Paul loves his wife and children very much, and they love him, too. However, it isn't easy to live with Paul. He gets angry easily, and he doesn't have many friends. Paul's wife, Linda, is very different. She's always smiling and kidding. She likes to tell jokes and make people laugh. She's never quiet for long and hardly gets angry. She has a lot of friends. Paul and Linda often fight (争辩) about their children. Linda thinks Paul is too strict with them, he shouts at them a lot. He forgets that they're only children. Paul thinks Linda is too easy (随和的) with the children, and she always lets them do whatever they want to do, but that's not right, Linda, however, corrects (纠正) the children when it's' necessary, and they listen to her. She doesn't shout at them, but they obey (服从) her. She's very kind and patient.

1.Paul's wife and children find it difficult to live with Paul because he ________.

A.gets angry easily B.talks too much outgoing and athletic D.always invites many friends home

2.Linda has ________ friends than Paul.

A.many B.much C.fewer D.more

3.The children ________.

A.don't love their father B.are strict with their father their mother's ways of treating them whatever their father asks them to do

4.From the passage, we know ________.

A.Linda and Paul don't love each other

B.Paul doesn't think it is right to let the children do whatever they want to do

C.Linda always shouts at her children

D.Linda and Paul often fight mostly because he has no friends

Basketball Trainer Wanted

Can you play basketball? Are you good with kids? Can you teach them with basketball on Friday? Come and join us. Call Mr. Cecil at 530-6342.

DIY Club

Do you like to make cards, cakes or model(模型) planes by yourself? Do you want to make them well? You can come here every weekend evening. Tel: 828-4940 Add: Room 102 in School Building

Let’s Learn Writing

Do you enjoy writing? Do you want to improve( 提 高 ) it? Join the Writing Lab now. Phipps can help you.

Time: 8:00 a. m.~11: 00 a. m.

from Monday to Friday. Call Phipps at 569-5348.

Saturday Band

Attention, boys and girls, do you like music very much? Can you sing or dance? Come to join us. Saturday Band will be your best choice(选择) !

Please call Verne at 758-4612 or send an e-mail to music @126. com.


1.Phipps can help you________.

A.sing or dance basketball C.make cards well D.improve writing

2.Mick can play basketball well and he wants to find a job. Who can he call?

A.Mr. Cecil. B.Phipps. C.Mr. Sherman. D.Verne.

3.Jerry joins the DIY club. He can go to the club________.

A.every day B.every weekend evening

C.every Saturday and Sunday morning D.8. 00 a. m.~11: 00 a. m. from Monday to Friday

4.You love music and you want to join the Saturday Band. How can you contact(联 系) with them?

A.Call 828-4940. B.Call 569-5348.

C.Go to the room 102 in School Building. D.Send an e-mail to music@126. com.

5.Sandra works on weekdays. She is friendly to kids and teaches them how to write. Where does she work?

A.The DIY club. B.The Writing Lab. C.The Saturday Band. D.The Basketball club.

When you are away from home, eating is more than just a way to keep your stomach full. Sharing a meal with others is a kind of communication.

When you are in a foreign country, saying yes to the food on your plate is important. It means that you accept the host and the country. That's why most experienced travelers try to eat everything everywhere, even though the dish looks strange.

We often fell uncomfortable with food that we are unfamiliar(不熟悉的) with. However, food that seems strange in one culture may be a favorite food in another. South China, for example, there are many restaurants that make dishes from snakes. Sheep's eyeballs may be unfamiliar in some parts of the world,but in Saudi Arabia,they are a choice food. In parts of Colombia,roasted ants are.

Can you refuse such food politely? Most experienced travelers say no. You should at least try a bit of it. Cut things into very thin pieces. This way, you won't notice what it looks like or remember where it came from. Or," swallow(晒下) it quickly," as one traveler advises. "I still can't tell you what roasted ants taste like."

Another useful piece of advice is this: It's better if you don't know what you are eating. Don't ask what's for dinner. Avoid looking at the kitchen or looking at restaurant menus. Your host will be very happy because you are eating the food that he or she offers.

1.Why is it important to say yes to the food on your plate in a foreign country?

A.Because it shows the importance of tasting foreign food

B.Because it shows you are a very polite traveler.

C.Because it means you accept the food culture in this country

D.Because it means you are interested in the foreign country

2.Where has the traveler in Paragraph 4 most probably been to?

A.the United States B.China. C.Saudi Arabia D.Colombia

3.According to the text, what should you do when served strange food in a foreign country?

A.Learn where it came from. B.See how it was cooked.

C.Ask about its name. D.Have a taste of it.

4.Which of the following is true?

A.People in Saudi Arabia like to eat snakes.

B.Sharing meals is a good way to communicate with others.

C.We'd better not eat food that seeing strange in foreign countries.

D.Most experienced travelers often look at the menu.

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