
A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to ____. So he stood up and rang the bell. ____ make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus ____ stop. And the conductor came and shouted ____ him.

The conductor was ___ angry and spoke ____ fast that Henry didn’t understand ____. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, ― “I think he ____ a foreigner.”

When Henry got ____, he told his wife about it.

― “____ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked.

―” Twice,” said Henry.

― “Well, that’s the signal (信号) ____ the driver ____ on.”‖His wife explained, ―”only the conductor ____ to ring the bell twice. That’s why the conductor ____ so angry! “

Henry nodded(点头). ― “____, “he said.

1.A. got off     B. gets off     C. get off       D. get on

2.A.To         B. At         C. In           D. with

3.A. doesn’t     B. don’t      C. didn’t        D. wasn’t

4.A. in         B. on         C. of           D. at

5.A. so          B. as         C. at           D. because

6.A. so that      B. that        C. so           D. why

7.A. words       B. a word     C. speech       D. song

8.A. was         B. isn’t       C.  is          D. am

9.A. to home    B. at home     C. in home      D. home

10.A. How many  B. How much  C. How long     D. How 

11.A. to         B. at          C. on           D. for 

12.A. to go      B. go          C. went on      D. goes

13.A. allowed    B. is allowed   C. was allowed   D. allow

14.A. got        B. gets        C. is getting     D. gotten

15.A. I seen     B. I saw        C. I see         D. I did





















1.A 考查动词短语及语境理解,get off 下车;get on 上车。 从上下文意思可知他准备下车,故选get off。

2.A  考查介词辨析及语境理解。他按两次电铃的目的是希望列车员能听见。这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故选to。

3.C考查动词时态及语境理解。文章主要讲述过去发生的事情。应用一般过去时,故选didn’t 。 

4.D 考查动词用法及语境理解。shout at sb 意为“对某人大吵,大嚷”,故选at。 

5.C考查连词辨析及语境理解,so 因此;as 因为;at对于;because因为。由文章可知,列车员很生气,用副词so来修饰“angry”与下文that 构成固定搭配,即so…that…, 意思是“如此……以至……”  

6.C 考查连词辨析及语境理解。So that 因此;so 如此;why 为什么。他说的如此的快,不能理解。 So …that 如此 以至于。 

7.B考查名词辨析及语境理解。Word 话; a word 一句话;speech演讲;song歌曲。根据文意可知列车员的话乘客一句也没有听懂。故选a word 。 


9.D考查home用法及语境理解。 got为不接物动词,可以直接接副词home,意为“到家”。

10.A考查特殊疑问词及语境理解。How many 多少;how much修饰不可数名词;how long 多长;how 如何。分析四个选项,只有how many后可接可数名词复数。 


12.A考查动词辨析及语境理解。根据文意可知按两次车铃是提醒司机继续前进的信号,动词不定式在此作后置定语,故选to go。

13.B考查动词时态与语态和语境理解。列车员与allow之间构成被动关系,这里应用被动语态,故选is allowed

14.A考查动词及语境理解。列车员生气的情况已发生,所以用一般过去时,故选got 。

15.C考查语境理解。根据文意,这位乘客知道列车员生气的原因之后, 应说“I see.”。

考点: 故事类短文。



When Kyle walked into Ernie's Pet World, he looked very worried. He walked quickly to the front counter(柜台). The owner of the shop, Ernie, jumped out to greet Kyle. He was the shop's first shopper of the day.
"Good morning, sir!" Ernie said. "What can I help you with?"
"Well, I...," Kyle started to say.
"Wait, don't tell me," Ernie interrupted (打断) him. "You're looking for a … a little dog... for
your daughter 's birthday.  Right?"
"No T really, l just..."
Ernie didn't let him finish. "Ah, I've got it, You just moved into a new house, and you want some fish for it. I have some very nice tanks over here."
"In fact, I..." Kyle was starting to look very nervous (紧张的). His face had a strange expression(表情)on it.
"No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernie's Pet World, we have the best kinds. Take a look at this Persian — long, white hair, and look at that cute expression. She's looking at you. She's thinking, ‘Take me home. Take me home.’ Would you like some cat food and toys as well?"
"No, thank you," Kyle said. By this time, he was walking up and down. He had a pained (痛苦的) look on his face. "Really, I'm not interested in cats or fish or little dogs."
"What do you want, then?" Ernie asked.
Kyle looked like he was going to cry. "I just want to know if I can use your bathroom!" he finally said.
【小题1】 What does the writer want to tell us?

A.A good pet owner.B.A funny story.
C.A wonderful shopkeeper.D.A strange pet shop.
【小题2】 What was true about Ernie's Pet World?
A.The shop was not busy.B.Kyle went there often.
C.The shop was about to close.D.Kyle knew the shop owner well.
【小题3】 What do you think of Ernie?
A.He is careful.B.He is helpful.
C.He likes talking.D.He is clever.
【小题4】Why did Kyle look anxious and pained?
A.He wanted to get a cat very much.B.He didn't like animals.
C.He was late for work.D.He was not comfortable.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the nine o’clock Mystery Hour. Today we’ll show you two British stories. We hope you’ll enjoy them.
About 900 years ago two green children arrived in a small village in south England. Their eyes and skin were green and they spoke a strange language. They were very tired and weak, so the people of the village looked after them. The boy died a year later, but the girl grew strong and lived the rest of her life there. And her skin color turned back to normal day by day. Scientists say that sometimes of people don’t have enough food to eat for a long time, their skin goes very pale and can turn green.
Loch Ness is the largest lake in Scotland. It’s a very deep and cold lake. For hundreds of years, people have talked about a monster(怪物) called Nessie which lives in the lake. About seventy years ago, two people saw something moving in the lake. They said that the animal was playing and rolling around in the water. Since then many people say they have seen the monster. Their descriptions are always the same. It looks like a dinosaur, with a very long neck and a small head. It has a big bump(肿块)on its back. People have tried to photograph the animal, but the pictures have not been very clear. Scientists don’t know whether there is a monster or not. Some say it may be a whale or a very large fish. Some think it’s a snake. Others say there’s nothing at all— nothing but people’s imagination. Maybe we’ll never know what’s in Loch Ness.
【小题1】What kind of story is talked about in this program?

A.Romantic stories.B.Mysteries.C.Horror stories.D.Comedies.
【小题2】Where did the stories happen?
【小题3】Which sentence is TRUE about the two green children?
A.They both enjoyed a long and happy life.
B.The girl’s eyes and skin were green all her life.
C.At first they spoke the same language as people in the small village did.
D.Maybe they hadn’t eaten enough for long before they reached the village.
【小题4】What does Nessie look like according to some witnesses? 

【小题5】What can we learn from the second story?
A.Scientists are still not sure whether there is a monster or not in Loch Ness.
B.Loch Ness is very deep and warm lake in Scotland.
C.People have taken very clear pictures of Nessie.
D.In fact Nessie is a whale or a snake.

Mary was an operator(接话员) 911 in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a little girl. She said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill,’ again and again, Mary soon found the address of the call. She called the police. In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The little child was so young that she could not walk! She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mother’s hand. Tears were running down her face.
The doctors gave the women some medicine and soon she woke up. Later, she told people, “Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. On Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911, but she couldn’t do it. ” Mary was surprised, too. “It’s the first time I have seen a two-year-old child call 911.”
【小题1】What did the girl really want to say?
A. “Mom, I’m ill.”
b. “My mom is ill.”
C. “Mom and I are ill.”
【小题2】How did the policemen feel when they got into the room?
A. Strange.            B. Normal.        C. Surprised.
【小题3】How did the policemen get into the room?'
A. By breaking the door.
b. With the girl’s help.
C. Through the window
【小题4】What does the underlined(下划线的) word “it” mean?
A. 911.            B. Calling 911.        C. Walking.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A. The little girl was so clever that she could call 911 when she was 2.          
B. The love for her mother created the miracle(奇迹).        
C. The mother knew she had to teach the little girl how to call 911.

A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.

  “My cow's ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She's making a strange noise.”

  The vet looked over the cow. "She's certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine."

 He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better."

  “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.

  The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That'll make it."

  The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.

  “How's your cow?” the vet asked.

  “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”

  “Oh?” the vet said, "Why?"

  “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow's mouth and then put two pills down it.”

  “And?” the vet asked.

  “The cow blew first,” the farmer said.

1.In the story, the vet must be _________.

A. the farmer's friend          B. a milk factory

C. a hospital for cows         D. a doctor for animals

2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______

A. couldn't lie down         B. didn't eat the pills

C. couldn't make any noise    D. was ill

3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer?

A. Bottle of pills.           B. A long tube.

C. Two pills.               D. A small box.

4.The vet taught the farmer how _________.

A. to blow the tube          B. to make the cow take the pills

C. to take the medicine       D. to put the tube in his mouth

5.Which of the following is true?

A. The farmer ate the pills himself.

B. The cow got better after taking the medicine.

C. The vet came to help farmer change the cow the next day.

D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.


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