
— Who did it better, Bill or Henry?

— I think Bill did just _______ Henry.

  1. A.
    as well as
  2. B.
    as good as
  3. C.
    as better as
  4. D.
    more badly than
“as ... as”用于比较句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级,意思是"达到与什么相同的程度",即“as + 形容词或副词原级 + as”。C答案用了比较级better,故排除;D答案badly的比较级是worse,不是more badly,故排除;B答案用了形容词good,而此题是修饰动词,应用副词,故选A:“I think Bill did just as well as Henry. 我认为比尔跟亨利做得一样好。”

I live in the north of New York. One day last 31 when we received our first snow, I looked out and knew that I had to stay at home.
An hour later, I tried to go out to walk my dog. But to my  32, I found my sidewalk and path were cleaned. I had no idea 33  did this good deed(事情). I looked over to my neighbor’s sidewalk. There stood the husband with also surprising looks on his face. I  34  him who did it. He also had no idea.
About a week later, we had another snow and I  35 to find the snow angel (天使). It was a good plan, but I got busy inside and  36 to keep a look out. When I remembered to look out, the sidewalk was 37  again.
Now I believe determined (坚决的) to find my snow angel. I asked everyone I knew in the neighborhood. I had 38  here for only three years and only knew some of them. So once again my snow angel got away.
I waited for the third snow. While I was reading I  39 some noise. Tears came to my eyes. I found my snow angel was an 8-year-old boy. He lives a few houses away from me, 40  he came here to clean my side-walk.
For a short time I know , he is an angel for everyone, not only for me.


If someone says to you, “give me five”, don't give five yuan to him! It will make others laugh! The person isn't asking for your money, but your fingers.
In the U.S.A, “give me five” or “give me the high five” is a good gesture(手势). You can see it often in films or on TV. It means the slapping (拍打)of each other's right hands together. People do it when something happy happens. For example, if a student does well in exams or gets No. 1 in his school sports meet, he will give high fives to his friends to celebrate.
Who did this gesture first? Why did he do that? It may come from the old Roman (古罗马的) gesture of raising(举起)the right arm for the emperor(皇帝). This showed that the person raising his arm had nothing in his hand and he couldn't hurt the emperor.
Why not try to give the high five to your friends?
【小题1】“Give me five” is a gesture to  _______.
A. make people laugh
B. ask for money
C. celebrate good things
【小题2】The gesture “give me five” is the slapping of  _______.
A. feet         B. hands       C. heads
【小题3】Now you can do “give me five” when you  _______.
A. lose your money
B. do badly in exams
C. meet your best friend
【小题4】The gesture started in  _______ according to(根据) the story.
A. Rome(罗马)         B. America              C. China
【小题5】The Romans raise the right arms for the emperor to show they  _______
A. liked him very much
B. were happy to see him
C. were safe for him

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