
Chinese people call the Spring Festival“Nian”. But do you know that Nian
was once the name of a monster(妖怪)?
  A long time ago, the monster Nian lived in the mountains. It ate
animals. But in winter, it could not find food. So it came to villages and
ate a lot of people. People were so afraid of Nian that they locked their
doors before evening came during the winter. One day, an old man came to a
village. He told people there that Nian was afraid of three things——the
color red, fire and noise. He told people to play drums and gongs, make
big fires and set off fireworks(放鞭炮)to make Nian go away.
  On a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. As soon as it
opened its big mouth, people made loud noises and made fires. Nian was
really afraid and ran away. wherever it went, there was noise and fire.
When Nian was tired and could not run anymore, people killed the monster.
  After that, on the coldest day of winter, people beat drums and gongs,
and set off fireworks to celebrate the death of the monster of Nian. They
put up red lanterns and have a big dinner without sleeping during the
  In the morning people greet each other happily. So now we have the
Spring Festival.
小题1: From the story, Nian seemed to be       long, long ago.
A exciting    B  interesting    C boring   D terrible
小题2: The monster Nian ate people in winter because it          .
A  wanted to make people afraid    B  had no food to eat
C  celebrated the Spring Festival    D liked to eat people in a village
小题3:Nian was afraid of          .
A red    B fire   C noise    D  A, B and C
小题4: The monster Nian wasn’t killed until          .
A it had eaten all the animals  B  the old man came to a village
C it was too tired to run away  D people knew what it was afraid of
小题5: What is the best title for the passage?
A How the Spring Festival Came  B What People did During Nian
C How People Celebrated Nian  D What the Spring Festival was 

小题1:D 从Nian was once the name of a monster(妖怪). It came to villages and ate a lot of people. People were so afraid of Nian可知:Nian是妖怪,吃人,人们害怕它,所以选D terrible(可怕的)。
小题1:B 从But in winter, it could not find food. So it came to villages and ate a lot of people.可知:冬天Nian找不到食物,来村里吃人。
小题1:D 从He told people there that Nian was afraid of three things——the
color red, fire and noise.可知:Nian害怕三样东西——the
color red, fire and noise.故选D.
小题1:C 从When Nian was tired and could not run anymore, people killed the monster.可知:Nian累得跑不动的时候,被人杀死。选C.
小题1:A 从整篇短文理解来看,主要说的是春节的由来,故选A.
Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)?
The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They don’t like to speak more words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements. The Germans are very hard—working. They like tidiness, especially the women, who always keep their home clean.
In some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” Or “Sorry.” The gentlemen are also the Englishmen.
The French’s holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.
Compared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They don’t like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans’ eyes, success is an important part in their life.
小题1:According to the passage, ______are very quiet.
A.only the Germans B.only the Englishmen
C.only the Frenchmen D.both the Germans and the Englishmen
小题2: What does the underlined word “tidiness” mean in Chinese?
小题3:In the writer’s eyes, the gentlemen are______.
A.the Germans B.the Frenchmen C.the Englishmen D.the Americans
小题4:What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage?
A.They are more outgoing than the Americans.
B.It is very easy to make friends with them.
C.They like traveling in their own country.
D.They look serious and are always hard-working.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
B.Who are more outgoing?
C.Characteristics of the foreigners.
D.Success is an important part in Americans’life.
Close contacts between Japan and the rest of the world were created in the twentieth century. In the last forty years, business contacts between Japan and the West have become very important. Many foreign companies now have offices in Japan and Japanese businessmen do business around the world. Differences between Japanese and Western ways of doing business, however, often bewilder foreign businessmen and make doing business in Japan difficult for foreigners.
The American businessman, for example, wants to start talking business immediately. He does not want to wait. The Japanese businessman, on the other hand, likes to arrive at decisions after giving them serious thought. Another thing foreign businessmen have difficulty in understanding is when a Japanese means “Yes” or “No”. This is because of cultural differences between Japanese and Western society(社会), Which make it difficult for a Japanese to say “No” directly.
In the USA, it is easy to say “No” to something one does not want to do. But in Japan, it is very difficult to say “No”. To refuse an invitation or a request(请求) with “No” is felt to be impolite. It is thought to be selfish and unfriendly. So instead of saying “No” directly, the Japanese have developed many ways to avoid(避免) saying “No”. These can help them avoid hurting other people’s feelings. However, this often makes their ways of doing business rather difficult for foreigners to understand and follow.
小题1:What often makes foreigners feel difficult to do business in Japan?
A.Their different ways of doing business.
B.Their different lifestyles.
C.The fact that the Japanese never say “No”.
D.The fact that the Japanese are slow to take action.
小题2:Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined expression “bewilder foreign businessmen” in Paragraph One?
A.cause foreign businessmen to change their minds.
B.give a feeling of surprise to foreign businessmen.
C.attract foreign businessmen’s attention.
D.make foreign businessmen think wrongly.
小题3:What fact does the passage lead you to believe?
A.American businessmen do things more slowly than Japanese ones.
B.American businessmen like to say “Yes” and “No”.
C.Americans usually say what they are thinking.
D.Americans do not say what they think or feel clearly.
小题4: From the passage we can infer(推断) that __________.
A.Japanese businessmen are good at business
B.foreign businessmen should try to know Japanese ways of doing business
C.foreign businessmen must be more polite
D.you must learn from Japanese businessmen if you want to succeed
Except for a few times, Americans are not big present-givers. There’s no exchange of presents among business people, and if one American tries to give another a present, it may look like that he wants to bribe (贿赂) him. Americans have learned that in some other countries people like to give presents to others, but among ourselves we don’t see the need for presents.
Even friends may never exchange presents. When I go to foreign countries, I try to bring back little things for close friends, but nobody would feel unhappy if I didn’t. I don’t often re­member a friend’s birthday, and few people outside of my family remember mine. If someone gave me presents too often, I’d get unpleasant. But a present from a foreigner - that kind from his or her homeland — won’t go wrong, except to government employees (政府职员) who can’t be given presents.
You usually open a present at once and in front of the person who gives it except Christmas and birthday presents. You should only say, "It’s so nice. Thanks…" when you get Christ­mas or birthday presents.
You may want to bring a bottle of wine (葡萄酒) or flowers to a dinner party, but you’re
never asked to.  Nobody will mind if you bring wine, but your friend may not use it that evening.
At Christmas we often give presents to our family and sometimes our friends. We also give presents to people who have been helpful during the year- doormen, babysitters, housecleaners, newspaper senders— anyone who has often helped us.
小题1:   What does "close friends" mean in the passage?
A. The friends who are very kind.
B. The friends who live close to each other.
C. The friends who were once classmates.
D. The friends who you like most.
小题2:  What kind of presents don’t Americans usually open in front of the givers?
A.The small presents.B. Christmas or birthday presents.
C. The expensive presents.D. The presents for dinner party.
小题3:           Why do Americans also give presents to housecleaners at Christmas?
A. To pay them.B. To help them.
C. To thank them.D. To make them work harder.
小题4:   Which of the following do you think is right?
A. American business people don’t want presents because they are rich enough.
B. The writer of this passage must be an American.
C. Everyone must give presents to one’s family and friends at Christmas.
D. Government employees can get little presents from a foreigner.
小题5:   What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Present-giving in the United States.
B. Customs (习俗) in the United States.
C. American people and present-giving.
D. When and how to give presents.
Do you know that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans? Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents.
Several years ago a heavy rain hit a town and made the river go up. When the rain stopped, people found that a dog swam to an island in the river twice a day for two weeks. Why did she do so? Her four children were there. The mother swam there every day to feed her babies. This true story moved many people.
Another story is about chimpanzees(猩猩). A scientist named Jane Goodall spent 4 years living with chimpanzees in Africa. She found that chimpanzees also cared for those that were hurt or got lost. “It is not only humans who have duties, animals also do,” she said.
Two birds in Chengdu also showed their parental(父母的) love. Their baby was hurt and fell on the street in the center of the city. Cars were driving past but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took the little bird away with their claws(爪子).
小题5: After the heavy rain, the mother dog swam to the island ________.
A.to look for foodB.to feed her babies
C.to move some peopleD.to carry things to her owner
小题6: The scientist found chimpanzees ________.
A.cared for the hurt or lost onesB.often left for a far place
C.always stayed in the same placeD.didn’t care about each other
小题7:The two birds rushed down and took the little one away because ________.
A.they didn’t like their babyB.they were not kind enough
C.they wanted to teach their babyD.they wanted to save their baby
小题8: From the passage we know ________.
A.dogs like to swim across the river in a heavy rain.
B.mother birds don’t want to save their children
C.animal parents love their children a lot
D.all animals want to move people very much
Building a house is an operation which costs quite a lot of money.Suppose you plan to
  46  a house,your first step is to find a suitable piece of   47 ,You will probably try to find a sunny place,in a   48  situation,near stores and bus stops,not too far from your friends and the place where you work.
Next you will find an   49  builder.And together with the builder you will make a
  50 ,The builder will draw it.The builder will also   51 the cost of your house.He will estimate(估计)the cost of the wood,the glass,and everything else that he must use in building the house.Later on,when he starts to build,this estimate must   52 ,because the prices may
   53 ,and many other thing may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.
  54  the builder gives you his estimate,you may wish to change your plan.You may find that some of the things you wanted at first cost too much,or that you can  55  a little more and add something to your original plan
A.find outB.carry onC.work outD.work on
A.be correctedB.be copiedC.be readD.be written
A.costB.spendC.takeD.pay for

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.
The English language is different from any  36  language. Yet English words do not  37  the same. It is always  38 . People need new words  39  new inventions and new ideas. Different words come into use or older words are used  40 a new way.
English can 41 by borrowing words from other languages. The word “tomato” was borrowed from Mexico, the word “coffee” came from Turkey, and “tea” from  42  and so on. Now new space and science words  43  from other countries, too. New words are also made by adding two words  44 . The words “strawberry”, “postman” and “blackboard” are made up of two parts.
Sometimes, new words are  45  forms of old words. The word “photo” was made from “photograph” by cutting off the  46  of the long word. The word “plane” was made by cutting off the  47  part of “airplane”. 48 “smog” was made by using only the first two letters of “smoke” and cutting off the front part of “fog”. And products can become new words. Our “sandwich” was named after  49  named Sandwich, and “jelly(果冻)” was a name made up by the company that  50 made this product.
A.are borrowingB.are being borrowedC.borrowD.borrows
A.a manB.a kind of foodC.a companyD.a place
Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising that there are a lot of expressions about cats. Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries (金丝雀). If someone looks very proud and satisfied with himself, we say “he looks like the cat that ate the canary.”
Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you “play cat and mouse” with someone, it means that you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person. For example, a girl might offer something sweet to her little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.
Americans might say that something is “the cat’s miaow” or “the cat’s pajamas(睡衣)” to describe something that is the best or finest. “A copycat” is someone who acts just like someone else or copies another person’s work. “A fat cat” is a person with a lot of money.
If you tell about something that is supposed to be a secret, we say you “let the cat out of the bag”. If you are not able to speak or answer a question, someone might ask you if “the cat has got your tongue(舌头)”
Have you ever watched children in a classroom when their teacher leaves for a few minutes? “When the cat’s away, the mice will play” means people sometimes act badly when there is no supervision (监管).
You may have heard the expression “curiosity killed the cat”. This means caring too much about things that are not your business might cause problems.
If you have ever had cats as pets, you know it is difficult to train them or to get them to do something. Cats are not like Sheep or cows that can be moved in a group. So we say a difficult or impossible job is like “herding (放牧) cats “
小题1:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The expression “a fat cat” is used to describe someone who is very fat.
B.The expression “play cat and mouse” usually means “play tricks on others”.
C.It is more difficult to keep sheep or cows than cats.
D.There are more expressions about cats than those about dogs.
小题2: In which of the following situations do we most probably use the expression “curiosity killed the cat”?
A.Someone always asked a lady her age or weight and it made her angry.
B.Someone promised to keep a secret but he failed to do so.
C.Someone won the first prize in an English singing competition and he felt very excited.
D.Someone tried to swim across the Yangtze River with his newly broken legs.
小题3:Where can you most probably find the passage?
A.In a scientific research paper about cats.
B.On a website telling people how to keep cats.
C.In a magazine telling various jokes and funny stories.
D.In a language book that teaches students how to use American slang.
DIY, which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV proprammes show people how to DIY.
English people like DIY. There is a saying in UK –“An Englishman’s home is his castle”. Huge numbers of people spend their holidays making their homes beautiful “castles”. If there is anything that needs fixing around their houses, such as painting the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY experiences with their friends. More and more people have discovered the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also DIY for saving money. With the economic downturn at present, many people can not afford to buy a bigger house. They are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.
DIY can be difficult. There is a huge market for DIY furniture which people need to put together themselves with a few basic tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can’t understand the instructions. Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture itself is difficult to build. One thing is for sure, though most DIY projects are started with the best intentions, many of them may not get finished. DIY can also be dangerous. For example, anything electrical should be done by a professional worker. Unluckily, many people don’t care about this warning and put themselves in danger. It is reported that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders.
Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and safer for us to DIY.
小题1:How do many English people spend their holidays according to the passage?
A.    Making their homes beautiful.   B. Visiting their friends.
B.    Travelling all over the world.   D. Making a lot of money.
小题2:Why do English people like DIY?
A.Many stores sell DIY things.B.DIY can bring them fun.
C.TV programmes teach them to DIYD.All DIY projects are easy.
小题3:What can we learn from the passage?
A.    DIY is a waste of money.   B. It is always difficult to DIY.
B.    We should be careful while doing DIY.   D. It’s very safe for us to DIY
小题4:In the passage, “we bite off more than we can chew” probably means ___________.
A.we can eat everything we likeB.we should do something difficult
C.we do something that is too difficultD.we eat too much food that is not safe

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