
4.--Are Mr.and Mrs.Wang living alone in the house?
--Yes,altough they have three sons,     of them live with their parents.(  )

分析 --王先生和王太太独自居住在这所房子里吗?

解答 答案:D.选项A:neither 用于两者之间,表示"两者都不";B:both用于两者间表示"两者都";C:all全,都;表示"三者及以上都…".D:none用于三者及以上,表示三者及以上都不.根据although they have three sons,知为"有三个儿子",后文中需用表示三者及以上的词,又因although表转折关系,故后句为三个儿子都不与他们的父母一起住,表示三者及三者以上都不.故选D.

点评 考查不定代词neither,both,all,none的词意及所适用的范围,考生熟知这些不定代词及适用范围是解题的关键.

Wu Juping is just an ordinary saleswoman.However,on July 2,2011,she bravely caught a falling child and has been praised as the
most beautiful mother in China.1 he child fell from the 10th floor of a building in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province into Wu's arms.
The child is two years old,pet named Niu Niu.Niu Niu climbed up to the window looking for her grandma who went to fetch the clothes in another room.When a neighbor lived one floor below saw the little girl falling,he held out a ladder(梯子)to catch her.The ladder,however,was too short to reach the girl.At this dangerous moment,Wu,who was just walking near the building,rushed to the spot and caught her successfully before the two-year-old hit the ground.
The girl fell into a coma(昏迷),and Wu was also injured seriously in her left arm.On July 8,Niu Niu,who was able to move her fingers,feet and eyes,was reported out of dangerous condition and Wu's arm is recovering well now.
55.The child climbed up the window toC.
A.look for her fallen toys          B.try jumping out of it
C.look for her grandma              D.watch other children playing
56.The neighborBwhen he saw Niu Niu falling.
A.called fo r help                       B.failed to catch her
C.tried to hold her in arms         D.did nothing but see her falling down
57.Wu JupingAwhen Niu Niu was falling down.
A.arrived just in time to catch her B.arrived with a badly broken arm
C.happened to be at work                D.fetched something in another room
58.Why was Wu Juping praised as the most beautiful mother?D
A.She loved her baby most.
B.She was young and pretty.
C.She happened to be on the spot.
D.She saved a baby at the risk of hurting herself.

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