
In the past month,we’ve been holding our breath for news about a Boeing 777 plane,MH 370.
It took off from Kuala Lumpur(吉隆坡),Malaysia.On March 8.It was heading to Beijing.But about two hours into the flight, the plane went missing.
There were 239 people on the flight,including 154 Chinese.
A total of 12 countries including China and the US have joined the search for the plane.
Did it crash? We know that the weather was clear that day.The pilots didn’t make any distress calls(求救信号).And as of March l3,experts have not found any broken parts of the plane。
Was it hijacked(劫机)? Two Iranians(伊朗人)used stolen passports to get into the flight.But now they do not appear to be linked to any possible hijacking of the plane,international police agency Interpol(国际刑警组织)official said on March 11.
The search is still going on.It could take months or even years to find out what happened
to the flight.
小题1:When did MH370 go missing?
A.March 8B.March 9C.March llD.April 8
小题2:How many Chinese are there on the flight?
A.239B.1 54C.1 45D.85
小题3:What was the weather like that day? 
小题4:Did the pilots make any distress calls before the plane went missing?
A.Yes,they did.B.No,they didn’t.C.We don’t know.D.Maybe
小题5:How long could it take to find out what happened to the flight?
A.several monthsB.several yearsC.months or yearsD.3 months


小题1:细节理解题。问题:马航370是在什么时候失踪的?分析原文:On March 8.It was heading to Beijing.But about two hours into the flight, the plane went missing.句意:在三月八日。去往北京的飞机在两个小时之前失去了联系。明确了答案为三月八日。故选A
小题2:细节理解题。问题:在这次航班上有多少中国人?分析原文:There were 239 people on the flight,including 154 Chinese.句意:在飞机上有239人,其中包括154名中国人。从中得知中国人有154名。故选 B
小题3:细节理解题。问题:那一天的天气如何?分析原文:We know that the weather was clear that day.句意:我们知道那天的天气是晴朗的。结合选项体现天气好,只有第三项fine.故选C
小题4:细节理解题。问题:在飞机失去联系之前飞行员发出求救信号了吗?分析原文:The pilots didn’t make any distress calls(求救信号).句意:飞行员们并没有发出求救信号。因此本题用否定回答。故选B
小题5:细节理解题。问题:寻找失联的飞机花费了多长时间?分析原文:The search is still going on.It could take months or even years to find out what happened to the flight.句意:搜索依然进行,可能要花费数月甚至数年的时间来找出飞机失踪的原因。明确答案的只有第三项。故选C
What should you take in with you when you take an exam? Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler…, and don’t forget a bottle of water!
According to a study at the British Psychological ( 心理学的) Society Annual Conference held in London, students who bring water into exams may improve their grades by up to 10 percent.
Scientists at the University of East London and the University of Westminster, UK, did a study on 447 students. The students were studying for different degrees (学历) at the University of East London. Only 25 percent of them entered the exam hall with something to drink.
Scientists then compared their exam results with their normal schoolwork grades. They found that all those who had brought drinks with them got better grades by between 2 and 10 percent.
It is unclear why drinking water improves exam results. But scientists say having enough water in our bodies and not feeling thirsty could have a helpful effect on our brains. Drinking water may also cut down on anxiety ( 焦虑), which has a bad effect on exam performances, according to Chris Pawson, PhD, of the University of East London.
“Whatever the explanation, it is clear that students should try hard to stay hydrated (含水的)with water during exams,” he said.
So next time, when you are going to have a big exam, try bringing a bottle of water with you.Who knows – it may help you pass the exam!
小题1:How much may the students improve their grades most if they bring water into exams?
A.By2%. B.By8%.
小题2:How many students in the study got better grades?
A.About112 students who brought drinks or water into their exams.
B.All the447 students who come from the University of East London.
C.About300 students who took part in the study.
D.About10 percent of the students who studied different subjects.
小题3:The underlined phrase “cut down on” probably means _______.
C.reduce D.change
小题4:According to the passage, how does water help students in exams?
a. It is good for their brains.
b. It makes students smarter.
c. It helps students stay cool.
d. It helps students stay awake.
A.a bB.a c
C.b cD.c d
小题5:Where can you probably read the article?
A.Fashion magazine.B.Text book.
C.Travel guide.D.Newspaper.
BBC News on TV, radio and online often brings you stories from across the world. Today we can hear “Life in China”. Have you got a story about life in China today? If you do, please put your stories here.
Wu Peng, Anhui

    I am a 14-year-old boy from a poor village in Anhui Province. Like many other left-behind children in China, I live with my grandparents now. My parents went to work in Shanghai several years ago. They call me twice a month to ask about my study. I really miss my parents and I hope I can go to school in Shanghai. I think every child needs parents’ love and care.
Cindy, Shenzhen

I like traveling and I have traveled a lot around China. During the trip, I often find that a number of Chinese often break the rules in public. For example, when I traveled in Hong Kong this year, I saw a kid eating noodles on the underground, which was against the rules. However, the kid’s mother didn’t think she did wrong. Can you believe it? Let’s improve our public manners.
Mike, Shanghai

These days, we’re asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say no to wasting. Some of us used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need to finish the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we leave the classroom.
小题1:How does Wu Peng contact his parents according to the passage?
A.By writing letters.B.On the telephone.
C.On the Internet.D.By sending text messages.
小题2:Who thought it was not right to eat on the underground?
A.Cindy.B.Mike.C.Wu Peng.D.The kid’s mother
小题3:What does Mike want people to do?
A.Care about left-behind childrenB.Obey the rules in public.
C.Improve their public mannersD.Stop wasting
The 18-meter-tall Rubber Duck arrived in Beijing on Friday. It was placed on waters in the International Garden Expo Park, where the Yongding River passes through.
The Rubber Duck exhibition was designed by Dutch artist, Florentijn Hofman. It was part of the activities of Beijing Design Week, which ran from September 26 to October 3 in 2013.
The Rubber Duck stayed in the park until September 23, then moved to the Summer Palace, a famous Beijing tourist spot, where it was on display until October 26.
The duck is made of over 200 pieces of rubber. It was guarded not only by staff, but also by 10 volunteers wearing yellow T-shirts and hats with a rubber duck logo.
Sun Yidong, a volunteer who guided visitors to the duck, said the art brought energy to the traditional Chinese park.
“Seeing the giant Rubber Duck makes me feel like I’m a kid again.” Sun said.
Because of the rain on Friday, there were not too many people coming to see it. The Expo workers said they expected more people to come and visit the duck on weekends.
Zhao Yan said she had been following news about the duck since 2007, when the duck began its journey.
“I even considered going to Hong Kong to see it. It’s great that the duck is in Beijing,” Zhao said.
Before arriving in Beijing, the Rubber Duck traveled to 13 cities in nine countries. “The aim of the Rubber Duck is simply to bring everyone back to their childhood again,” said Zeng Hui, a leader of the Beijing Design Week Organizing Committee Office. “It can be a toy for adults.”
小题1:The Rubber Duck went to _______ after it left the International Garden Expo Park.
A.the Olympic ParkB.the Summer Palace
C.Beihai ParkD.Zhong Shan Park
小题2:The Rubber Duck arrived in Beijing on _______.
小题3:Why weren’t there too many people going to see the Rubber Duck on Friday?
A.They were not interested in it.
B.They didn’t have enough time to go there.
C.The weather was not good.
D.The tickets were expensive.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The Rubber Duck started its journey in 2007.
B.Before arriving in Beijing the Rubber Duck was shown in 13 cities.
C.The Rubber Duck is made of more than 200 pieces of rubber.
D.A German artist designed The Rubber Duck.
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The Rubber Duck can remind people of their childhood.
B.Beijing Design Week finished on October 2.
C.Sun Yidong was a visitor.
D.Volunteers wore white T-shirts.
Li Ping,a Junior One student at High School was quite busy over the last winter vacation,not just with homework .Li,together with ten other classmates made a      group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动).
The      students went to many restaurants and told the people the importance of      food. “Excuse me,do you know that 20 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to        ? Could you please not     food ?”They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.   
      ,the activity has got the support of many people.In a restaurant in Chengguan District,the owner gives the guests who have eaten all the food they ordered a ticket.People can enjoy a       meal when they have ten tickets . More than 50 restaurants in Lanzhou have begun to offer          dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(剩菜)home.
Wasting food is a serious problem around the     ,not only in China. It's said that 1.3 billion tons of food ends up as waste last year. This is as    as one third of all the food in the world.The UN Environment Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization held a“ Think ,Eat,Save”program in January,2013 to help reduce food waste.
These amazing animals prove that love lives on four legs.
A little girl's lifeline

A pig that calms kids
When Lois Brady, a famous doctor in America, visits special-needs students in San Francisco schools, she often brings along Buttercup, a black pig from Vietnam. The pig is very calm and friendly and has been trained to offer comfort (安慰) to patients as well.
A Lion's big heart
With paws (爪子) the size of dinner plates, bright black eyes and a golden mane (鬃), Jupiter, a 13-year-old 250kg lion, was brought to the rescue (援救) center by Anna. In the past two years, Anna has developed a very close relationship with Jupiter.
小题1:The best title to explain the main idea of the text is “_________”
A. Hero pets                           B Small pets
C. Kids' friends                       D Special visits
小题2:Which of the following do you think is the right match?
A.Alida →a lionB.Buttercup →a pig
C.Lois →a sick girlD.Jupiter → a doctor
小题3:How long has Mr. Gibbs been with Alida?
A.For about 45 minutes
B.For about 10 months
C.For over 3 years
D.For over 2 years
小题4:In which of the following pictures can you find Anna?
A.   B.   C.   .D
小题5:Which of the sentences is Not true according to the passage?
A.Alida has suffered from serious lung disease since she was 10 months old
B.The black pig can calm the kids and offer comfort to them.
C.Mr. Gibbs is a loyal(忠诚的) dog which loves its owner.
D.Anna brought Jupiter to the rescue center for fun.
Marco Polo(马可波罗) was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia(亚洲)during the Middle Ages. He wrote a book about his travels. In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. Many people in the west read the book, but few believed what Marco Polo said in the book. He told stories about a lot of strange people and places. But at that time nobody knew these places and the people.
When Marco Polo was still very young, he decided to travel together with his father. It took them more than three years to travel to China, later he became a friend of the Chinese emperor (皇帝) . He learned to speak Chinese when he traveled around, and he talked to many people in Chinese. The emperor liked him and made him a Chinese Official(官员). At that time Marco Polo was only thirty years old. After nearly seventeen years’ travel in the east, Marco and his father wanted to go back home.
When Marco and his father arrived in Venice many years later, their family and friends saw them again. They couldn’t believe their eyes because Marco and his farther were quite old. Marco Polo and his father had been away for almost 25 years.
小题1:Marco Polo was                             foreigner           the Middle Ages.
小题2:Marco Polo wrote a famous book ___________ “The Travels of Marco Polo”. He wrote __________           _ he saw and heard in the book.
小题3:Many people in the west read the book, but ____  _____ believed ________    ____.
小题4:It took Marco Polo and                  over three years to ________  __________.
小题5:Marco Polo and his father had been away ____                            .

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