Nearly all our food comes from the soil(土地). Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live on plants. If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat. So the soil is very necessary for life. The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. The waste matter(粪)from animals also falls on it.
All soil needs food. If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak. Farmers found that animals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥)are also very useful. The same crop(庄稼)should not be grown in the same place every year, it’s better to have a different crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good.
【小题1】Which of the following is true?

A.All our food comes from the soil.
B.Most of our food comes from soil.
C.None of our food comes from the soil.
D.All our food comes from animals.
【小题2】What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph?
A.Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other.
B.There would be no animals without meat.
C.There would be no plants without animals.
D.People, animals, plants and soil live on each other
【小题3】Which is the best food for soil in the field?
A.Chemical fertilizers.B.Plants and grass.
C.Animals’ waste.D.Different crops.
【小题4】Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?
A.Because we can keep the soil rich this way.
B.Because we don’t have enough land.
C.Because we want to have a different food.
D.Because we do this as a habit(习惯).

In the sea there are many islands. In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them coral(珊瑚) islands.
A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees, grass, and flowers on it. One part of the ring is open to the water. There is a little round lake inside the island.
If you look into this lake, you will see beautiful coral. You may think they are flowers.
If you look at a piece of coral, you will see many little holes in it. In each of these holes a very small sea animal has lived. These sea animals make the coral.
They began to build under the water. Year after year, the coral grew higher and higher. At last it grew out of the water.
Then the sea brought to it small trees and something else. After some years, these things changed into earth. Sometimes the wind brought seeds to this earth. Sometimes birds flew over it and brought seeds to the island. The little seeds grew. In a few years there were plants all over the island. In a few more years there were trees growing there.
So you see, these islands were built little by little. The workers were very small. Don’t they teach us a lesson? Can you think what the lesson is?
【小题1】 In the sea _____.

A.there are no coral islandsB.there are some coral islands
C.the water is always warmD.we can see many flowers and fishes
【小题2】A coral island looks like ______.
A.a round cakeB.trees, grass and flowersC.a ring of landD.a round lake
【小题3】There are ____ in the holes in corals.
A.flowersB.little coralsC.grassD.sea animals
【小题4】How did seeds of trees, grass and flowers come to the coral islands?
A.The wind and birds brought them to the coral islands.
B.Only the wind brought them there.
C.People brought them there.
D.Fishes brought them there.
【小题5】From the story we learn that _____.
A.small workers can’t do big things
B.only big workers can do big things
C.small workers can do big things if they work hard and work a long time
D.all small things can do things

Nearly all our food comes from the soil(土地). Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live on plants. If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat. So the soil is very necessary for life. The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. The waste matter(粪)from animals also falls on it.

All soil needs food. If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak. Farmers found that animals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers(化肥)are also very useful. The same crop(庄稼)should not be grown in the same place every year, it’s better to have a different crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good.

1.Which of the following is true?

A.All our food comes from the soil.

B.Most of our food comes from soil.

C.None of our food comes from the soil.

D.All our food comes from animals.

2.What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph?

A.Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other.

B.There would be no animals without meat.

C.There would be no plants without animals.

D.People, animals, plants and soil live on each other

3.Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A.Chemical fertilizers.

B.Plants and grass.

C.Animals’ waste.

D.Different crops.

4.Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A.Because we can keep the soil rich this way.

B.Because we don’t have enough land.

C.Because we want to have a different food.

D.Because we do this as a habit(习惯).


What do you do if you're stranded(处于困境的)on a lonely island? Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world. Your best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane.

  Body signals(信号)

  Pilots from different countries understand body signals if they have the correct training. When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line, it means "yes". When you point downwards and swing your arm from side to side, it means "no". If you want the pilot to know that it's safe to land, push your hands out in front of you and bend(弯曲)your knees. If you want to say that it's not safe to land, put your arms in the air and move them to one side.

  Smoke signals

  The smoke from a fire can be seen from far away, so it's a good way to draw attention. If the weather is dry, it isn't hard to start a fire. Remember, however, that fires can be very dangerous if they get out of control. Never light a fire unless you're sure that it can't spread. If the ground is dark, light smoke can be seen more easily. Green grass and leaves produce light smoke.

  Ground-to-air signals

  It's a good idea to build some signals, too. Use large pieces of wood to make the symbols(标记). If you can't find any wood, use earth. Some useful symbols are:

  F "I need food and water."

  II "I need medicine."

  I "I am badly hurt."

  X" I am unable to move from here."

  Pilots' replies

  If the pilot lowers the plane's wings from side to side, this means "message received and understood". (At night, the pilot flashes the plane's green lights.) If the pilots flies the plane in a clockwise circle, this means "message received but not understood".(At night, the pilot flashes the plane's red lights.)

However, there is no signal which means "message not received". Why not?


1. Which picture means "it's not safe land"?





2. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. Swinging your arm from side to side means "yes".

  B. If the ground is dark, light smoke can't be seen.

  C. If you need some medicine, make a symbol "II".

  D. The pilots make replies with a blue light at night.

  3. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. The explanation of building signals on an island.

  B. The importance of making signals on an island.

  C. Ways of sending out signals on a lonely island.

D. Ways of receiving signals from a lonely island


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