
When I passed the river, I saw some children ______ on the sand.

A. play B. were playing C.playing D. played




试题分析:句意:当我路过河边的时候,我看见一些孩子们正在沙滩上玩耍。本题考查固定短语:see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。我看见时动作正在进行。故选C




Dear Mary :

Thank you for your last letter. I’m happy to know that you will spend your holiday in Hawaii(夏威夷)this summer .You said you wanted to know something about Hawaii.

Hawaii has always been a magic name to people who like travelling because of the scenery(景色) .People from all over the world dream of seeing the beautiful islands. It’s always one of their dreams to watch the sun going down. At weekends , my family and I often watch the sunset at the seaside. It’s really exciting.

Hawaii is a fun place to go. Long long ago, the first people went to Hawaii in a small boat . They found the place quite beautiful. But it was difficult for travelers to go to Hawaii at that time. And there were no big hotels like the ones today. Now things have changed. Lots of nice big hotels have been built in recent years. However, the nice view in Hawaii hasn’t changed much. In the morning , many tourists often take a walk along the water in. At night , they get together to hold parties, chatting and dancing.

Now , you see Hawaii is really a good place to visit. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.



Answer the following questions with No More Than 4 Words

1.Where will Mary spend her holiday this summer ?


2.Why has Hawaii been a magic name to people who like travelling?


3.What do Kate and her family often do at the seaside at weekends?

4.How did the first people go to Hawaii long ago?


5.Who often get together to hold parties, chatting and dancing at night ?



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