
Wu Juping is just an ordinary saleswoman.However,on July 2,2011,she bravely caught a falling child and has been praised as the
most beautiful mother in China.1 he child fell from the 10th floor of a building in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province into Wu's arms.
The child is two years old,pet named Niu Niu.Niu Niu climbed up to the window looking for her grandma who went to fetch the clothes in another room.When a neighbor lived one floor below saw the little girl falling,he held out a ladder(梯子)to catch her.The ladder,however,was too short to reach the girl.At this dangerous moment,Wu,who was just walking near the building,rushed to the spot and caught her successfully before the two-year-old hit the ground.
The girl fell into a coma(昏迷),and Wu was also injured seriously in her left arm.On July 8,Niu Niu,who was able to move her fingers,feet and eyes,was reported out of dangerous condition and Wu's arm is recovering well now.
55.The child climbed up the window toC.
A.look for her fallen toys          B.try jumping out of it
C.look for her grandma              D.watch other children playing
56.The neighborBwhen he saw Niu Niu falling.
A.called fo r help                       B.failed to catch her
C.tried to hold her in arms         D.did nothing but see her falling down
57.Wu JupingAwhen Niu Niu was falling down.
A.arrived just in time to catch her B.arrived with a badly broken arm
C.happened to be at work                D.fetched something in another room
58.Why was Wu Juping praised as the most beautiful mother?D
A.She loved her baby most.
B.She was young and pretty.
C.She happened to be on the spot.
D.She saved a baby at the risk of hurting herself.

分析 这篇短文主要讲述了中国"最美妈妈"吴鞠萍在2011年6月2日勇救坠楼小女孩妞妞的感人故事.

解答 55,答案:C;细节理解题;根据短文内容Niu Niu climbed up to the window looking for her grandma who went to fetch the clothes in another room,可知妞妞爬到窗口寻找奶奶,故填C;
56,答案:B;细节理解题;根据短文内容he held out a ladder(梯子)to catch her,The ladder,however,was too short to reach the girl.可知梯子太短了,够不着那个女孩,所以邻居接孩子失败,故填B;
57,答案:A;细节理解题;根据短文内容Wu,who was just walking near the building,rushed to the spot and caught her successfully before the two-year-old hit the ground,可知吴菊萍及时赶到那个地点,并且在小孩落地前成功的抓住了她,故填A;
58,答案:D;细节理解题;根据短文内容she bravely caught a falling child and has been praised as the most beautiful mother in China,可知吴菊萍冒着自己受伤的危险成功地救了一名小孩,为此被誉为"最美妈妈";故填D.

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8."The zoo has money problems,"Grandmother Sandy said.
Angel listened.She heard that Fresno's Chaffee Zoo didn't have enough money to take care of its animals.
Angel loved animals.She planned to study them when she grew up.Angel's family had four cats.Angel took good care of them and made sure that they always had food and water.
Angel felt sorry for the zoo animals.While the others in the family were cooking dinner,Angel was cooking up a way to help the animals.She decided to write a letter to show how she felt.At the end of the letter,she wrote:"Give a dollar,help an animal."She sent the letter and a dollar to The Fresno Bee,a local newspaper.
A few days after that,Angel's letter was published.Almost immediately,people began sending in money.Angel's letter was having effect!
At school,Angel went to each classroom to read the letter that appeared on the newspaper.She asked students in her school to give money to the zoo.Next,Angel was asked to appear on television.She was invited to be on a popular talk show.
The workers in the zoo were very happy.Ray Navarro is the person most responsible(有责任的)for the animals."Angel opened the eyes of Fresno,"said Ray."she made us see that people can make a difference."
56.What was the problem of Fresno's Chaffee Zoo?A
A.It didn't have enough money.
B.Nobody looked after the animals.
C.The animals ran away from the zoo
D.The animals were cooked for dinner.
57.By saying"Angel was cooking up away to help the animals"the writer meansB.
A.Angel wanted to cook the animals for food
B.Angel was thinking of an idea to help the animals
C.Angel wanted to help the animals to run away
D.Angel was cooking a meal for the animals
58.How did Angel help the zoo animals?D
A.By giving a lot of money.B.By taking care of them.
C.By writing letters to them.D.By raising money for them.
59.Which is the correct order of the following(以下的)events?A
①Angel appeared on television.
②People began sending in money.
③Angel's letter was published.
④Angel asked her schoolmates to give money
⑤Angel wrote a letter to a local newspaper.
60.Ray Navarro thought that AngelC.
A.was most responsible for the animals
B.was good at making animals happy
C.helped the people in Fresno
D.could cure blind people.

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