
It all started when I was two years old. My parents didn’t get along and got divorced(离婚). I hated that I couldn’t see both of my parents at the same time. So my dad, my younger sister, Alexis, and I went to live with my grandma and grandpa. We lived with them for almost six years. My mom, on the other hand, lived with her boyfriend Michael in Oklahoma. My life was really good, but when my mom called to check up on my sister and me, I cried myself to sleep. I missed her so much.
My life at my grandparents’ house was really nice. And then on Friday, May 15, 2002, my grandpa died of cancer. I cried for seven days straight. My dad and his new wife were worried about me. So they took me to the doctor and they said that I was too sad and that I needed to find something happy and healthy to do during the day.
I prayed(祈祷)to God every night saying that I was sorry for getting myself sick and I also prayed for him to take care of my grandpa. I still pray to this day. And now, at my mom’s house, she has a four-year-old girl, my half-sister, Macie. And I have my step-dad(继父), Michael, there for me. I really like Michael. He’s really good to me and my sister. And at my dad’s house, I have two little brothers, Blake and Justin. Blake is two years old and Justin is ten months old. I have so much to be thankful for, but I’m still looking for more.
小题1: The writer had to leave her ________ when she was two years old.
小题2:The writer cried to sleep while her mother called to check up her because she _______.
A.hated her fatherB.hated her father’s new wife
C.missed her motherD.missed her grandpa
小题3:We can infer(推断) from the story that ______
A.The writer’s father and her mother didn’t treat her very well.
B.The writer wished that she could live both her father and mother.
C.The writer’s mother didn’t love her so she left her when she was only two.
D.The writer was taken to the hospital after her grandpa died. And the doctor asked her to take much medicine.
小题4:Half-sister means the writer and Macie have the same _________.
A.father but different mothers
B.mother but different fathers
C.grandmother but different grandfathers
D.grandfather but different grandmothers
小题5:How many brothers and sisters does the writer have?


小题1:推理判断题。根据文中原句So my dad, my younger sister, Alexis, and I went to live with my grandma and grandpa. 可知,她父母离婚后,她随父亲和爷爷奶奶住在一起,所以可知她离开了她的妈妈,故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中原句I missed her so much.(我非常思念她)可知答案应为C。
小题4:词义猜测题。根据文中描述And now, at my mom’s house, she has a four-year-old girl, my half-sister, Macie.(现在在妈妈那边她有了一个4岁的女孩,我的同母异父的妹妹,Macie。),所以可知此词含义是B。
小题5:计算分析题。根据文中描述作者在父亲这边有Alexis, Blake and Justin,在母亲那边有Macie,所以可知她有四个兄弟姐妹。故选C 。
I worked for a short time as a waiter at a       a few months ago. I also helped to clean up the tables when it was very         . One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet      the floor near one of the tables. I guessed I should check it to find out      was the owner, but I was very busy at the time. And I imagined that       there was something valuable in the wallet, the owner would be back. Sure enough, an hour        a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet. I       him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described it exactly, I gave him the wallet. He expressed his         . He asked me if I had opened     , and when I told him “no”. At once he opened it      showed that it had nearly $ 800 in cash. He took out a twenty-dollar bill and       it to me and I was amazed at this.
Thinking about it later, I began wondering whether I would have been       if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that if I had no way to       the owner and no one returned to get it, I might keep it. But it also came into my      that I actually saved someone’s Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. The good feeling it gave me was worth more than      we could buy with money.
A couple from Russia was once visiting Miami. They wanted to take a walk and to see the city, but they were afraid they might get lost. They did not speak any English.
After they left their hotel, they went to the first street corner and looked at the name of the street. Then they carefully copied the name into their notebook. They thought that this would help them find their way back if they got lost.
They walked for hours through the city, and suddenly they realized that they were lost. They found a police officer and asked for help, but the officer didn’t speak their native language.
After an hour they found a person who could help them. She was an interpreter(翻译)who spoke both their native language and English. They explained that they didn’t know the name of their hotel, but they knew which corner it was on. They showed the interpreter what they had copied into their notebook, and the interpreter began to laugh.
The words which they had so carefully copied were “one way street”.
小题1:A couple from Russia was ______ in Miami that day.
A. having a walk               
B. working as volunteers           
C. traveling by car
小题2:We guess that the couple can speak _______.
A. English                  B. French                       C. Russian
小题3:The interpreter began to laugh because the couple ________.
A. couldn’t speak English     
B. made a mistake             
C. went a wrong way
小题4:______ helped the couple translate the words they had copied.
A. The interpreter             
B. The hotel owner             
C. The police officer
小题5:We know from the story that the couple copied “______” into their notebook.
A. the street name             
B. way back home               
C. one way street
A ship met a storm at sea and only two of the men were able to swim to a small, deserted island. Not knowing what else to do, they agreed to pray(祈祷) to God on opposite sides of the island.
Of course, the first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit tree on his side. But there was nothing on the other man’s side.
Later the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more food. The next day, all of these things were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing.
Finally, the first man prayed for a ship so that he could leave the island, and the next morning he found a ship.
The first man decided to leave alone. As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice, “Why are you leaving your friend on island?”
“My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one that prayed for them,” the first man answered. “His prayers were all unanswered.”
“You are wrong!” the voice said. “He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of our blessings.”
“Tell me”, the first man asked, “what he prayed for?”
“He prayed that all your prayers would be answered.”
For all we know, our blessings are not the fruits of our prayers alone, but those of others’ prayers for us
小题1: The first man decided to leave alone because he thought ________.
A.the second man didn’t like him
B.the second man didn’t want to leave
C.he was the one that prayed for the ship
D.the second man’s prayers were all answered
小题2: The underlined word “blessings” means _______ in Chinese?
小题3: The first man could get all the things because ________.
A.God was kind to himB.the second man prayed for him
C.God thought he was unluckyD.the second man prayed for nothing
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to live on an islandB.Two men on a ship
C.How to prayD.A friend’s prayer
It was the first day of school. I had a new classmate, a little old lady with a warm smile.
She said, “ Hi, young man! I’m Rose. I’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug(拥抱)?”
I said       , “ Of course!”
“Why are you in college at       an age?” I asked.
She joked, “ I’m here to meet a      husband, get married, have children, and then travel around the world.”
“No, seriously,” I asked.
“ I always       of having a college education. Now I’m getting one!” she told me .
After a year, Rose became popular. She easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from     .
At the end of the semester(学期) we invited Rose to       at our party. I’ll never foget what she
taught       .
“We do not stop playing becasuse we are old; we grow       because we stop playing. Here are the     of staying young. You have to laugh and find humour every_______. You’ve got to have a dream. When you        your dreams, you die!”she said.
“There is a big         between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow old. That doesn’t take any talent or ability,” she added. “But to       , you have to find the chance in change. Have no regrets(遗憾). We usually don’t have regrets for what we did,      rather for things we did not do.”
Finally we graduated from the college with Rose. One week       graduation(毕业), she died peacefully in her sleep. She taught us by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.
A.anotherB.the otherC.the othersD.others
A.stand upB.grow upC.grow oldD.keep healthy
You can buy chewing gum in nearly every country of the world. ① But it wasn’t always like that.[
The American Indians were the first people to chew gum. This gum came from a special tree that grew on their land. In 1848, a sailor called John Curtis began selling it. He was the first person to sell chewing gum. The gum he sold cost just a few cents for two pieces. It became popular very quickly even though it was very hard to chew. ② Nowadays, other things are added to the gum to make it soft and sweet.
By 1890, there were hundreds of different chewing gums. The most famous name in chewing gum, however, is probably William Wrigley. He spent a lot of money in advertising and even sent free pieces of gum to children on their birthdays. ③ He also said that chewing gum helped people work better and that it stopped people from feeling tired.
Although today many millions of people chew gum, not everyone thinks it is a good thing to do. Many people think it is dirty. The Singapore government does not allow people to buy chewing gum. One reason for this is that when some people have chewed all the taste out of their piece of gum, they take it out of their mouths and put it on to the backs of seats or other places. 
People make chewing gum soft and sweet _________something to it.
He also said“, Chewing gum______ people work better and it ______people from feeling tired.”

March 5th is “Lei Feng Day”. It started fifty years ago. Now half a
c   1  has passed. Is the spirit of Lei Feng outdated(过时的)?
Some people have shown us that it’s not. But people have a   2  
changed the ways to help others.
Zhao Juan has been a volunteer for 15 years. She still remembers her e   3   at a nursing home several years ago. An old man held her hand and said: “You don’t need to do anything for us. Seeing young people here is all we need.”
Those words made Zhao Juan think: in what w   4  can we help people better? “Every person does something to give out positive energy(正能量). And before we give a helping hand, we should find out what they r   5  want,” Zhao Juan said to the Qilu Evening News.
As well as Zhao Juan, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng.
This past January, a story called “noodle fever” shocked Zhengzhou, Henan. One kind man, Li Gang, 42, said in his story that he had a s   6  illness and needed a lot of money for an operation. H   7 ,what he asked for wasn’t charity, but for more people to come to eat noodles at his restaurant.
Li Gang’s story spread q  8 . Soon his restaurant was filled with customers every day and he was a   9  to have his operation on Feb. 2nd this year.
I  10  this way, people could help Li Gang without hurting his dignity(自尊).
Andy went home from school by bus one day. When an old woman carrying a basket full of apples got onto the bus, Andy       his seat. The old woman      her thanks to him and before she got off, she         three big apples and said, "I want to give you these three      apples. Tell one apple your wish, eat it and then wait and see."
The next day Andy went to a park with the apples. "I wish to be tall and strong." Andy said when he saw boys playing baseball there. He ate the first apple and grew into a very tall boy. But all the boys ran away with      when they saw this. 
Andy was sad. He took out another apple and said, “I wish to be famous so as to have lots of friends.” With these words, he ate the second apple. But when hundreds of reporters tried to interview him, he had to hide himself to       them.
Andy’s third wish was to be one of the richest men in the world. But when his wish came true, he found himself still     .
One night Andy       the old lady again in the street. She saw he was not in high spirits and asked him what he really wanted to be. "I just want to be      !" Andy said. Suddenly he was at the       again. One of the boys came up and said to him, "Come on and play with us!"
A.checked outB.pointed outC.picked outD.sold out
A.lonely B.silentC.livelyD.excellent
A.came downB.came up withC.came toD.came across

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