
【题目】A rich man wanted to go a trip to another town.He wanted to take things to and also wanted to buy things.He decided to take ten servants(仆人) him.They would carry the things to sell and also food on the way.

He said to one of his servants,‘You are the youngest and the thinnest of all my servants,so you can't carry a heavy load(担).You must choose the lightest load to carry.’

The servant pointed(指)to the biggest load which was bread to eat on the way.The rich man said,‘You are foolish.That is the heaviest load.’ the servant lifted up the load gladly and they started their trip.

They walked four hours,then they stopped a rest.They all ate some of the bread.Now there was less bread for the servant to carry.Every day they more bread and there was less to carry.His load grew(变得)smaller and fighter every day.At the end the clever servant nothing

【1】A.in B.at C.to D.on

【2】A.buy B.use C.see D.sell

【3】A.on B.with C.in D.without

【4】A.to look B.use C.to eat D.throw

【5】A.But B.And C.So D.For

【6】A.at B.since C.for D.on

【7】A.to B.for C.in D.on

【8】A.eat B.eating C.ate D.use

【9】A.didn't B.can’t C.buy D.had

【10】A.buy B.to eat C.to carry D.carry














【1】D考查介词及语境的理解。句意:一个富人想去另外一个城市旅行。in 在…里面;at 在具体的时刻或地点;to ……;on在……上面。这里go on a trip是固定的短语,意思是去旅行,故选D。

【2】D考查动词及语境的理解。句意:他想带着东西去卖,也想买一些东西。buy 买;use 使用;see 看见;sell卖。根据下文They would carry the things to sell可知,他们带着一些东西去卖,故选D。

【3】B考查介词及语境的理解。句意:他决定带10个仆人一起去。on ……上面;with ……一起;in ……里面;without没有。根据文意可知,这个富人想带着10个仆人和他一起去,故选B。

【4】C考查非谓语动词及语境的理解。句意:他们会带着东西去卖,也带着一些食物在路上吃。to look 去看;use 使用;to eat 去吃;throw扔。根据句意可知,他们带着食物是为了在路上吃,故选C。

【5】A考查词及语境的理解。句意:富人说:你太傻了,那是最重的担子。但是这个仆人高兴的举起担子,他们就出发了。But 但是,表示转折;And 和,而且;So 因此,所以;For为了,因为。根据文意可知,虽然富人告诉那个仆人这个担子很重,但是这个仆人却不觉得,这里是转折的关系,故选A。

【6】C考查词及语境的理解。句意:他们走了四个小时。at 在具体的时刻或地点;since 自从;for 为了,持续一段时间;on在……上面。根据句意可知,这里说的是他们走路的时间,应该用for,后跟一段时间。故选C。

【7】B考查词及语境的理解。句意:然后他们停下来休息一下。to ……;for 为了;in ……里面;on在……上面。根据文意可知,他们已经走了四个小时了,所以停下来休息一下。这里用for表示目的。故选B。

【8】C考查词及语境的理解。句意:每天他们吃掉更多的面包,这个仆人需要搬的担子越来越轻了。eat 吃,动词原形;eating 吃,动名词;ate 吃,过去式;use使用。根据文意可知,他们每天都会吃掉很多面包。全文使用的是一般过去时态,故选C。

【9】D考查词及语境的理解。句意:到最后这个聪明的仆人没有什么东西可搬了。didn’t 没有;can’t 不能;buy 买;had有。根据文意可知,他们在旅途中慢慢的就把食物吃完了,所以到最后这个聪明的仆人就没有东西搬了。空后nothing是否定的意思,故选D。

【10】C考查词及语境的理解。句意:到最后这个聪明的仆人没有什么东西可搬了。buy 买;to eat 吃;to carry 搬;carry搬。have nothing to carry没有东西可搬,这里动词不定式做的定语修饰前面的不定代词nothing。故选C。


【题目】Last summer my family and I went on a trip to the China Dinosaur Park in Changzhou by bus. The one-hour trip seemed very long. We arrived at the park at about 9 a.m.

There were many fun places for us to choose from. We first went to the Crazy Firedrake(喷火龙)Drill. When I looked at the giant yellow machine I wasn't afraid at all But when I was really on it I felt a little nervous. First the machine took us to the highest point. We all screamed(尖叫) "Ah". 1 dared(敢)not look down. Then it turned around fast and moved very quickly at the same time. The wind was so strong that I couldn't open my eyes. I felt as if I would fall down. 1 couldn't stop screaming through the whole ride. It only moved for a few minutes but it seemed to be many hours. When the game ended I was too frightened to walk.

Later we took part in the game called “Crossing Jurassic(侏罗纪)”. After waiting for half an hour we got into a boat. The boat went into a tall building. It was dark around us. There were many model dinosaurs on both sides. They looked like the real ones. From time to time. the model dinosaurs made some frightening shouts which sounded terrible. The game ended with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big pool. What an exciting experience!

【1】When did the writer get on the bus?

A. 9 a.m. B. About 8 a.m.

C. About 9 a.m.D. About 10 a.m.

【2】 When the writer looked at the giant yellow machine he .

A. wasn't afraid B. was too frightened

C. was excited D. was nervous

【3】 What did the writer do when the machine took him to the highest point?

A. The writer cried. B. The writer screamed.

C. The writer looked down.D. The writer did nothing.

【4】 From the text we can know that the game called "Crossing Jurassic" is a trip.

A. bus B. train C. coach D. boat

【5】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The yellow machine turned around fast and moved quickly at the same time.

B. The first game moved for a long time.

C. There were many real dinosaurs in the park.

D. The second game began with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big lake.

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