



1.A.Kids won't go to school.

B.Kids will study on computers at home.

C.Kids will go to school.

2.A.Because her clothes are out of style.

B.Because her clothes are in style.

C.Because her clothes are too small.

3.A.She was sleeping.

B.She was reading in the library.

C.She was standing in front of the library.

4.A.Play basketball.

B.Play volleyball.

C.Go skating.

5.A.Next year.

B.This summer vacation.

C.This weekend.




7.A.Yes, he can.

B.No, he can't.

C.Yes, I can.

8.A.At school.

B.On the street.

C.At home.


B.Tomorrow evening.

C.This weekend.




10.What's wrong with Peter?

A.He argued with his best friend.

B.His brother played his CD too loud.

C.He had a fight with his best friend.

11.What will he do?

A.Write him a letter.

B.Take about it on the phone.

C.Give him a ticket to a ball game.


12.What's the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Brother and sister.


13.When will they hold the party?

A.At 6∶00 pm on Friday.

B.At 6∶30 pm on Saturday.

C.At 6∶30 pm on Sunday.

14.What will they buy as a gift?

A.A tie.

B.A scarf.

C.A shirt.


15.When did the conversation happen?

A.Before the exam.

B.After the exam.

C.After getting the report card.

16.How did the boy get on with his English study?

A.He was better at reading than speaking.

B.He was better at speaking than reading.

C.He was better at listening than writing.

17.What did the science teacher think of the boy?

A.He was lazy.

B.He was hard-working.

C.He was clever.


18.Does the boy usually cook at home?

A.Yes, he does.

B.No, he doesn't.

C.Yes, he did.

19.What will he have for supper?

A.Beef noodles.

B.Italian noodles.

C.Rice and vegetables.

20.Why does the boy cook himself?

A.Because his mother isn't at home.

B.Because he likes cooking himself.

C.Because his father is on business.

21.Who is good at cooking?

A.The boy's father.

B.The girl's father.

C.The boy's mother.


22.What is the speaker?

A.A doctor.

B.A teacher.

C.A shopkeeper.

23.Where will they go for their school trip?

A.To a zoo.

B.To a cinema.

C.To a park.

24.How long will it take to get to Merryland.

A.About half an hour.

B.About 20 minutes.

C.About an hour.

25.What should they take?


B.Food and drinks.




  Test 1

  WIn 100 years, I bet kids won't go to schoolThey'll study on computers at home

  MOh, I disagreeThere will always be schools

  QWhat does the man mean?

  Test 2

  MYou look unhappyWhat's wrong?

  WOh……my clothes are out of styleI don't look cool

  QWhy is the girl unhappy?

  Test 3

  MWhat were you doing when the UFO landed?

  WWell; I was standing in front of the library

  QWhat was the girl doing when the UFO landed?

  Test 4

  WDo you play sports, Bob?

  MYes, I play volleyball, and you?

  WI sometimes go skating

  MThat sounds like funWhy don't we try it this weekend?

  WGood idea

  QWhat will they probably do this weekend?

  Test 5

  MMum, I want to go to Hong Kong as soon as possible

  WYour dream will come true this summer vacation

  QWhen will the boy go to Hong Kong?

  Test 6

  MI think I will go to the party with Linda and Mary

  WIf you do, you will have a good time

  QHow many people will go to the party?

  Test 7

  WWhat did your Spanish teacher say, John?

  MMs Green says I was good at speaking

  QCan John speak Spanish well?

  Test 8

  MSusan, why don't you go to bed?It's ten o'clock now

  WDon't worry, dadI'm studying for the math test tomorrowI'll go to sleep soon

  QWhere are they talking?

  Test 9

  WWill there be a movie tonight?

  MNo, there won'tThere will be a movie tomorrow evening on the playground

  QWhen will there be a movie?

  Test 10

  WHey, Peter, what's wrong?

  MI had an argument with my best friendWhat should I do?

  WWell, you could write him a letter

  MI don't think soI don't like writing letters

  WMaybe you should call him up

  MNO, I don't want to talk about it on the phone

  WWell, you should say you are sorry

  MYes, I know I should, but it's not easy

  WHey, I knowYou could give him a ticket to a ball game

  MWell, that's a good idea

  Test 11

  WIt's Friday todayThe day after tomorrow is Father's birthdayWhat should we get for him?

  MHow about holding a birthday party?

  WSounds goodBut when and where will we hold the party?

  MIt's said that Sunshine Restaurant is a wonderful placeSo I think we can hold the party thereWe can start at half past sixpmon Sunday

  WPretty goodWhat should we get for Father as a gift?

  MWe bought him a beautiful tie last yearWhat about a scarf this time?

  WSounds greatLet's go shopping this afternoon


  Test 12

  WDid you get your report card today?


  WHow is your report?

  MI did OK

  WWhat did your English teacher say?

  MHe said Ias better at reading than speaking

  WWhat about your science?

  MOH, it's a pityMy science teacher said I was lazy

  WThat's to say you should be more and more hard-working next semester

  MI guess I should

  Test 13

  WDo you usually cook at home?

  MNo, I don'tBut I have to cook this evening


  MBecause my mother is on businessI'll have to cook myself

  WDoes your mother do well in cooking?

  MYes, she can cook very well

  WCan your father cook?

  MNo, he can't

  WWhat will you cook for supper?

  MI'll cook Italian noodles

  WEnjoy your noodles

  MThank you

  Test 14

  Attention, pleaseI am going to say something about our school trip tomorrowFirst, we'll get on the bus is leaving for Merryland at seven thirty in the morningThen the bus is leaving for Merryland at ten to eightIt will get there at about ten to nineIt's such a wonderful park that I am sure you'll enjoy themselves thereYou can row a boat or cycleWe won't leave the park until half past three in the afternoonSo you'd better take some food and drinks with youWe will have lunch thereWe'll meet at the gate of the park at three ten pm, and then go home by busOKPlease be safe and have fun





1.Why does Yao Hua come here?

A.For holiday.

B.On business.

C.To study English.

2.What did the woman mean?

A.She had never been to London.

B.She had been to London.

C.She wanted to go to London.

3.Who would like to drink some orange juice?




4.What time is it now?




5.Where is the boy now?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In the school.

C.In a shop.




6.What will the man do on Friday?

A.Work late.

B.Go on business.

C.Have dinner with his friends.

7.What does the woman always do on Saturday evening?

A.She plays basketball.

B.She plays football.

C.She watches football.

8.When is Jane’s birthday?

A.March 8th.

B.March 28th.

C.June 8th.


9.What time will the plane take off?




10.Why does the man think that it should be a good trip?

A.Because he will sit by the window.

B.Because the plane is beautiful.

C.Because the weather is fine.

11.When does the man get on the plane?

A.Several minutes before it takes off.

B.Half an hour before it takes off.

C.Two hours before it takes off.


12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In their home.

B.In their office.

C.At their school.

13.Why doesn’t the man go to see the police film?

A.He has seen it before.

B.It’s full of fear.

C.It’s not exciting.

14.What will they do this evening?

A.Go out to see the musical(音乐剧).

B.Stay home and watch TV.

C.Go to the theater.


15.What’s the weather like now?




16.What will they do?

A.They will watch TV.

B.They will make a snowman.

C.They will go skiing.

17.Why is the boy so happy?

A.Because he has never seen snow before.

B.Because it snows in winter.

C.Because he dreamed of snowing.


18.Where are the two speakers?

A.At the office.

B.At home.

C.At school.

19.What is the woman doing?

A.She is waiting for a call.

B.She is listening to songs.

C.She is listening to the telephone ringing.

20.How will the man plan to help the woman?

A.He will open the window.

B.He will do her work outside.

C.He will call her.




21.What’s the weather like?




22.How did the speaker go to school?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By bike.

23.Why was the speaker angry?

A.Nobody said hello to her.

B.Nobody said sorry to her.

C.Nobody said happy birthday to her.

24.What did the speaker forget to bring to school?

A.The homework.

B.The textbook.

C.The notebook.

25.What happened in the end?

A.The parents made a birthday cake for the speaker.

B.The teacher invited the speaker for lunch.

C.The speaker had a wonderful birthday lunch.


26.Why does Rosa swim 15 to 30 kilometers a day?

A.She spends all day at the swimming pool.

B.She knows that training is important.

C.She is hoping to win her first world swimming record(纪录).

27.What is the reason that Rosa was able to sleep for 10 hours?

A.Her family is quiet in the evening.

B.She likes getting up late.

C.She is very tired when she goes to bed.

28.How long does Brad run a day?

A.30 to 40 kilometers.

B.40 to 50 kilometers.

C.50 to 60 kilometers.

29.What kind of life do most sportsmen have?

A.A quiet life.

B.A noisy life.

C.A busy life.

30.What’s needed for most sportsmen?

A.Much training, good food, plenty of sleep and a careful life.

B.Much training, not smoking, not drinking and plenty of sleep.

C.Much training, much food and plenty of sleep.




第一节 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中,选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。

6What's his name?




7What does Paul look like?

AHe has a round head

BHe is short

CHe has a round face

8How far is Beihai Road?

A5 kilometers

B10 kilometers

C15 kilometers

9Whose shoes are these?




10What does Mary want to drink?

ASome tea

BSome water

CSome coffee

第二节 听下面四段对话,每段对话后有两至三个问题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。


11Who is the message from?




12What will they do this Saturday evening?

AHave a party

BGo for a walk

CSee a movie

13When are they going to have a picnic?

ANext Sunday

BThis Sunday


14What are they going to bring for a picnic?

AA guitar

BA violin

CA camera


15What song is Tom going to listen to at the concert?

AMy Heart Will Go On

BYesterday Once More

CTake Me to Your Heart

16Where is Celin Dion going to give the concert?

AAt the theater

BIn the gym

CAt the Music Hall

17What time will the concert start?

AAt 630pm

BAt 730pm

CAt 700pm


18Where did Lily go for a trip?




19What does Lily think of the people there?




20What places of interest did they visit?

AMount Tai and Qingdao

BMount Tai and Qufu

CQufu and Qingdao


21How many people are having lunch at the table?




22There is some rice, ________ on the table for lunch



Cmeat and bread

23Gary doesn't eat rice ________

Ain the morning

Bin the middle of the day

Cin the evening

24After lunch Gary and his mother work ________

Ain the factory

Bat the school

Con the farm

25Does Gary have any rice for supper?

AYes, he does

BNo, he doesn't

CYes, he is



26Ain the south Bin the north Cin the center

27Aon the right Bon the left Cin the center

28Anear Bbehind Cin front of

29Atable tennis Bbasketball Cvolleyball

30Atwo Bthree Cfour


一、第一节 听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每段对话只听一遍。(本题共10分,每小题1分)


1.What’s the season?





2.What time would the man like to see the woman?

A.Earlier than 6∶00.

B.At 6∶00.

C.At 8∶00.


3.What does Tom want Mary to do?

A.To keep his new phone number.

B.To tell Andrew his new phone number.

C.To tell Andrew to call him at his new number.


4.What colour is the skirt?



C.Light blue.


5.What did the man thank for?

A.The last bus.

B.The wonderful lunch.

C.The delicious supper.


6.Whose successful news is it?





7.What does the man invite Judy to do?

A.To join in a birthday party.

B.To join in a dance.

C.To join in a dinner.


8.Which floor is Mr.Johnson’s office on?

A.The ninth floor.

B.The nineteenth floor.

C.The twelfth floor.


9.What does the woman mean?

A.Having sports is good for health.

B.Drinking lots of water is bad for health.

C.Drinking icy water after sports is bad for health.


10.How does Jimmy feel?

A.Unhappy. B.A little tired. C.Very well.

第二节 听下面三段对话,每段对话后有3到4个问题。在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每段对话听两遍。(本题共10分,每小题1分)


11.What is the report about?

A.Mrs.Green’s trouble.

B.Mr.Green’s anger.

C.The city buses.

12.Why does Mrs.Green complain about the city buses?

A.Because the buses don’t wait for her.

B.Because the buses don’t arrive on time.

C.Because there is no timetable for the buses.

13.How long did Mr.Green wait for the bus once?

A.15 minutes.

B.50 minutes.

C.The city buses.


14.Why does the woman like to watch the football game on TV?

A.Because she doesn’t like to go to the stadium.

B.Because she thinks it expensive to watch it in the stadium.

C.Because she can watch the football game more clearly on TV.

15.How does the man like watching the football game in the stadium?

A.No fun.

B.Very exciting.

C.Very noisy.

16.What will they do tonight?

A.They will watch the game at home.

B.They will watch the game in the stadium.

C.They will watch the game separately(分别地)


17.What is the relationship between Mr.Smith and Helen?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Father and daughter.

18.Where was Helen’s family two years ago?

A.In England.

B.In America.

C.In France.

19.What company is Helen’s father working for?

A.An American company.

B.A French company.

C.A British company.

20.What is Helen’s mother?

A.A worker.

B.A world traveller.

C.A housewife.

第三节 听短文,根据短文内容在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。短文听两遍。(本题共5分,每小题1分)

21.When did David see the accident?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

22.What was the man doing while he was driving?

A.Eating a hot dog.

B.Drinking a bottle of milk.

C.Talking on his mobile phone.

23.What happened then?

A.The sports car crashed into the truck.

B.The truck crashed into the sports car.

C.The sports car and the truck crashed into each other.

24.How was the woman at first?

A.Too angry to move.

B.Too frightened to move.

C.Too badly hurt to move.

25.Who was hurt badly?

A.The woman.

B.The man.

C.No one.





1.What does the man want to be?

A.A dentist.

B.An actor.

C.A scientist.


2.What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?





3.What will the woman like to use?


B.A fork.

C.A knife.


4.Where is the supermarket?

A.Next to the hospital.

B.In front of the hospital.

C.Next to the library.


5.How is the woman’s mother?







6.What will Mary’s mother receive as a present?

A.A shirt.

B.A skirt.


7.Who will go to buy the present?

A.Mary and her father.

B.Mary and her mother.

C.Mary’s father and mother.


8.How long will the woman stay in Tibet?

A.A week.

B.A day.

C.A month.

9.Who is going to Hong Kong?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Neither of them.


10.How far does the woman have to walk to get to Maoming International Hotel?

A.One block.

B.Two blocks.

C.Three blocks.

11.Who is the woman?

A.She is a stranger in the city.

B.She is the boy’s teacher.

C.She is the boy’s friend.




12.Who is the man?

A.A teacher.

B.A policeman.

C.A waiter.

13.Where did the lady lose her bag?

A.On a bus.

B.At the bus station.

C.In the restaurant.

14.Which of the following is NOT in the lady’s bag?

A.ID card.

B.Mobile phone.

C.Driving license.


15.Where are they going to have a picnic this Saturday?

A.The beach.

B.The Forest Park.

C.The bus station.

16.When will they meet?

A.7∶45 a.m.

B.8∶00 a.m.

C.8∶15 a.m.

17.How will they get there?

A.By bike.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.


18.What is the man going to do tonight?

A.To go to school.

B.To go to his friend’s home.

C.To go to see a film.

19.At first, what did the woman want the man to do?

A.To stay at home.

B.To meet his friend.

C.To come back before 11 o’clock.

20.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Mother and son.

C.Manager and worker.




21.How many changes are there for the meeting?




22.Where will they finally hold the meeting?

A.Room 201.

B.Room 301.

C.Room 401.

23.How many meters on foot is it from the school gate to the green building?

A.60 meters.

B.100 meters.

C.120 meters.

24.What time is the meeting going to begin now?

A.7∶30 a.m.

B.8∶00 a.m.

C.8∶30 a.m.

25.Who might the speaker be?

A.A teacher of the school.

B.A student’s parent.

C.A newspaper reporter.

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