
【题目】The trousers are ______ dollars .

A. two hundred five B. two hundreds and five

C. two hundred and five D. two hundreds five



试题分析:句意:裤子两百零五元。百位和十位之间加and如果百位和个位之间是零,也要加and. 具体数字不加复数,故选C。


【题目】One day, John Randolph rode on his horse to a town many miles from his home. The road was strange to him, so he traveled very slowly. When the night fell, he stopped at a nice roadside inn for accommodation(求宿).The innkeeper welcomed him.

A fine supper was prepared. The innkeeper talked about the weather, the roads, the crops. However, his guest ate silently. Next morning after breakfast, Mr. Randolph paid his bill and was ready for his journey. Leading his horse to the door, the innkeeper said, "Which way will you travel, sir?" Mr. Randolph looked at him and answered, "I've paid you my bill. Should I pay you anything more? I travel the way I wish to go."

But not far from the inn, to his surprise, there were two ways. He searched for a while but there was no sign to help him. The innkeeper was still standing by the door. He called to him: "My friend, which road leads to Lynchburg?" The innkeeper answered, "Sir, you have paid your bill and don't owe(欠) me a cent. Travel the way you wish to go. Good-bye!"

As bad luck would have it, Mr. Randolph took the wrong road. Though out of his way, he lost much time, all because of his rudeness.

【1】John Randolph traveled slowly because

A. it was rainy

B. the horse was tired

C. the road was strange

D. the time was early

2According to the passage, the innkeeper was trying to be at first.

A. friendly B. silent

C. cool D. serious

3The span>innkeeper asked which way he would travel because .

A. he wanted more money

B. he wanted to help Mr. Randolph

C. he wanted to know the way

D. he wanted to keep Mr. Randolph

4We can learn from the story that

A. we shouldn't tell others we are rich

B. we shouldn't travel on a horse

C. we shouldn't be rude to others

D. we shouldn't stay in a roadside inn

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