

1.What did the man do yesterday?

A.He cut a tree.

B.He planted a tree.

C.He bought some apples.

2.Who will take the branches away from the street?

A.The man.

B.A tree company.

C.The city garbage service,

3.What does the man suggest about the woman?

A.She shouldn't eat the apples.

B.She should take some responsibility.

C.She should move out of the neighborhood.

4.What does the woman threaten to do?

A.Call the police.

B.Put the branches in his yard.

C.Charge the man some money.


A new study has showed the importance of exercise for teenage girls. Scientists studied the information from a study made in Shanghai on 75,000 _________aged from 40 to 70. The team found that women who often_______ as a teenager were healthier than those who didn't.

The scientists said that teenage girls who did almost 80 minutes exercise a week had a 16 percent lower risk of _________ from illnesses. This percentage(百分比) went down to 13 for women who exercised more than 80 minutes a week as teenagers. They said that women would usually live ______if they did just 15 minutes of exercise a day in their teens.

Head scientist Dr. Sarah Nechuta said that _________ women in their twenties, thirties and forties did not go out to work, doing exercise as teens would help _________ live longer. She said, "Whether they are adults or _______ , as for women, they can take lower risks of illnesses if they take part in exercise."

She added, "Our study shows the ________ of starting exercising from teenager time. It helps teenagers take part in exercising so that they can take _________ risks of illnesses and live longer in their later life." Dr. Nechuta said that although the study __________ the information on women in China, theadvantage of exercising during the teen years could be helpful to all women anywhere in the world.

1.A.women B.men C.girls D.boys

2.A.studied B.worked C.exercised D.played

3.A.coming B.dying C.stopping D.leaving

4.A.nearer B.closer C.shorter D.longer

5.A.so that B.even if C.as soon as D.as for

6.A.them B.it C.her D.him

7.A.boys B.gills C.teenagers D.men

8.A.difficulty B.illness C.health D.importance

9.A.lower B.longer C.richer D.poorer

10.A.asked for B.depended on C.waited for D.taken out

Can We Learn More by Trusting than by Not Trusting?

Most of us have been burned by misplaced trust. These experiences lead us to believe that people are too trusting.

But in fact we don't trust enough. A survey about trust in the United States has found that interpersonal trust, a measure (测量) of whether people think others are in general trust worthy is at its lowest in nearly 50 years.

If people are more trustworthy, why don't we trust more?

When you trust someone, you end up working out whether your trust is justified (证明合理) or not. A child next door asks if he can visit your place. If you accept you will find out whether or not he's a good neighbor. A classmate advises you to adopt a new reading method. If you follow the advice you will find out whether the new method works better than the one you were used to.

However, when you don't trust someone. You never find out whether you should trust them. If you don't invite the child over, you won't know whether he would have made a good neighbor or not. If you don't follow your classmate's advice, you won't know if the new method is in fact superior.

This information means that we learn more by trusting than by not trusting. Moreover, when we trust, we learn not only about specific persons, we learn more generally about the type of situations in which we should or shouldn't trust. We get better at trusting.

When our trust is disappointing, the coats are visible (明显的), and our reaction (反应) changes from trouble all the way to hopelessness. The benefit that we've learnt from our mistake is easy to overlook. However, the costs of not trusting someone we could have trusted are invisible. We won't know about the friendship we could have built if we don't let that child go into our place. We won't realise how useful some advice would have been if we don't use our classmate's tip about the new reading method.

Giving people a chance isn't only the moral (道德的) thing to do. It's also the smart thing to do.

1.The writer mentions the survey about trust in the United States in Paragraph 2 to show that ________.

A.Americans are popular B.the measure is unbelievable

C.interpersonal trust is important D.people are short of enough trust

2.We can ________ to make us get better at trusting.

A.try to refuse other people's help

B.change our feelings of disappointment

C.find out the balance between trust and mistrust

D.make a smart decision and give people a chance

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The friendship between friends is trustworthy.

B.The costs of mistaken mistrust are largely hidden.

C.We can get more from not trusting than from trusting.

D.It is unlikely that people are less trustworthy than before.

4.What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To stress we should trust other people.

B.To question all the experiences of misplaced trust.

C.To introduce some of the trust that can bring us benefits.

D.To discuss which situation we should or shouldn't trust in.

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