
Making friend is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing(乐意) to take some action. You must first go where there are people. You won’t make friends staying home alone.
Join a club or group, talking with those who like the same things you do is much easier. Or join someone in some activity. Many people are nervous when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.
Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. We imagine other people are giving an opinion about us-finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same away. Try to accept(接受)yourself as you are, and try to put the other person at ease(不拘束). You’ll both feel more comfortable.
Try to keep self-confident(自信)even when you don’t feel that way when you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall(趾高气扬)and straight, look directly at other people and smile. If you see someone you’d like to speak to, say something. Don’t wait for the other person to start a conversation.
Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that person-friendship is based on each other’s liking and “give and take”. They take time and efforts to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from growing.
小题1:If you want to meet people and make friends, what should you do?
A.Join a club or group.B.Talk with those who like the same things.
C.Join someone in some activity.D.All of the above(上面)
小题2:In the sentence “After all, meeting strangers means facing the unknown.”, the word “unknown” means _____.
A.without somebody knowingB.without somebody liking
小题3:How do you feel more comfortable when you are with new people?
A.Shake hands with others
B.Accept yourself as you are, and put the other as ease
C.Don’t talk with those who don’t like.
D.Walk tall and straight.
小题4:If you’d like to speak to someone, what should you do?
A.You should wait until the person says something.
B.You should stay home alone.
C.You should cough until the person notices you.
D.You should say something at first.
小题5:Friendship is based on______
A.meeting for the first timeB.each other’s liking and “give and take”
C.keeping self-confidentD.facing the unknown


小题2:根据上文Many people are nervous when talking to new people.及下文描述本句所说的unknown就是前后文提到的新人,故选A,没有人认识的人。
小题3:根据Try to accept(接受)yourself as you are, and try to put the other person at ease(不拘束).可知选B。
小题4:根据If you see someone you’d like to speak to, say something. Don’t wait for the other person to start a conversation.描述可知是应该自己先开口,故选D。
小题5:根据person-friendship is based on each other’s liking and “give and take”可知选B。
Dear sir,
I read your story (of the 4th February) about the cost of living in the country rather than in the town, and I agree with most of your opinions.My husband and I lived in the middle of Horlton until two years ago a seaside (海边) town of nearly five hundred thousand people.When my husband stopped working, we moved to our present house in a small village at the foot of Roland Hill, and there is no doubt (疑问) that our costs are higher now.
I have to do my shopping in small shops, where the food is more expensive than in city supermarkets; it costs more to travel by bus; and because the men who come to mend the television or the washing-machine, have to come further, we have to pay them more.
But it does not cost us much to enjoy what is beautiful in the country; and peace and quiet are cheap.It takes many people a lot of time and money to drive into the country to enjoy the simple things of life; yet we can enjoy them just by going out of the front door.It costs more to live here than it did in Horlton, but now life really is worth (值得) living.
Yours faithfully,
Edith Randall (Mrs)
小题1:Horlton was __________.
A.a very big city
B.a small village beside the sea
C.a town of nearly 500,000 people
D.a small village at the foot of Roland Hill
小题2:It costs more to live in the country because __________.
A.the men who mend the television have to come by bus
B.food costs more in small shops
C.the television goes wrong more often in the country
D.Mrs Randall has to travel by bus to the city supermarket
小题3:Although it costs less to live in a town, __________.
A.life is more worth living in the country
B.we can’t enjoy the beautiful view
C.it costs more to live in Horlton
D.life is worth living only when you live in a small village
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小题1:If you spend 100 dollars or more, you can ____________.
A.get a CD freeB.get 6 hours of free parking
C.get some stamps free D.get a car free
小题2:Buy one tie at Daniel's Menswear, you may get another _______free.
A.cheaper tie B.more expensive tie
C.tie of the same priceD.tie of different price
小题3:You can get a 10% discount on any books if you _______ at the Book Store.
A.buy some gifts B.buy some tickets
C.show this coupon D.buy some books
小题4:If you want to have free soft drink, you can go to____________.
A.Mike's Cafe B.the Book Store C.Daniel’s MenswearD.the Movie House
小题5:If John pays 10 dollars for a full-price movie ticket on Tuesdays, he can buy a second ticket for only____________.
A.5 dollarsB.10 dollarsC.15 dollars D.20 dollars

A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much __31___ a nice looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it __32_____much that he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop insisted five hundred dollars for it. When the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took___33__out of the owner’s hand and ran out with it. It all happened in few seconds. When the owner ran out ___34____the street, the young man was already disappearing among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw ___35_____with the stolen watch in his hand. “Don’t you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” he asked in a low_____36____ , “It’s only a hundred dollars.”
“The young man doesn’t know _____37____saw him stealing the watch just now,” he thought. The American paid at once and went ___38______back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend took a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, “You are ____39_____. The watch isn’t worth ___40______ten dollars. I’m sure the shop owner and the young man planned all this together.”
A.to giveB.to takeC.to getD.to sell
A.a watchB.the moneyC.the watchD.some dollars
A.the young manB.the ownerC.the AmericanD.another young man
A.a bad manB.a clever manC.a foolD.a thief
When I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings. Sometimes she said I was thin. Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasn’t a good student. Sometimes she said I talked too much, and so on. I tried to put up with(忍受) her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.
He listened to me quietly, and then he asked, “Are the things she said true or not? Mary, didn’t you ever wonder what you’re really like? Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.” I did as he told me and to my surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true.
I brought the list back to my dad. He refused to take it. “That’s just for you,” he said. “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. When something said about you is true, you’ll find it will be helpful to you. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you think is right.”
Many years have passed. The situation often appears in my mind. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure(珍惜) all your life!
小题1:What did the writer’s father do after he heard her complaints(抱怨)?
A.He agreed with her “enemy”.
B.he let her continue to put up with her “enemy”.
C.He told her to write down all her “enemy” had said about her.
D.He told her not to pay attention to what her “enemy” had said.
小题2:The writer felt ____ when she did the things as her father had told her.
小题3:Which of the following can we know from the passage?
A.The “enemy” thought the writer was pretty.
B.The “enemy” thought the writer studied hard.
C.The writer and her “enemy” became best friends at last.
D.The writer is grateful to her father.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.My Parents
B.A Serious Criticism(批评)
C.What People Say About You Is Always Right
D.The Best Advice I Ever Had

London is a good place for kids! The museums listed here will welcome children and make their visit fun.
Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood
It's famous for its collection of toys, dolls and children's costumes. It also offers a lively program of activities on weekends and during holidays.
Address: Cambridge, Heath Road, E2
Phone: 020 8983 5200
Price: Free
Theater Museum
It tills the history of the performing arts in the UK. The collection includes displays on theater, dance, opera, musicals, rock and pop.
Address: Russell Street, WC2E
Phone: 020 7943 4700
Price: Free
Nearest Station: Covent Garden Tube
London's Transport Museum
Travel through time and discover the colorful story of London's famous transportation system, from 1800 to the present day. Through exciting displays of buses, trams and trains.
Address: London's Transport Museum, WCE2
Phone: 020 7379 6344
Nearest Station: Govent Garden Tube
Natural History Museum
It has hundreds of exciting exhibits. It also allows visitors to meet museum researchers and find out about their work, and learn about recent scientific discoveries and the museum's collections.
Address: Cromwell Road, SW7
Phone: 020 7942 5000
Price: Free
Nearest Station: South Kensington Tube
小题1:The museums are mostly for ________.    
小题2:If you want to visit Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, you can _______.    
A.call 020 7943 4700
B.go to Cromwell Road
C.call 020 8983 5200
D.go to South Kensington Tube Station
小题3:If you want to know about operas, you should go to ________.
A.Natural History Museum
B.Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood
C.Theater Museum
D.London’s Transport Museum
小题4:You don't need to pay to visit any of the museums except for ________.    
A.Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood
B.London's Transport Museum
C.Natural History Museum
D.Theater Museum
小题5:You may find these ads at ________.    

When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been abroad. Like most English children, I learnt French at school and I had often been to France, so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand English. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.
How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to give my American friend Danny a ring and tell her that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking like being lost and asked if he could help me.
“Yes,”I said.“I want to give my friend a ring.”
“Well, that’s nice,”he exclaimed (惊呼).“Are you getting married? But aren’t you a bit young?”
“Who is talking about marriage?” I replied. “I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I’ve arrived. Can you tell me where there’s a phone box?”
“Oh!”he said.“There’s a phone downstairs.”
When at last we did meet up, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.“Don’t worry,” she said to me.“I had many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from us British. You’ll soon get used to all the funny things they say. But most of the time British and American people can understand each other!”
小题1:When the writer arrived at the airport, he wanted to _____.
A.buy a ring for his friend B.ask the way to his friend’s
C.telephone his friendD.call a taxi
小题2:The old man thought _____.
A.the writer wanted to find a phone box
B.the writer was old enough to get married
C.the writer didn’t know the way
D.the writer wanted to find his girlfriend
小题3:.At last, the old man _____.
A.understood what the writer wanted to do
B.couldn’t understand the writer
C.bought a ring for the writer
D.took the writer to the phone box by himself
小题4:Which sentence is wrong according to the passage?
A.The writer’s friend, Danny had a lot of difficulties in the U.S.A. at first.
B.There are some differences between American and British English.
C.British people can’t understand the Americans most of the time.
D.British and American people can understand each other most of the time.

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