
Assistant: Can I help you?


Assistant: May I know who it is for? Maybe I can give you some help.

Jane: For myself. You know, I have a two-month holiday. I want to be in KFC as a part-time worker.

Assistant: I see.2.______________________________?

Jane: Um…I prefer light blue.

Assistant: There’re many styles of suits. 3.______________________________?

Jane: It’s soft and smooth. I really like it. Can I try it on now?

Assistant: Of course. It’s suitable for you to wear uniforms at work.

Jane: Thanks so much.4.______________________________?

Assistant: It is made of cotton. It’s cheap and nice.

Jane: Great! I think I will take it.




1.I am looking for a suit./ I want to buy a suit./I need a suit.

2.What color do you need/want/prefer/like?

3.What do you think of this one?/How do you like this one?/What/How about this one?

4.What’s it made of ?


1.根据上文,可以帮您什么忙吗?可知下文指的是简要买什么东西。故填:I am looking for a suit./ I want to buy a suit./I need a suit.

2.联系下文,嗯,我更喜欢浅蓝色。可知上文问的是,你喜欢什么颜色?故填:What color do you need/want/prefer/like?

3.联系下文,它很柔软光滑。可知上文是在征求简的看法。故答:What do you think of this one?/How do you like this one?/What/How about this one?

4.联系下文,她是由棉花做的。可知上文问的是,它是由什么做的?故答:What’s it made of ?



On July 12th, 2009, at 5 pm, a lot of fans met at People’s Square in Shanghai. They performed Michael Jackson’s unfinished dance. For one minute, they sang and did the moon walk (太空步) to remember Michael Jackson.
This kind of phenomenon (现象) is called “flash mob (快闪族)”. “Flash mob” is a group of people who meet in a public place to perform an activity for a short time. Sometimes all these people are friends, but usually they are strangers (陌生人) and they find each other (彼此) on the Internet.
“Flash mob” is very surprised and strange. One of the popular “flash mob” activities was in Manhattan, New York City: Three hundred people met in a store and each of them told the shop assistant that they would buy the same size sports shoes, and the shop assistant didn’t know what to do.
【小题1】What did a lot of fans do at People’s Square in Shanghai?
【小题2】What is “flash mob”?
【小题3】Are people of “flash mob” usually strangers?
【小题4】Where do people find each other in a short time?
【小题5】What does the writer think of “flash mob”?

Many parents today worry about their children's diets. Then what is a healthy diet for children? Miss Jones from Happy Children Hospital gives the following advice:

◆ Children shouldn't eat food with too much salt, because it can cause high blood pressure(高血压).

◆ Children should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar. They should not eat too much junk food.

◆ Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins. Children need to eat fruit and vegetables often.

◆ Water is important to everyone. Children need to drink enough water every day.

◆ Children need to eat breakfast every day. It is good for their bodies and minds.

1.Miss Jones is possible a _______________.

A.teacher                               B.doctor

C.shop assistant                          D.a waitress

2. What does the underlined word " junk food " mean in Chinese?

A.绿色食品         B.垃圾食品          C.天然食品         D.营养食品

3. According to Miss Jones, children should drink__________ every day.

A.enough juice                           B.enough water

C.enough coffee                         D.enough milk

4. Which kind of food is rich in vitamins?

A.water                                B.junk food

C.sugar                                 D.fruit and vegetables

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A.Bad Habits                             B.Junk Food

C.Advice on a Healthy Diet                  D.An Unhealthy Lifestyle


阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

It's March, 2050.

Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house in the morning and switch on the bedroom computer to get the latest news. They used to read the Times, but changed to electronic newspapers many years ago.                                                

There is the usual news about space: another space flight has returned from Mars and scientists have discovered a new planet. Then they turn to business news: the US dollar has risen greatly in Shanghai, one of the world's leading business centers. Mary tells the computer to buy 5,000 dollars, and there is a quick response that it has been done.

As they watch the screen, Mary orders one of the household robots to make coffee for them. Frank disappears into the study to join a video conference with his partners around the world. He is a computer engineer, working for several companies. This is his third job: he used to be in marketing and then television.

Mary has a quick look at the shopping channels - the usual selection of electric cars, household robots and cheap travel offers - before picking up the video phone to talk to her assistant. She also has a job and she is doing medical research. Both she and Frank used to have an office desk in London, but in 2014 they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.

Frank and Mary have one daughter, Louise, who also has her own workstation at home. She goes to school only one day a week, mainly to play with other students. Classrooms disappeared in 2030 because there was no longer any need for them: communications systems have made it much easier to learn at home.

Louise, now thirteen, is studying Chinese at present, which has become a world language as

important as English. Louise has many Chinese friends. They communicate by computer.

According to the family doctor, Louise will live to at least 130. Her wish is to work for a

few decades (十年) and then spend her time on music and painting.

1.Do Frank and Mary get the latest news on the computer in the morning?

2.Who makes coffee for Mary and Frank?

3.What does Frank do?

4.What are the two world languages in 2050?

5.What do you think of Louise's life in 2050? Why?


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