
Are you in a bad mood? Don’t worry! According to a new Australian study, a bad mood can actually be good for you. The study showed that being sad could help people to judge others more correctly and was also good for the memory.
The study was carried out by Professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales.“People in a bad mood paid more attention to the people and things around them than happy people .Happy people were more likely to believe anything they were told,”said Forgas
For the study, Forgas and his team did a lot of experiments. During the experiments, they made the participants(参加者) feel happy or sad by watching films and thinking about good or bad things of the past.
In one of the experiments, happy and sad participants were asked to judge whether some wrong things were true or not. The results showed that people in a bad mood were less likely to believe that these things were true.
People in a bad mood were also less likely to make mistakes when they were asked to remember the things that they saw.
The study also showed that sad people were better at talking about their thoughts in written style. In fact, the study said that a slightly bad mood could help to make communication more successful.
小题1:The study was completed by _______________.
A.sad participantsB.happy participants
C.Professor Joseph ForgasD.Forgas’ friends
小题2:Being sad is good for the following except ______________.
A.one’s judgmentB.one’s diet
C.one’s memoryD.one’s communication
小题3:. How did they make the participants feel happy or sad during the experiments?
A.By asking and answering questions.
B.By talking about their good or bad things of the past.
C.By paying more attention to the people around them.
D.By watching films and thinking about good or bad things of the past.
小题4: According to the fourth paragraph, they asked the participants to ______________.
A.judge if some wrong things were true or not
B.remember the things that they saw
C.write down their thoughts
D.make communication with others
小题5:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Happy people were less likely to believe anything they were told.
B.Happy people could judge others more correctly.
C.Sad people were less likely to make mistakes when they remembered the things they saw.
D.Sad people did worse in talking about their thoughts in written style.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第二段开头The study was carried out by Professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales.可知该选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第一段末The study showed that being sad could help people to judge others more correctly and was also good for the memory.以及短文末In fact, the study said that a slightly bad mood could help to make communication more successful.可知该选B。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三段末During the experiments, they made the participants(参加者) feel happy or sad by watching films and thinking about good or bad things of the past.可知该选D。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第四段开头In one of the experiments, happy and sad participants were asked to judge whether some wrong things were true or not.可知该选A。
小题5:细节理解题。根据第五段People in a bad mood were also less likely to make mistakes when they were asked to remember the things that they saw.可知该选C。

My house is three kilometers away from the Children’s Park. It has three bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen. If you rent it for several months, you need to pay 1,200 yuan each month; if you rent it for longer than one year, you just need to pay 13,500 yuan each year.
If you need to have a look, please contact(联系) Yang Qin.
Tel: 15235190538
E-mail: yangqin2011@hotmail.com
The flat is ten minutes’ walk from the train station. It is on the 15th floor with two bedrooms, one kitchen, one big dining room, one sitting room and one bathroom. There is a 24-hour store, two coffee bars, several restaurants and a laundry shop in thke building.
Contact Li Xing to rent.
Tel: 13933171266
E-mail: lxing29@126.com
I have a two-bedroom flat and I take up the small bedroom myself. Now I am looking for someone who can take up the big one. I am a boy. I want a boy , too. The flat has wooden floor, a kitchen, hot water and the Internet. You need to pay 500 yuan per month, but it will be cheaper for a long stay.
I’m Su Li. Please call me at 13535119715 or e-mail me at 1980@hotmail.com if you want to check out the room.
小题1:If you rent Yang Qin’s house for a year, how much should you pay?
小题2:Who should Liu Bin call if he wants to find a house in a tall building with a store in it?
A.Yang QinB.Li XingC.Su LiD.Allen
小题3:What does the underlined phrase “take up” mean?
A.live inB.buyC.sell outD.find
小题4:Zhang Qi wants to share a flat with a boy. Which of the following is the proper way to find a suitable flat?
A.To call Su Li at 13535119715
B.To call Yang Qin at 15235190538
C.To e-mail Li Xing at lxing29@126.com
D.To e-mail Yang Qin at yangqin2011@hotmail.com
小题5:What are the three ads for?
A.For finding jobs.B.For buying houses.
C.For renting houses.D.For finding roommates.
After my husband died, my world crashed around me. My six children were 10, nine, eight, six, three and 18 months, and I was overwhelmed(压垮) with the responsibilities(责任) of earning a living, caring for the children and simply keeping my head above water.
I was lucky to find a wonderful housekeeper to care for the children during the week, but from Friday nights to Monday mornings, the children and I were alone, and frankly(坦诚地) I was uneasy. Every unusual noise or any late-night phone call filled me with fear. I felt really lonely.
One Friday evening I came home from work to find a big beautiful German shepherd(牧羊犬) on our doorstep. It was obvious he wanted to make the house his home. The children took an instant(紧迫的) liking to "German" and begged me to let him in. I agreed to let him sleep in the basement(地下室) until the next day. That night I slept peacefully for the first time in many weeks. The following morning we made phone calls and checked lost-and-found ads for German’s owner, but with no results. Saturday night he was still with us.
On Sunday I had planned to take the children on a picnic. Since I thought it best to leave German behind in case his owner came by, we drove off without him. When we stopped to get gas at a local station, we were amazed to see German racing to the gas station after us. He stayed again Sunday night.
Monday morning I let him out for a run while the children got ready for school. He didn’t come back. We thought we’d never see him again. On Friday evening, German was back again. We took him in, and again he stayed until Monday morning, when our housekeeper arrived. It went like this for almost 10 months. We looked forward to his coming each Monday morning he left home.
Each week, between German's visits, I grew a little braver, but every weekend I enjoyed his company. Then one Monday morning we patted his head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time. He never came back.
小题1:How long did the German shepherd stay with the family every week?
A.One day.B.Two days.
C.Three days.D.Four days.
小题2:What does the underlined part in the first paragraph mean?
A.trying to keep calm in public
B.trying to get attention from other men
C.showing her high spirit in the face of trouble
D.managing to continue to live
小题3:When the author’s husband died, ______.
A.she couldn’t raise the six children on her own
B.she couldn’t relax on the weekends
C.The housekeeper only came on weekends
D.she was too busy to feel lonely
小题4:Which of the following is Wrong according to the article?
A.German was fond of living with the family.
B.The writer felt safe and protected with German around.
C.The dog stayed until the writer was strong enough to go on alone.
D.The writer was too busy that weekend to go find the dog’s owner.
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A homeless dogB.A friend’s strength
C.How to keep a dogD.Keep up when in trouble
Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't. An airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it's often late. You can't open the windows. You can't choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.
I like traveling by train I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows.  You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.
I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don't need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the roads.
小题1: Does everyone like to travel by plane?
A.Yes, we do.B.No, I don't know.
C.Yes, he does.D.No, not everyone.
小题2:Where is an airport according to the passage?
A.It's usually far from the city.B.It's usually in a big city.
C.It's usually near the city.D.It's usually around the city.
小题3: Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.You can choose food on the plane.
B.You can open the windows on the plane.
C.You can open the windows on the train.
D.Trains are not safe.
小题4:The writer doesn't like traveling by plane, does he?
A.Yes, it does.B.Yes, he does.
C.No, it doesn't.D.No, he doesn't.
小题5: If you take a car, you don't need to __
A.get to a railway stationB.get up early
C.carry many thingsD.take money
(1)I was only an 11-year-old girl when my parents told me that we would soon move to America. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear(忍受)the thought of never hearing the radio program for school children again which I listened to every morning.
In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving, I even felt a little excited because I thought about all the places I was going to see—the strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures.
The first four years in America taught me the importance of optimism(乐观), but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost—having to study in three schools and I (2)________most of my time(2)_________learning the English language.I hardly had any time for fun. Sometimes I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried(再婚), and things became even harder for me. It took me some time to get used to my stepfather(继父). I was often sad, and saw no end to “the hard times.”
I had to do many things for the family since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters, filled out forms, translated(翻译)all kinds of information and took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there.
Luckily, things got better and better later and almost all common troubles went away at last  From those experiences I have learned one important rule: Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little!
小题2:在(2)处填入两个合适的词,使句意完整,上下文通顺:__________; __________
小题3:回答问题:Why did the writer feel excited when they were leaving?
Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other.
小题5: 在文中找出主题句:___________________________________________________________
We spend hours, days and years of our lives in school. Imagine you could design your dream school, what would it be like? What would you be doing? We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought. Here is what they said:
Richard from the USA: My dream school would have a big swimming pool and two soccer fields. It would also have a cinema, a gym and a shopping center. My school has none of these, and I think there should be more pleasant things for students to do while they are studying.
Sonia from Italy: I’d like a room where we can relax and play computer games. I’d also like to have a music room. I think there should be a place for everyone to go and relax after class. Wu from Beijing: I think it would be great to have another day off (休息日) every week, besides the weekend. If that day was a Friday or a Monday, we would have a long weekend every week. What fun! I also think school should start later, at about 10 o’clock, and finish earlier.
Hannah from Australia: In my dream school, I think the teachers should give us more freedom and choice about how we study and what we study. I also think it’s unimportant for us to wear school uniforms every day. I really don’t like wearing it.

小题1:. Richard is from_________.
小题2:. From the passage, we know that_________.
A.Sonia from Italy would like a room to relax and play computer games
B.Richard from the USA thinks his dream school should start at 10 o’clock
C.Wu from Beijing enjoys studying five days a week
D.Hannah from Australia likes wearing a school uniform every day
小题3:. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A dream school.B.Soccer fields.
C.A music roomD.School uniforms.
When I was about six years old, my brother David and I visited our aunt, Mary. We stayed in her house for a night. David was only 4 years old, and was still        of the dark., so Mary left the hall light on when we slept.
However, David      the grey moths(蛾) flying around the hall light. He asked Mary to make the moths go away. When she asked      , she simply said, “Because they are ugly and scary, I don’t like them.” Mary laughed and said, “Being ugly outside doesn’t      not being beautiful inside. In fact, moths are one of the most beautiful animals in the animal world.
“Once, the angels (天使) were      . They were sad because it was raining heavily. The        little moths hated to see others so sad. They decided to make a rainbow(彩虹) to cheer up the angels. They thought if the butterflies(蝴蝶)      ,  they could make a beautiful rainbow together.
“Then one of the moths went to ask the butterflies for help. But the butterflies didn’t want to      any of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow themselves. They beat their wings very hard and the colors on them made a rainbow. They kept giving a little more and a little more       the rainbow went across the sky. They had given away all their colors except grey, which didn’t match the beautiful rainbow.
“Then the once-colorful moths became      . The angles saw the rainbow and smiled…” My brother went to sleep with that story and hasn’t feared months since then.
A.give upB.pick upC.turn upD.look up

Digital Atomic Watch(数字原子表)
This new watch is one of the most accurate(精准) watches in fashion. You never have to do another thing except change the battery - about once every two years! This Atomic Watch displays time (12 or 24-hour mode(模式)), weekday, date and month. Water resistant(抵抗的). Weight: 2.6 oz. Display Size: 0.75" W x 0.5" H. Face Size: 1.5" W. Band Size: 0.75" W x 8.25" L.
Item: # DWW  Price: $ 40

Dolphin Wood Kit(配套原件)
Great for kids. Simple wood changed into an pretty 3-D model dolphin. No tools or glue required. Complete with 5-language instruction paper. Age 7+
Model Size: 8.5" (22 cm) long.
Item: #7103-09   Price: $ 8 ($15 if you take two)

Russian Nesting(嵌套) Dolls
Russian nesting dolls are wooden dolls with one doll inside the other(7 in 1). The dolls are the ones which open piece after piece like words in a sentence, to reveal its beauty. They are all hand painted. The paint is safe for children. Wonderful souvenirs for visitors. Suitable gifts for kids. Height: 30cms.
Item: # RND203   Price: $ 4 ($25 a set of dolls)
小题1:Victor wants to buy a present for his 4-year-old cousin. He could buy         .
A. the digital atomic watch      B. the dolphin wood kit      C. the Russian nesting dolls
小题2:If you know how to make up the dolphin wood kit, you need        to help you to finish it.
A. nothing                   B. glue                   C. some tools
小题3:If you use a digital atomic watch, you should buy a battery         .
A. every half year             B. every year              C. every two years
小题4:Maria wants to buy two sets of the nesting dolls and two dolphin wood kits, she should pay     .
A. $ 65                     B. $ 66                    C. $ 23
小题5:From the ads we know that         .
A. you can’t wear the digital atomic watch when you go surfing
B. if you don’t know how to make up the dolphin wood kit, you can follow the instruction
C. the painting of the Russian nesting dolls are made by machines.

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