
【题目】Last summer my family and I went on a trip to the China Dinosaur Park in Changzhou by bus. The one-hour trip seemed very long. We arrived at the park at about 9 a.m.

There were many fun places for us to choose from. We first went to the Crazy Firedrake(喷火龙)Drill. When I looked at the giant yellow machine I wasn't afraid at all But when I was really on it I felt a little nervous. First the machine took us to the highest point. We all screamed(尖叫) "Ah". 1 dared(敢)not look down. Then it turned around fast and moved very quickly at the same time. The wind was so strong that I couldn't open my eyes. I felt as if I would fall down. 1 couldn't stop screaming through the whole ride. It only moved for a few minutes but it seemed to be many hours. When the game ended I was too frightened to walk.

Later we took part in the game called “Crossing Jurassic(侏罗纪)”. After waiting for half an hour we got into a boat. The boat went into a tall building. It was dark around us. There were many model dinosaurs on both sides. They looked like the real ones. From time to time. the model dinosaurs made some frightening shouts which sounded terrible. The game ended with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big pool. What an exciting experience!

【1】When did the writer get on the bus?

A. 9 a.m. B. About 8 a.m.

C. About 9 a.m.D. About 10 a.m.

【2】 When the writer looked at the giant yellow machine he .

A. wasn't afraid B. was too frightened

C. was excited D. was nervous

【3】 What did the writer do when the machine took him to the highest point?

A. The writer cried. B. The writer screamed.

C. The writer looked down.D. The writer did nothing.

【4】 From the text we can know that the game called "Crossing Jurassic" is a trip.

A. bus B. train C. coach D. boat

【5】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The yellow machine turned around fast and moved quickly at the same time.

B. The first game moved for a long time.

C. There were many real dinosaurs in the park.

D. The second game began with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big lake.









【1】B细节理解题。根据The one-hour trip seemed very long. We arrived at the park at about 9 a.m.


【2】A细节理解题。根据When I looked at the giant yellow machine I wasn't afraid at all可知,当我见到巨大的黄色的机器的时候,我一点都不害怕,故应该选A

【3】B细节理解题。根据First the machine took us to the highest point. We all screamed(尖叫) "Ah".可知当机器把我们带到最高点的时候我们都尖叫了,故选B

【4】D细节理解题。根据Later we took part in the game called “Crossing Jurassic(侏罗纪)”. After waiting for half an hour we got into a boat.可知,侏罗纪旅游是船旅游,故应该选D

【5】A细节理解题。根据Then it turned around fast and moved very quickly at the same time.可知快速转身的同时快速的运动。故选B。


【题目】 Do you know that you are not outgoing enough? Do you want to make friends, but are you

too shy? Read the following rules. They will help you.

★Feel comfortable.

Always be clean. Shower, brush your teeth, and try to look nice. Dress in clean clothes.

They must make you feel good and comfortable. Those make you feel more confident(自信的).

★Smile more often.

Try to smile more often at people. It will get them to think that you are friendly Then they'll talk to you more even if they don't know you.

★Just talk

Some people worry about talking because they think,“What am I going to talk about with that person?" Outgoing people don't even think about it.They just go up to people and say what they think.

★Listen to people.

You can't just talk. People will think that you're self-centered(自我为中心的).You have to listen to others and give your ideas. Let them know what you think.

★Read the news.

Don't just stay at home and do nothing. Surf the net for news and information, and talk about them when you're with friends.


【1】The above rules will help you .

A. study better B.make more friends

C. stay healthier D.finish your homework

【2】What makes you feel good and comfortable?

A. Smile at other people. B.Talk with other people.

C. Have a nice look. D.Read more books.

【3】 If you smile at people, .

A. it's easier to meet them

B.they'll think you're friendly

C. it shows that you are too shy

D.they'll think you're crazy

【4】The third rule means that

A. you should be friendly

B.you should think more

C.you should talk much and never think

D.you should say what you are thinking

【5】What's the best title of this passage?

A. Learn to Listen to People

B.How to Cook Nice

C. How to Be Outgoing

D.How to Make More Friends

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