
邮寄:mail/post v.
导游:guide n.
世界杯:the World Cup
Dear Jim,
How is it going?Thank you for mailing the books to me.I like them so much that I read some pages every day before going to bed.When you write to me next time,could you tell me something about American festivals such as Thanksgiving Day?
I do hope that you can come and visit my hometown next summer.On the one hand we can talk face to face and discuss some problems that we are both interested in.On the other hand,I will be very happy to act as your guide and show you around some nice places.
By the way,are you watching the World Cup on TV these days?
looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua.

分析 本篇作文是一篇提纲作文,因为是书信的体裁,所以时态要根据实际情况注意变换,写作要点包括:1.感谢他给你寄来的那些书,请他下次来信时给你介绍一些美国的节日.2.非常盼望与他面对面交谈,所以希望他明年夏天能来你的家乡.3.顺便问一下,这些天他是否在电视中看世界杯.

解答 One possible version:
Dear Jim,
     How is it going?
     Thank you for mailing the books to me.I like them so much that I read some pages every day before going to bed.When you write to me next time,could you tell me something about American festivals such as Thanksgiving Day?
     I do hope that you can come and visit my hometown next summer.On the one hand we can talk face to face and discuss some problems that we are both interested in.On the other hand,I will be very happy to act as your guide and show you around
some nice places.
     By the way,are you watching the World Cup on TV these days?
     Looking forward to hearing from you.
                                                                                                    Yours,Li Hua

点评 以提纲提供情景的作文,要注意遣词造句的灵活性和语法规则的正确性,就不会造成审题不清而偏离主题,但要注意,文章必须覆盖所提供的各个提纲的要点.行文间要注意简化描述,用简短的语句代替冗长的语句.在作文完成的时候,应该检查、修改,以免遗漏一些需要表达清楚的要点和细节.写作时,要注意谓语动词形式的变化.另外,还需要使用一些句型和短语,使整篇短文意思连贯,表达流畅.

10.A Bite of China Season Two(《舌尖上的中国》第二季)  is coming!
The program is shown at 9:00 0n CCTV-1every Friday night from April 18
to June 6,2014.There are altogether eight episodes (集),all about history and
culture of food,eating and cooking in China.The directors spent one year visiting
more than 150different parts of China.More than 300types of food are
covered in the documentary.
As an old Chinese saying goes,food is what matters most to people.It plays an important role in our daily life,and the rich food culture is also one of the most important parts of Chinese culture.A Bite o f China Season Two wants to show the joys and sadnesses of ordinary (普通的) Chinese in changing times through food.
A Bite o f China Season One was shown on CCTV in 2012.It attracted more than 100million viewers.It is all about food,while the second season cares more about the relationship between the people and the food.For example,the first episode shows a young man spent four hours climbing a 40-metre-high tree to get something nice for his brother.
The show reminds viewers of their homes and the tastes of childhood.One Weibo user wrote,"A Bite o f China Season Two makes me have so many words to say.It makes me think of my parents and my grandmother.I haven't been home for a long time,so I have decided to go back in a few days."
The show uses food as a window to introduce China to the world.Viewers can see how
Chinese people love life by loving food.Anyone who wants to know more about Chinese
culture and Chinese society (社会) should have a bite of the program.

41.How many types of food are covered in this program?D
A.150.     B.More than 150.      C.300.       D.More than 300.
42.The type of the TV program A Bite of China isB
A.a cartoon        B.a documentary     C.a chat show     D.a drama series
43.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined sentence?B
A.粒粒皆辛苦     B.民以食为天  C.一顿不吃饿得慌    D.吃一堑,长一智
44.The third paragraph mainly talks aboutD.
A.the details of the first episode  B.the rich types of food of China
C.the relationship between the people and the food
D.the difference between Season One and Season Two
45.Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage?A
A.The show explains to people why Chinese people love life.
B.The show tells people about history and culture of food in China.
C.The show uses food as a window to introduce China to the world.
D.The show reminds viewers of their homes and the tastes of childhood.
3.Be honest.That's all you have to do on Honesty Day.It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year.It's good that there is a day to encourage honesty.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day.He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fool's Day,which celebrate lies.On Honesty Day,anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer.That means that you have knowledge of Honesty Day.
M.Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said in his book that almost all person lie about 200times a day.In our daily life,a typical(典型的)life for a man is"I did not drink that much"and for a woman is"Nothing is wrong,I'm fine."It is found that nurses are the most honest people,while sales people and politicians(政客)are the biggest liars.
Every Honesty Day,M.Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.

76.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day toB.
A.celebrate lies  
B.encourage honesty  
C.ask questions  
D.hand out prizes
77.Which of the following is Honesty Day?D
A.April 1st
B.April 10th
C.April 20th
D.April 30th
78.According to the passage,A are the most honest people.
B.sales people  
D.all men
79.The underlined word"liars"probably means"B".

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