
The awards show for the top 10 people who moved China of 2018 was held on February 18, 2019. One of them is Lv Baomin.

On September 8, 2018, when a mother and her son were shopping in a market, a robber(盗贼) grabbed(抢夺) their bag. The son refused to give their bag to the robber. Suddenly, the robber took a knife and pierced the mother and the son. Lv Baomin was in the market at that time. When he saw it, he rushed forward to stop the bad man without thinking twice.

In the fight, the robber was nearly crazy and kept piercing Lv's body, but Lv wasn't afraid of him and fought against the robber bravely. Then the robber felt nervous and wanted to run away.

Lv just kept catching the robber and stopped him from hurting others. Suddenly the crazy robber turned back and stuck his knife into Lv's body. Blood ran down from his stomach and chest.

When the people around came up to help to catch the robber, Lv couldn't suffer the pain from his body and fell down on the ground. Lv Baomin was sent to the hospital. Luckily, he was out of danger after a few days.

Lv Baomin, who is 50 years old, had been a soldier for four years, selling eggs at a vegetable market. In daily life, Lv is always ready to help others who are in trouble. His kindness moved everyone. His story not only makes everyone proud, but also sets up a good example for everyone especially the young!

1.Who is the awards show mentioned in the passage for? ( )

A.Ten people who are famous. B.Ten people who work every day.

C.Ten people whose stories moved the whole country. D.Ten people who invented many things.

2.What were a mother and her son doing on September 8, 2018? ( )

A.They were running on the street. B.They were waiting for a bus.

C.They were shopping in a market. D.They were playing with kids.

3.What might happen if Lv Baomin couldn't stop the robber? ( )

A.More people could be hurt. B.The robber himself would give up.

C.People around could catch the robber quickly. D.The police would come and catch the robber.

4.The right order of the story is _______.( )

a. After being reported, Lv Baomin's story moved many people.

b. When a mother and her son were shopping in a market, a robber grabbed their bag.

c. Lv Baomin saw the robber and fought against the robber bravely.

d. With the help of other people, the robber was caught, but Lv was hurt and sent to the hospital.

e. The son refused to give their bag and the robber took a knife and pierced the mother and the son.

A.b e c d a B.b e d a c C.c b a e d D.c b d e a

5.What's the best title of the passage? ( )

A.The story of a hero-Lv Baomin B.How Lv Baomin caught the robber

C.The daily life of Lv Baomin D.The kindness of Lv Baomin


Li Ziqi, a popular star on the Internet, has more than 58 million fans on social media platform both in China and around the world. She is famous because of her videos. She even became the ambassador(形象大使) for the 7th International Festival Cultural Heritage(形象大使) in October 2019 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

Li seems to be a master of all kinds of skills — cooking, painting, designing and brining. The most special thing is that she does almost everything in a traditional Chinese way. In her videos, Li always wears homemade hanfu. She raises ducks in order to make a sauce from salted duck eggs. She makes bamboo furniture all by herself. She also grows plants and vegetables, and prepares meals with what she harvests. She makes life in the countryside very beautiful.

Li was born in 1990 in a small village of Sichuan Province in southwestern China. Her parents died when she was still very young and her stepmother treated her badly, so she finally grew up with her grandparents. When she was 14, she went to the city in search of work but she decided to return to the countryside in 2012 to take care of her grandmother.

Four years later, she began filming her life there, “When I worked in the city, it was about how to survive,” Li says. “Now when I work in the countryside, I feel like I’m truly living.” Li’s videos record how she works and her daily lives with her grandmother in their modest home. She says: “I simply want people in the city to know where their food comes from,” Li says. “A teacher friend once told me about some students who thought rice grew on trees, ___________.

Many people wonder why Li shares these videos. Li once said: “In today’s society, many people feel stressed, so when they watch my videos at the end of a busy day, I want them to relax and sense something nice, to take away some of their worry and stress.”

1.Li Ziqi becomes a popular online star because of ___________.

A.her videos about her daily lives B.her poor life as a child

C.raising ducks in the countryside D.becoming the ambassador

2.Li went to the city at the age of 14 in order to ___________.

A.take care of her grandma B.live a true life

C.be away from her stepmother D.look for a chance to work

3.She began filming her life in ___________.

A.1990 B.2012 C.2016 D.2019

4.Which of the following is the best choice for the blank in Paragraph 4?

A.because I am very interested in the life of children in the city

B.so I want kids in the city to know where their food comes from

C.so I want kids to know how hard farmers’ work to provide food for them

D.because I know children in the countryside are different from those in the city


As we know,museums are buildings where many valuable and important exhibits (展品) are kept so that people can go and see them.For example,art museums are places where people can learn about 1. cultures.More and more popular "design museums" that are opening today,however,perform quite a different role.Unlike most art museums,the design museum shows exhibits that are easily found in our daily life ,such as fridges and washing 2.

The advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits.Being different from the art museum visitors,design museum visitors seldom feel frightened or puzzled.This is partly3.design museums clearly show how and why mass﹣products (批量产品) work and look 4. they do,and how design has improved our lives.Art museum exhibits,on the other hand,would most probably 5.visitors with a feeling that there is something out of their understanding.

Several new design museums have opened their doors in recent years.Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the public' s 6.interest in the field with new ideas.

London' s Design Museum,for example,shows a collection of mass﹣produced exhibits 7.electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish﹣tins.The choices open to design museums seem far less strict than8. to art museums,and visitors may also 9.humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and 10.attractive(有吸引力的)toys collected from our everyday life.

There are just three of us in my family: my mum, my dad and me. I've got many possessions and many modern things: a big TV, a new computer and a mobile phone. In my family life, I'm not expected to do the housework.

We go out for dinner together sometimes, but my dad is often abroad on business, and my mum works too. We usually just do our own personal things. My parents don't usually set rules for me, and since I'm a good daughter, they never punish me. Recently, we moved to a new flat and I like it very much. It's much bigger than our last one. But I feel very lonely when my parents are away from home. I hope they can spare time with me. I seldom feel happy in my family.


I live on a fruit farm. We have lots of pear trees and some apple trees. I have to help my parents all through the year.

The busiest time is in late summer, when the fruit is ready to be picked. At this time of year, we usually get up at 4:30 in the morning, start picking at 5:00 and carry on working until late afternoon. My mother would bring lunch for us to have under the trees. At the end of the day, we are all tired and sleepy. It takes about five weeks to pick all the fruit every year.

At night, the fruit would be carefully packed into boxes and then put onto trucks. The trucks take it to the markets to be sold. Sometimes we ride in the trucks to the city. For farm boys, that is a very exciting time. Tired though, we are very happy to be with family and share the happiness.


1.Who expects Emily to do the housework in her family?

A.Her mother. B.Her father. C.Her grandfather. D.Nobody.

2.Emily often feels unhappy in her family because______________.

A.her house is too big

B.her parents don't like her

C.her parents always punish her

D.her parents seldom spend time with her at home

3.When is the busiest time for David's family?

A.In winter. B.In spring.

C.In late summer. D.In early summer.

4.This text is mainly about _____________.

A.study B.family life

C.school activities D.relationships with parents

It was an early spring morning. I was driving home down a quiet country road. Suddenly. I saw a rock up ahead in the middle of the road. As I slowly went around it. I noticed that it had a head and was looking up at me. It was a turtle(龟). It was sitting in the sun to warm up.

I stopped to the side of the road and picked it up. I knew if I moved the turtle off to the side of the road it would just move back to the warmer place as soon as I left. What if it was hit by a car?Not knowing what else to do. I carried it to my car.

When I finally got home, I picked it up again and went to the forest behind my house. After looking around a bit, I saw a clear place. The sun was shining down on a rock. I slowly put the turtle down on it and took a few steps back. A few minutes later the head slowly came out and started enjoying the sun once more. I smiled and went back to my house. My simple act of kindness didn't seem like much in the eyes of the world, but it made a difference in the life of one turtle and in the heart of one man.

1.At the beginning, the writer thought the turtle was_____________.

A.a bird B.a car C.a rock D.a wheel

2.The writer carried the turtle to his car because he _____________.

A.wanted to keep it as his pet

B.thought others would take it home

C.wanted to send it to a warmer place

D.thought the road was dangerous for it

3.Where did the writer put the turtle at last?

A.In a zoo. B.In a forest. C.In his house. D.In a river.

4.What do you think of the writer?

A.Honest. B.Brave. C.Kind. D.Active.

5.What's the main idea of the text?

A.Any kind action is meaningful.

B.We should help the poor.

C.It's important to protect turtles.

D.Advice on keeping a turtle.

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