writer tries to _________.
A. explain some Internet jargons               
B. suggest common Internet jargons
C. draw our attention to Internet jargons
【小题2】What does the underlined word Internet jargons mean?
A. Internet language            
B. Internet action           
C. Internet fashion
【小题3】What does the writer think about the word “PK”?
A. Fathers can’t possibly know it.
B. The daughter should understand it.
C. Online game players may know it.
【小题4】The example of the Beijing father and the Tianjin teacher are used to show that Internet jargons__________.
A. are used not only online
B. cause trouble to our mother tongue
C. are welcomed by all the people
【小题5】What would be the best title for the passage?
A. A Puzzled Father!    
B. Do You Speak Internet English?
C. Kong Long or Qing Wa?

 People believed for a long time that heart was the center of a person’s emotions. That is why the word “heart” is used in so many expressions about emotional situations.
One such expression is to “lose your heart” to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who “won your heart” does not love you, then you are sure to have a “broken heart”. In your pain and sadness, you may decide that the person you love is “hard-hearted”, and in fact, has a “heart of stone”.
You may decide to “pour out your heart” to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.
If your friend does not seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to “have a heart”. You are asking your friend to show some sympathy(同情) for your situation. Your friend “has her heart in the right place” if she says she is sorry, and shows great concern(关心).
If your friend says no to you, do not “lose heart”. Be “strong-hearted”. Sit down with him or her and have a “heart to heart” talk. Be open and honest about your situation. Then you may have a “change of heart” Then you could stop worrying and “put your heart at rest”.
【小题1】 When bob loves Mary, you might say that he ___________________.

A.wins Mary’s heartB.has got his heart
C.loses his heart to MaryD.lends Mary his heart
【小题2】 When you are getting into trouble or feeling sad, you should _______to your best friend.
A.pour out your heartB.have a rest
C.have a change of heartD.be hard-hearted
【小题3】 When one of your best friend has suddenly fallen badly ill, you usually _______to show your worry about his health and try your best to care for him.
A.have a heart of stoneB.have your heart in the right place
C.be strong-heart in the right placeD.have a heart
【小题4】 “Don’t lose heart, and you are sure to win the match.” Here “Don’t lose heart” means“____________”.
A.put your heart into somethingB.you can’t find your heart
C.don’t worry about somethingD.be brave
【小题5】. The underlined words “heart to heart” in the passage means “_______” in Chinese.

It's not just women who wear skirts. Men can wear them, too. In Scotland, men wear a kind of skirt called a kilt. The kilt is their national dress and an important part of their tradition (传统).
A kilt is a colored skirt reaching down to the knees(膝盖). It has checks (格子) on it with different colors, like red or blue. Each family in Scotland has its own colors.
How did the Scots start to wear kilts? There are many stories about it. One story is that the kilt was invented (发明) in the 1720s by an English factory owner, Thomas Rawlinson. Rawlinson had a lot of Scottish workers in his factory and he thought their clothing got in the way of their work. So he cut their long clothes into a shorter skirt.
Today, most Scotsmen see kilts as formal(正式)dresses. They usually only wear them at weddings or big dinners. There are only a few men who still wear a kilt every day. Scots also wear kilts in parades when they play their traditional musical instrument(乐器): bagpipes (风笛). The army still has kilts as the dress uniform (制服), but they no longer wear them to fight (打仗).
【小题1】 A kilt is ____.





【小题2】In Scotland, different families have different ___.
A.colors   B.checks   C.rules   D.shapes
【小题3】What does "got in the way of" in the third paragraph mean?
A.到达   B.得到   C.在路上   D.妨碍
【小题4】When do Scotsmen wear kilts?
A.At weddings B.At big dinners C.In parades D.all of the above
【小题5】The story mainly tells us ____.
A.things about Scotsmen's traditional kilts
B.how to wear kilts
C.when to wear kilts
D.Scotsmen's important tradition

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