
Robert had just moved into the neighborhood, and he had a strange feeling that he was not wanted.

He thought maybe _______ boys were trying to get an idea of what he was like. But that didn’t make him feel any less _______. He was new, and he had to be _______. Still, proving himself would not be _______ easy. He did not want to make friends with _______ boys or do anything to break the law to prove that he was _______. No! He must show what he was made of in a good way. That’s how he got his _______.

The next day was Saturday. He _______ that most of the boys would go down to the playground and choose sides for Saturday’s _______ game. Robert knew he could play basketball well, and that might be enough to prove he was strong. Then the boys would want to be his friends.

He ________ early and did his step exercises. He shot (投掷) the ball several times and did some other exercises. Some of ________ were very difficult and looked cool.

Then the boys came. Robert ________ what he had done before the game and ________ what he could do. No one said a ________. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. When it was all over, the biggest one in the group ________ and shook his hand. Robert knew he had made it.

1.A. another B. the others C. others D. other

2.A. lonely B. friendly C. happy D. uncertain

3.A. examined B. checked C. corrected D. tested

4.A. even B. so C. such D. much

5.A. good B. bad C. healthy D. sick

6.A. weak B. friendly C. strong D. lovely

7.A. idea B. lesson C. prize D. feeling

8.A. decided B. considered C. realized D. knew

9.A. football B. basketball C. volleyball D. baseball

10.A. arrived B. got C. learned D. showed

11.A. ones B. it C. them D. that

12.A. looked through B. went through C. lived through D. got through

13.A. showed B. acted C. played D. gave

14.A. letter B. word C. phrase D. sentence

15.A. cried B. left C. smiled D. stayed



Learn outside the classroom

Every morning in the past week, 18-year-old Shao Menglu has got up at 6.30 am and dressed in a uniform. By 7 am she has been serving the first customer at a mini supermarket in her school.

The Ningbo No.7 High School students work at the supermarket, which is run by students. The supermarket is a project to help students learn how to operate a real business and prepare them for the future work, according to Chen Ping, the teacher in charge of(负责)the programme.

None of the students work full time, as they have classes. Each class has a chance to run the supermarket for a week every term. The students are trained before they start. Shao was trained to operate a cash register(收银机)and count the correct change.

Although the job kept her busy, as she had to concentrate on(集中)not making any mistakes, Shao enjoyed her week, “I had to stand at the counter for up to six hours a day. I checked the bills, gave the things and said ‘Welcome back!’ with a smile,” Shao said, “But the busy life made me feel happy every day. The job also made me feel like an adult and therefore more responsible.”

“Working at the supermarket is a good complement(补充)to classroom learning.” said Zhu Yongjie, 17, who once worked at the supermarket.

1.How old is Shao Menglu?


2.Who runs the supermarket?


3.Why don’t the students work full time?


4.How long does every class have a chance to run the supermarket every term?


5.What do you think of working at the supermarket of the school?(请自拟一句话回答)



Have you seen this photo yet? This is the first— ever image of a black hole. On April 10, people around the world got their first look at a real black hole. Scientists say it is a landmark(里程碑) in the history of science.

The image shows a black hole with a bright ring around it. The black hole lies in a galaxy(星系) named Messier 87 which is about 55 million light— years from earth. Scientists say that the image proves that black holes are real. It also supports Einstein’s theory of general relativity(广义相对论).

The image is fuzzy ( 模糊的). Scientists said it might be possible to make the image sharper by using algorithms(计算机算法). They are also working on taking pictures of other black holes.

More than 200 astronomers helped to capture ( 捕 捉 ) the image, including 16 from we Chinese mainland.

回答下面问题, 每个答案不超过 5 个单词。

1.When did people got their first look at a real black hole?


2.What is around the black hole?


3.Which galaxy does the black hole lie in?


4.How can scientists make the image sharper?


5.How many astronomers helped to capture the image?


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