Everyone has their hard times throughout their lives. I also had such a hard time. My spoken English used to be a big challenge for me - both in my study and in my life. Though I could get good grades in English exams, I didn't dare(敢) to communicate with others in English.

Our school organized (组织) a Sino-foreign exchange activity last year. When I saw my classmates speak English well and chat cheerfully with those foreign students on the stage, I envied them at that moment because I also wanted to make friends with foreigners. Outside the school, I was in a similar predicament (困境). While I was traveling abroad, I was upset when some friendly English-speaking locals tried to talk with me.

In order to change all of this, I made up my mind to improve my spoken English. I changed my attitude (态度) towards my flaw (缺陷). As Charlie Chaplin, one of the most famous comedians ever, once said, "You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.” No one can complete something without confidence. So I set out to take an active part in different kinds of English activities and bring myself to give speeches in front of all my classmates. Chances only prefer the prepared mind. Through a whole year of efforts, I’ve made great progress in my spoken English and I'm no longer afraid of speaking English in public. Never say never! If I can make the impossible possible, so can you. Face difficulties with courage and overcome them, and you will finally achieve success.

1.The writer was weak in ________.

A.English exams B.speaking English

C.traveling abroad D.making friends with others

2.The underlined word “envied” in Paragraph 3 means ________in Chinese in this passage.

A.鼓励 B.羡慕 C.阻止 D.讨厌

3.Which word can best describe the writer?

A.Warm-hearted. B.Outgoing. C.Hard-working. D.Successful.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.The writer made friends with foreigners successfully last year.

B.The writer traveled abroad to improve his English.

C.The writer didn't like making friends until he traveled abroad.

D.The writer used to be afraid of speaking in front of crowds.

5.The best title of this passage is “________”.

A.Be yourself B.Believe in Yourself

C.How to Learn English D.Ways to Achieve Success

Every year, there are many people going home by long-distance buses during the Spring Festival and the Tomb-sweeping Day . There are more walkers on their way home or to work on the roads. So there are more and more traffic accidents on the roads. Thanks to the efforts of the traffic police, it is said that this year the number of traffic accidents across China was 25.2 percent fewer than the year of 2018 during the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day.

Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival. It is an important occasion for Chinese to honor their ancestors(祖先). Most people go home in memory of(纪念)their ancestors on that day. About 9.78 million Chinese visited cemeteries to honor their ancestors or relatives during the holiday. A few people also spent the three-day holiday on leisure trains. So transportation safety is a big problem. On the other hand, it is said that Chinese have made 112 million trips during the holiday, up 10.9 percent from last year’s holiday. For the traffic accidents, some people lost their lives. This year, traffic accidents caused 10 deaths during the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day. The fewer traffic accidents are all from the efforts of the police and our government. With the development of society and the government’s efforts, I believe everything will change better.

1.Why are there more traffic accidents during the holidays?

A.Because people have to go home for the holidays.

B.Because people want to honor their ancestors.

C.Because people hurry to work after the holidays.

D.Because there are more people on the roads.

2.During the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day, the number of traffic accidents was about _______ fewer than 2018.

A.a half B.a quarter C.two thirds D.three fifths

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “cemeteries” ?

A.教堂 B.墓地 C.景点 D.溶洞

4.Which one is correct according to the passage?

A.Tomb-sweeping Day is different from Qingming Festival.

B.About half of Chinese honor their ancestors on Qingming Festival.

C.More and more people like traveling during their holidays.

D.Most traffic accidents happened on the Tomb-sweeping Day.

5.Where can you read the passage?

A.In a guide book. B.On a story website.

C.In a newspaper D.On a science website.

Some people may be good at talking. They always have successful conversations with others. But some don't because they are shy. In fact, everyone is a little shy. This article may help you overcome your shyness.

Put yourself out there. This seems clear—the best way to meet people is to actively look for places out where you can meet people! Go to the dance party at your school or the Christmas get-together. Try to meet at least one person by the end of the night.

Practice talking. Even though this may sound strange. Stand in front of a mirror or close your eyes, and then imagine yourself talking to someone. This way is very helpful.

Show your talents. Making new friends is a great way to overcome shyness. Ask your friends to introduce you to their friends. Although that may sound useless, it really isn't. For example, if you like art, you can consider painting something for a party. It will be easier to make you feel comfortable. On the other hand don't be afraid to discover some new interests.

Change your shy look. Take a moment to look at yourself. Are you the kind of person who wears dark clothes? This makes you very unapproachable. You should wear brighter clothes. Go from wearing black, brown, and blue to wearing green, yellow and orange. Remember, you don't always have to change your look. You can just simply make your expression friendlier. Let people know that it's OK to talk with you.


1.Why can't people have successful conversation?

A.Because they have no words with others. B.Because they are the shy persons.

C.Because they don't have any friends around them. D.Because they can't overcome their shyness.

2.How many ways does the writer give to have successful conversation?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five D.Six

3.What does the underlined word "unapproachable" mean?

A.外形很酷的 B.无与伦比的 C.冷漠的 D.无语的

4.Which is TRUE according to this passage?

A.The person who can have successful conversations isn't shy at all.

B.Standing in front of others can overcome people's shyness.

C.Showing your talents maybe makes you feel comfortable.

D.Always changing your look can make your expression friendlier.

5.What does the passage mainly want to tell us?

A.Talents are important for people B.Overcoming shyness is possible.

C.It's important to learn to exchange ideas. D.People need to go to the parties.

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