
A new study has showed the importance of exercise for teenage girls. Scientists studied the information from a study made in Shanghai on 75,000 _________aged from 40 to 70. The team found that women who often_______ as a teenager were healthier than those who didn't.

The scientists said that teenage girls who did almost 80 minutes exercise a week had a 16 percent lower risk of _________ from illnesses. This percentage(百分比) went down to 13 for women who exercised more than 80 minutes a week as teenagers. They said that women would usually live ______if they did just 15 minutes of exercise a day in their teens.

Head scientist Dr. Sarah Nechuta said that _________ women in their twenties, thirties and forties did not go out to work, doing exercise as teens would help _________ live longer. She said, "Whether they are adults or _______ , as for women, they can take lower risks of illnesses if they take part in exercise."

She added, "Our study shows the ________ of starting exercising from teenager time. It helps teenagers take part in exercising so that they can take _________ risks of illnesses and live longer in their later life." Dr. Nechuta said that although the study __________ the information on women in China, theadvantage of exercising during the teen years could be helpful to all women anywhere in the world.

1.A.women B.men C.girls D.boys

2.A.studied B.worked C.exercised D.played

3.A.coming B.dying C.stopping D.leaving

4.A.nearer B.closer C.shorter D.longer

5.A.so that B.even if C.as soon as D.as for

6.A.them B.it C.her D.him

7.A.boys B.gills C.teenagers D.men

8.A.difficulty B.illness C.health D.importance

9.A.lower B.longer C.richer D.poorer

10.A.asked for B.depended on C.waited for D.taken out


The Little Prince, written by Anoine de Saint-Exupery, tells the story of an unlikely friendship. The story is about a prince from another planet who meets the books’ narrator(旁白者), a pilot. The Little Prince is one of the most _______ read stories, as well as one of the world’s most translated books. It can be read today in over 250 languages. It was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. The story of the book has been produced in many different forms over the years. They _______ records, radio and TV broadcasts, musicals, plays, movies and more.

The book’s French author wrote it in 1942 during World War II. This was two years after Germany invaded(侵略)Saint-Exupery’s home coutry of France. Much of Europe had been _______ and it was a time of great sadness. The author himself once crashed his place in the Sahara Desert. He later decided to set his famous story in the same _______. Shortly after the story begins, the narrator crashed in the desert. He soon realized he only had enough water to last a week. While working on his plane, he saw a golden-haired boy coming toward him. The narrator discovered that the child was an alien prince. The prince explained that he became _______ on his planet and decided to visit others and make friends. Over the next seven days, the two went on to learn some precious lessons and understand the importance of friendship. Other roles in the story also stand for various people in today’s society. Most people consider The Little Prince a children’s book. _______, the great story has many important lessons for adults, too. The writer wove(编写)a beautiful adventure story of friendship, love and duty.

1.A.exactly B.widely C.rarely D.properly

2.A.include B.improve C.invent D.imagine

3.A.artanged B.followed C.destroyed D.observed

4.A.mountain B.building C.exhibition D.location

5.A.active B.calm C.honest D.lonely

6.A.In fact B.After all C.For example D.On average

Comfort Zone is a state(状态)of mind where there is the least stress. However, stepping into the learning zone can help to bring out the best in us. Here are the reasons.

Challenging yourself can help you do at your best.

Stepping outside one's comfort zone is important to personal development. How can we expect to make ourselves better if we only stick to habit and routine(日常)? We should try something we might not succeed at.

Taking risks is what helps us grow.

As children, we're natural risk-takers. But as we get older and learn to fear failure(失败), we start trying fewer new things. We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. There is no learning without some difficulty.

Facing new challenges can help us age better.

Our comfort zones seem to become smaller as we get older-but if we can keep expanding them, we'll open ourselves up to a greater world as we age. As we step into the learning zone, we will get more comfortable with the skills gradually and we'll start to move into the comfort zone. A study found that learning new life skills can help our brain stay sharp(敏锐的)as we get older.

However, don't push yourself too far. Have you heard of "Yerkes-Dodson Law”? It means performance increases as stress grows, but only up to a point. If the level of stress becomes too high, performance will go down. When stress becomes too great for us to deal with, we enter the danger zone.

1.Compared with the comfort zone, people in the learning zone may .

A.feel less stress B.face more challenges

C.make fewer efforts D.refuse more changes

2.From paragraph 3, we will learn more if we .

A.spend money B.fear failure C.take risks D.feel natural

3.The best title of the passage might be .

A.Comfort Zone Makes Us Safe

B.What Is Comfort Zone

C.Step Outside Comfort Zone

D.Never Fear Comfort Zone

4.“Yerkes-Dodson Law” can be described by Graph .

A. B.

C. D.

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