
1.邻桌年轻人大声说笑、吸烟;  2.你请他们不要那样做;  3.他们不听,反而嘲笑你。
②年轻人是泰州的未来,应该……(至少两点) 参考词汇:公共道德 public morality
要求:1. 要点齐全,可适当增加细节使句子通顺、连贯。
2. 词数:80~100词。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Last Saturday evening, all my family had dinner in a restaurant.

One possible version
Last Saturday evening, all my family had dinner in a restaurant. We were enjoying ourselves when something unpleasant happened. A group of young people sitting next to us talked loudly and smoked. It made the restaurant full of noise and smoke. I tried to stop them doing so, but they refused to listen to me. Instead, they said it was none of my business and laughed at me.
What the young people did was wrong. Although I failed to stop them, I was proud of myself. In my opinion, one should keep quiet in public places. What’s more, we should always watch our manners and pay attention to public morality, as young people are the future of Taizhou.

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,准确运用时态。文章衔接连贯,运用了instead, although, in my opinion, what’s more,but等连词进行衔接。同时,本文中运用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少。如:enjoy ourselves, full of, try to do, refuse to do, laugh at, fail to do, be proud of, pay attention to等。

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