
51. You can get in touch with Yin Nage or go to 18 Nayang Road if you want to         .

     A. buy a bike made in England    B. sell your old bike      C. have your bike repaired    

52. Mr. Wang's building           Lucy .

      A. is fit for                              B. is unfit for                C. is rented by      

53. If you have a free separate room , you can call           .

     A. Sean Shannon                       B.Lucy                        C. Lin Feng          

54. If you lose a watch , you'd better go to see          , who must be the person         .

     A. Mr. Wang; picking up a watch                     B. Lin Feng ; losing a watch

     C. Lin Feng ; picking up a watch              

55. The fastest talker in the world is from        

     A.the United States                                  B.Germany                          C. Canada


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