
C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

I get up at 7:30 and get dressed for school. My school has a uniform: black trousers and shoes, a white shirt and a black and gold tie. The girls wear the same, or they can wear a black skirt. We also have a black sweatshirt or we can wear a black jacket. Not all British students must wear uniforms, but it’s a r1. in our school.

I don’t live far from the school, so I walk there with my friends, Brian and Gemma. Lots of students catch the school bus or their parents d2. them to school. On Mondays we all start the day with Assembly(集会) in the school hall at 8:50. The headmaster talks to us and gives us information about school e3.for the whole week.

This year I’ve got nine s4.. We all study English, Maths and Science, and then we choose others. My favorites are IT and Art&Design. Brian likes Spanish and Japanese. Gemma is brilliant at Maths, so she goes to an Advanced Maths class.

We have 20 minutes for a b5. in the morning and an hour for lunch. Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch, but my friends and I always eat in the dining room where you can get a hot meal every day.

Lessons end at 4 o’clock, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until 5 o’clock. I to the Photography Club and the Athletics Club. There are lots of clubs and activities at our school. Brian g6. to the Film Club and Gemma plays in the school band.

At the end of the day I always spend two hours on homework, sometimes three hours. We get lots of homework now, for we’ve got our f 7. exam in June. After all, every one of us hopes to achieve a satisfying academic performance at school.


I always have these questions in my mind-how does anxiety influence how we think? What classroom environments are most helpful to learning? Most experts agree that having the right team of people to come up with ideas to argue for plays an important role to find out the answers.

However, how do we know who the right people are when making a team? From the classroom and the workplace, to the laboratory and the playing field, research shows that diverse groups of people often make better decisions.

Professor Scott Page believes different ways of thinking from a particular group produces something additional. When people with their own "tools" come together to work on difficult tasks, the results are powerful.

Groups with different genders(性别) also hold merit here. Christine Lagarde said that better decisions are made when women and men come together at the table, creating what she calls a "larger horizon". She mentioned that while women make up only 2% of bank CEOs worldwide, banks who count women among the top leadership are likely to have better economic outcomes( 结果).

In 2010, researchers examined the performance of about 700 people (both men and women), working in groups of two to five, solving both simple and difficult tasks. They discovered that the best predictor of performance wasn't the average intelligence of group members. Instead it was a collective measure of intelligence, which had much to do with the number of women in the group. As women are good at reading others' faces and making the best of different opinions, they help to bring out a more productive outcome.

Finally, it turns out that the size of the group matters, too. Smaller groups can actually be more creative. A new study from University of Chicago found that while bigger teams are important for advancing science, smaller groups help "break it down"-a key part of creativity.

In today's workforce, people come together to cooperate on tough tasks, being encouraged to look to each other. Brainstorming with others in small, diverse groups helps ideas to shine in our mind and, more often than not, leads to the solution. It's a research-driven model for how to develop our collective problem-solving abilities by having the right teams of people producing good ideas worth fighting for.

1.The underlined word "diverse groups" in Paragraph 2 probably means "______".

A.groups in which people have a close relation

B.groups with people who like thinking and sharing

C.groups in which people are different from each other

D.groups with people who are good at solving problems

2.What can we learn from the research in 2010?

A.Groups with both genders make teamwork more fruitful.

B.Women are better at reading and accepting others' minds.

C.The average intelligence of group members really matters.

D.Banks should depend more on women in decision-making.

3.What does the writer mainly want to show us?

A.Women in a group influence the collective intelligence.

B.Different groups of people usually produce different ideas.

C.Diverse teams can be expected to work out better outcomes.

D.The size of the group is important in dealing with problems.

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