



1.Why does Yao Hua come here?

A.For holiday.

B.On business.

C.To study English.

2.What did the woman mean?

A.She had never been to London.

B.She had been to London.

C.She wanted to go to London.

3.Who would like to drink some orange juice?




4.What time is it now?




5.Where is the boy now?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In the school.

C.In a shop.




6.What will the man do on Friday?

A.Work late.

B.Go on business.

C.Have dinner with his friends.

7.What does the woman always do on Saturday evening?

A.She plays basketball.

B.She plays football.

C.She watches football.

8.When is Jane’s birthday?

A.March 8th.

B.March 28th.

C.June 8th.


9.What time will the plane take off?




10.Why does the man think that it should be a good trip?

A.Because he will sit by the window.

B.Because the plane is beautiful.

C.Because the weather is fine.

11.When does the man get on the plane?

A.Several minutes before it takes off.

B.Half an hour before it takes off.

C.Two hours before it takes off.


12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In their home.

B.In their office.

C.At their school.

13.Why doesn’t the man go to see the police film?

A.He has seen it before.

B.It’s full of fear.

C.It’s not exciting.

14.What will they do this evening?

A.Go out to see the musical(音乐剧).

B.Stay home and watch TV.

C.Go to the theater.


15.What’s the weather like now?




16.What will they do?

A.They will watch TV.

B.They will make a snowman.

C.They will go skiing.

17.Why is the boy so happy?

A.Because he has never seen snow before.

B.Because it snows in winter.

C.Because he dreamed of snowing.


18.Where are the two speakers?

A.At the office.

B.At home.

C.At school.

19.What is the woman doing?

A.She is waiting for a call.

B.She is listening to songs.

C.She is listening to the telephone ringing.

20.How will the man plan to help the woman?

A.He will open the window.

B.He will do her work outside.

C.He will call her.




21.What’s the weather like?




22.How did the speaker go to school?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By bike.

23.Why was the speaker angry?

A.Nobody said hello to her.

B.Nobody said sorry to her.

C.Nobody said happy birthday to her.

24.What did the speaker forget to bring to school?

A.The homework.

B.The textbook.

C.The notebook.

25.What happened in the end?

A.The parents made a birthday cake for the speaker.

B.The teacher invited the speaker for lunch.

C.The speaker had a wonderful birthday lunch.


26.Why does Rosa swim 15 to 30 kilometers a day?

A.She spends all day at the swimming pool.

B.She knows that training is important.

C.She is hoping to win her first world swimming record(纪录).

27.What is the reason that Rosa was able to sleep for 10 hours?

A.Her family is quiet in the evening.

B.She likes getting up late.

C.She is very tired when she goes to bed.

28.How long does Brad run a day?

A.30 to 40 kilometers.

B.40 to 50 kilometers.

C.50 to 60 kilometers.

29.What kind of life do most sportsmen have?

A.A quiet life.

B.A noisy life.

C.A busy life.

30.What’s needed for most sportsmen?

A.Much training, good food, plenty of sleep and a careful life.

B.Much training, not smoking, not drinking and plenty of sleep.

C.Much training, much food and plenty of sleep.



  1.W:Hello, Yao Hua, nice to meet you here.Are you here for holiday?

  M:No, I ’m not.

  W:On business?

  M:No, I’m learning English here.

  2.M:You’ve never been to London, have you?

  W:Yes, I have.

  M:Oh, when was that?

  W:I went there last summer.

  3.M:What would you like to drink, Lucy?

  W:A cup of tea with milk.

  M:What about you, Lily?

  W:A glass of orange juice, please.

  M:And you, Mary?

  W:Um, coffee, please.

  4.W:Hurry up! It’s a quarter to five already.

  M:Don’t worry.That clock is half an hour fast.

  W:Really? There’s still plenty of time.

  5.M:How much is this, please?

  W:Two dollars.

  M:Do you sell erasers?

  W:Yes.How Many do you like?

  M:Two, please.



  M:Hello, Annie.It’s Frank.What are you doing in your office?

  W:I’m working.I often work late on Thursday.I’m busy.

  M:Would you come and have dinner with us on Friday?

  W:Tomorrow? No, I’m afraid I won’t be able to.I’m going on business to New York.

  M:What about Saturday?

  W:Sorry, I never go out on Saturday evening.I always watch football on Saturday evening.

  M:Will you come round next Tuesday?

  W:Next Tuesday? Just a minute! It’ll be March the 8th.Oh, dear.Er…I promised Jane I would be at her birthday party.

  M:What do you say about the next Wednesday then?

  W:Let me see.Yes, Frank.Let’s make it next Wednesday.



  W:Bill, would you tell me the time?

  M:It’s 9∶30.

  W:Our plane will take off in an hour.We’d better go to the airport.

  M:Don’t worry.We have enough time.

  W:Enough? I usually get in it two hours early.

  M:But that’s too early.Have another drink, OK?

  W:Then when will you get on board?

  M:A few minutes before the plane takes off.

  W:Would you like to sit by the window?

  M:Yes, of course.We’ll be able to see the beautiful views since the weather is so fine.

  W:Look, the sun is coming out.

  M:Good.It should be a good trip.

  W:Oh, Bill, Let’s go to the airport now.

  M:All right.I have to follow you.


  M:Fine.Where would you like to go, Dora? Look up the newspaper to get information about the films or the theater.

  W:I see that a new play opened this week.

  M:But the newspaper said it was the worst play of the year.You don’t want to go there, I’m afraid.What else can we do?

  W:I’d enjoy a good concert, but, according to the paper there aren’t any tonight.

  M:Aren’t there any good films in town?

  W:How about the police film? That should be interesting.

  M:I don’t really enjoy police films.I think musicals are better.Police films can be a bit frightening.

  W:That’s what makes them exciting.

  M:I suppose so, but music makes me happy and I’d rather be happy than frightened.

  W:There’s a musical on at the park cinema.

  M:Good.Let’s go there.What time does it start?

  W:It started fifteen minutes ago.We just missed it.

  M:Well, I’m afraid all we can do this evening is to stay home and watch television.

  W:I was afraid you’d say that.Now it will take me another month to get you interested in going out.


  M:look! It’s snowing! Li Mei.Come out! It’s snowing!

  W:No, it can’t be.It’s not winter yet.

  M:Go with me to have a look now, do you believe me?

  W:Yes, You’re right.But it snows a lot here.It’s nothing exciting.

  M:But exciting for me.It’s the first time I’ve seen so much snow.I can’t tell how happy I am.

  W:I see.You must come from the south.

  M:Yes.It never snows in my hometown.I dreamed of making snowman when I was young.

  W:Why not do it now?

  M:Good idea.Let’s go.


  W:Was that the telephone ringing?

  M:I didn’t hear anything.

  W:I thought I heard it ring two or three times.

  M:Sometimes when the windows are open, you can hear the neighbor’s phone.

  W:Well, I’m expecting an important phone call, and I don’t want to miss it.

  M:Is it anything I should know about?

  W:Not really.It has something to do with work and it doesn’t matter to us here at home.

  M:Well, why don’t you go ahead and do what you wanted to do outside.I’ll call you if the phone rings for you.

  W:Thanks, I think I will.I’ve been waiting so long; now I’m getting nervous.I need to have a rest.



  I thought today was going to be really bad.To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad.And it was my birthday, but when I got up, no one was home, and Mom and dad hadn’t left me a note.I walked to school with my best friend, Gum.She didn’t say anything, either.This made me a lithe angry.After all, I remembered her birthday last month.In class, the teacher asked me for my homework, but I was so nervous when I left home.I had forgotten to bring it with me.That made me unhappy with myself.But things got better.Gum invited me for lunch.I was so surprised.Mom and Dad and all my friends were there.I had a wonderful surprising birthday lunch.That made me very happy.


  Rosa is only 17, but she holds 5 world swimming records.Training is very important, and Rosa swims between 15 and 20 kilometers a day.Her father drives her to the swimming pool at 5 a.m.He collects her again at 7∶30, to take her to school.In the afternoon, her mother takes her to the swimming pool.All the family have stopped watching television so that Rosa can have 10 hours’ sleep at night.Brad is 22 and a runner.He holds his country’s records for the 5,000 and 10, 000 meters.His time for the 5,000 meters is 15 seconds faster than world record 5 years ago.In order to run as fast as this, he has to practice much harder than any other player did.Brad used to be a clerk, but recently he stopped work in order to spend more time training.He runs 40 to 50 kilometers every day.Rosa and Brad do what most top players do, and so much training is necessary if they hope to win international races.Most sportsmen don’t smoke and do not drink either.They get plenty of sleep and live quiet and careful lives.Men are not machines, and training alone does not win races.Something else is always needed on the day.





1.What's Tom's favorite animal?




2.What does the boy want to drink?




3.What was Jim doing this time yesterday?




4.When will Mary go shopping with the man?




5.How can he get to the hospital?







6.What kind of TV programs does Wang Mei like?




7.Why does she like them?

A.Because they're interesting.

B.Because they're boring.

C.Because they're relaxing.


8.What picture is the woman showing the man?

A.A picture of the Great Wall.

B.A picture of Beijing Zoo.

C.A picture of the History Museum.

9.How many places did the woman visit besides the Great Wall?




10.What does the man say at the end of the dialogue?

A.He wants to visit Beijing next year.

B.He visited Beijing the year before.

C.He will visit Beijing this year.


11.What's wrong with the woman?

A.She has a headache.

B.Her back hurts.

C.She has a stomachache.

12.When did the woman start to feel that way?

A.This morning.

B.The day before yesterday.


13.What's the man's advice?

A.To eat some food she likes.

B.To buy a warm coat.

C.To have a good rest.


14.Who are the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Shopkeeper and customer.

15.What did the man buy?

A.Black trousers.

B.Brown trousers.

C.White trousers.

16.How much are the trousers?





17.The writer went to an old people's home to ________ last year.

A.look after them.

B.play the piano for them.

C.sing songs for them.

18.The old people felt ________ when they saw the children perform the play.




19.The writer wants to be ________ when he grows up.

A.a doctor

B.a volunteer.

C.a teacher.

20.Peter should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office ________.

A.once a week

B.once a year

C.once a month


21.When did the Tree Planting Day start?

A.March 20th,1987.

B.March 12th,1987.

C.March 12th ,1978.

22.How did the students get to the park?

A.They walked there.

B.They took a bus there.

C.They rode a bike there.

23.How far is it from the school to the park?

A.It's very far.

B.It's very near.

C.It's five kilometers away.

24.Where did the students get water?

A.From the bus.

B.From a river.

C.From a well.

25.How many trees did they plant that day?

A.More than 150.

B.Less than 300.

C.More than 300.


26.Mr Black worked ________.

A.in a factory

B.in a big city.

C.in a small town.

27.Mr Black washed his new car ________.

A.on Sunday

B.on Saturday

C.on Friday

28.At that moment, a friend of his asked him if the car was ________.

A.Mr black's



29.When there was ________, it was Mike's turn to use the car.

A.a basketball game

B.a football match

C.a party

30.Mr Black owned the car when the car ________.

A.needed washing

B.was clean

C.really looked nice




1.What’s the weather like in Chengdu today?

2.What time does the girl often go to school?

3.What’s Tom’s brother doing now?

4.How much is the T-shirt?

5.How did Tina get to Beijing?




6.What is the girl going to Shanghai for?

A.For her holiday.

B.For her business.

C.For a test.

7.How soon will the girl come back?

A.In a month.

B.In two weeks.

C.In a week.


8.What’s the matter with the woman?

A.She has a sore throat.

B.She has a toothache.

C.She has a headache.

9.What should she do?

A.Drink hot tea with honey.

B.Drink water and have a rest.

C.Go to the dentist.

10.How often does the woman take this medicine?

A.Twice a day.

B.Three times two days.

C.Three times a day.


11.What does Bolt look like?

A.He’s tall and thin.

B.He’s tall and strong.

C.He’s short and strong.

12.When was he born?

A.In 1980.

B.In 1986.

C.In 1976.

13.Why does Nick think Bolt is kind?

A.Because he raised money for the children in Wenchuan.

B.Because he often helps old people.

C.Because he teaches Nick to run fast.


14.Why didn’t Julia want to stay at Rock Club?

A.Because she didn’t like music.

B.Because the loud music made her tense.

C.Because the loud music made her bored.

15.The man likes loud music, doesn’t he?

A.Yes, he does.

B.No, he doesn’t.

C.No, he does.

16.What other things did Julia and Nancy do?

A.They went to the restaurant and the concert.

B.They went to the concert and saw a movie.

C.They went to the restaurant and saw a movie.


17.China’s biggest island is.



C.the Penghu Island

18.The capital of Taiwan Province is.




19.There is much in Taiwan all year round.




20.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Taiwan is covered with green only in spring.

B.Many long rivers in Taiwan come from the high mountains and run into the sea.

C.Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times.




1.Which is Jim’s house?

2.How did the boy sleep last night?

3.What are on the table?

4.How does Limei go to school every day?

5.Where does the boy’s father work?



6.A.At a bus stop

B.At an airport

C.At a train station

7.A.Next to a supermarket.

B.Next to a post office.

C.Next to a bank

8.A.On Tuesday morning

B.On Thursday morning

C.On Saturday morning

9.A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

10.A.Under the table.

B.On the chair

C.Under the window




11.What is the girl doing now?


B.Watching a game.

C.Writing a letter.

12.What do we know about the boy’s computer?

A.It’s old

B.It’s slow

C.It’s being mended.

13.Why does the girl often go to the library?

A.To do her part-time job

B.To meet her friends.

C.To waste the time.


14.When is their mother’s birthday?

A.May 10.

B.May 11.

C.May 12.

15.What will they buy as a present for their mother?

A.A pair of shoes.

B.A handbag.

C.A cake.

16.Where will Sam wait for Mary after class?

A.At the school gate.

B.In the classroom.

C.On the playground.


17.What was the weather like that day?




18.What was Tim doing when he met the speaker at first?

A.Having a holiday.

B.Studying abroad.

C.Going on a business trip.

19.Where does the speaker come from?




20.What was the relationship between the speaker and Tim later?

A.Good friends.

B.Husband and wife.





1.How did Mike go to the park?

2.What’s the matter with John?

3.What did the man and his friends do last Sunday?

4.Where was Helen yesterday?

5.What does the man’s grandpa often do on weekends?




6.How far is it from the woman's home to school?

A.60 miles. B.16 miles. C.6 miles.


7.When should the man return the book?

A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.


8.How much will the man pay for four shirts?

A.$4. B.$7. C.$14.


9.What probably is the woman?

A.A doctor. B.A teacher. C.A nurse.


10.What did the woman do yesterday?

A.She stayed at home. B.She called on Smith. C.She went to a hospital.



11.What does the boy want for Christmas?

A.A bike. B.A volleyball. C.A toy.

12.What will the boy act in the Christmas program?

A.A Wise Man. B.Jesus. C.A shepherd.

13.Who acted Joseph last year?

A.The boy. B.The girl. C.Anne.

14.What does the girl like about Christmas?

A.The presents. B.The programs. C.The songs.

15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Only children like Christmas.

B.The girl doesn't like Claus.

C.Anne is the boy's sister.



16.How old was Tom?

A.6. B.7. C.8.

17.Where can the man find Tom on Sundays?

A.At home. B.In the open air. C.In his classroom.

18.When did the last class begin?

A.At 3:45 pm. B.At 4:00 pm. C.At 4:15 pm.

19.What did the teacher ask Tom to do?

A.Wash his hands. B.Write some new words. C.Clean the blackboard.

20.What can we learn from the story?

A.The teacher taught Chinese.

B.The blackboard was dirty.

C.Tom's left hand was dirtier.




1What is MrWang’s telephone number?

2How will Lilei go to Beijing?

3What is Mike going to be when he grows up?

4How does Tom learn Chinese?

5When is the boy’s birthday?




6When does the conversation happen?

AIn the morning

BIn the afternoon

CIn the evening

7Where is the bank?

AIt’s next to the restaurant

BIt’s next to the hospital

CIt’s behind the hospital

8How far is the bank from here?

AAbout 30 minutes’ walk

BAbout 13 minutes’ walk

CAbout 30 minutes’ ride


9What’s the weather like today?

AIt’s sunny

BIt’s raining

CIt’s cloudy

10Where has Tina been?

AThe Summer Palace

BThe space museum

CThe Great Wall

11Is the bus station near their school?

AYes, it is

BNo, it isn’t

CSorry, I don’t know


12.-What did Li Hua use to look like?

She used to ________

Abe short , have long hair and wear glasses

Bbe tall, have short hair and wear contact lenses

Cbe short, have short hair and wear glasses

13Who played the piano?

ALi Hua


CWang Hai


14David takes some exercise every day, doesn’t he?

ANo, he doesn’t

BYes, he does

CNo, he does

15What do we know about David?

AHe never eats lunch at noon

BHe is busy but always does exercise

CHe works all day for long hours

16What does the woman suggest in the end?

AEating less food

BNot giving up watching TV

CEnjoying music while taking a walk


17How many children does the mother have?




18What does the mother always worry?

AHer children watch too much TV

BHer children eat too much every day

CHer children listen to the music too much in class

19What does the mother think it’s very important for her children to do?

Awatch TV more

BTo play computer games

CTo read some books

20What has the mother decided to do at last?

AShe has decided to sell the TV set at home

BShe has decided to sell her children’s MP4

CShe has decided to buy a new TV set

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