
小题1:We all know there are lots of ______ (advantage) of living on Mars, so we won’t move out of Earth to Mars.
小题2:______ (hope), we can finish the project before this weekend.
小题3:Do you think it’s good for them to keep worries which were caused by others to _____ (they), guys?
小题4:The ______ (strict) the parents are, the more stressed their children will become.


小题2:句意:我们有望在这个周末之前完成这项工程。结合语境及单词提示,可知填副词Hopefully 有希望地,做状语。
小题4:句意:父母越严厉,他们的孩子就会越压抑。固定句式the more,the more越……,越……,前后都用比较级。结合语境及单词提示,可知填形容词比较级stricter,更严厉的。
As you know , Mark Twain was a f ___小题1:____ writer . He was born in a poor family . It was difficult for him to get some money when he was young . One day , he was invited to give a talk and after that he was asked if he could r____小题2:_____ the first money he ever earned (挣). He had thought a long time before he answered and then said , “Yes , it was at school . I can remember e____小题3:_____ about it . Pupils in those days didn’t respect (尊敬) their teachers and didn’t take c­­___小题4:____ of school property (财产). Some of them often broke the windows and doors , the others cut something on the desks . S____小题5:____ a rule (规定)was made in our school that any boy who did that would be beaten (被打) in front of the whole school , or would have to p____小题6:_____ five dollars .”
“ One day I cut a mouse on the desk with a knife . I had to give five dollars to the school or be beaten before the w____小题7:____ school . So I had to tell my father about it . My father said it would be very bad to have our family disgraced(羞辱) in front of the whole school . He agreed to give me five dollars to hand over to the headmaster(校长).But before g____小题8:____ me the money , he took me upstairs(楼上) and gave me a beating . But as I had one beating and got used to(习惯) it , I d_____小题9:____ I would take another beating at school and leave the five dollars to m_____小题10:______ . So that’s what I did . That was the first money I ever earned .”

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