
Xie Renci is a law student who is studying in a university in Southwest China's Chongqing.1.(recent)her story has encouraged millions of people with her positive(积极的)attitude.

The 20-year-old girl grew2.in a poor family in Guizhou Province. At the age of four, a3./'tr?f?k/accident turned Xie's world upside down and took away her right leg and her mother's left leg.4.they narrowly escaped death, endless challenges were waiting for them.

At one time, the mother almost gave up. But Xie begged, "I'll study really hard and go to Harvard, so let me5./k?n't?nju:/at school," she said. She believed she could change her destiny(命运). Ever though Xie didn't go to Harvard, she was6.(accept)by one of the top law schools in China.

"I'm not trying to present7.as a role model. All I'm doing is telling the disabled that you can decide the way you live," says Xie. Xie often8.(share)her story and many of her photos on the social network She wants to draw people's9./?'ten?(?)n/to disabled community. She also wants to make a documentary of herself to tell10.(child)that there is no difference between disabled people and others.


Tom wants to join a student club. Here are some choices for him.


Date: Nov. 8th and 20th,2018

Place: The Sun Hall

Time: 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m.

Fee: ¥210

Activity: Debate in groups to help you express your ideas clearly and have a quick mind.

Call 38746393 or send e-mails to debate@126.com.

English Speech Club

Date: Dec. 8th and 19th,2018

Place: Top Score Academy

Time: 8:30 a.m. -4:00 p.m.

Fee: ¥145

Activity: Learn to speak with more confidence and improve your spoken English.

Call 87733982 or send e-mails to speaker@126.com.

Reading Club

Date: Dec. 22nd and 26th. 2018

Place. The Sun Hall

Time. 8.30 a.m. -5.30 p.m.

Fee: ¥180

Activity: Learn to read and enjoy the wonderful pleasure of reading classics.

Call 93880393 or send e-mails to 157893248@qq.com.

1.If Mary wants to take part in the activity in Debate Club, she should pay _______________.

A.¥145 B.¥180 C.¥210 D.¥260

2.Which two clubs will have activities at the Sun Hall?

A.Reading Club and English Speech Club.

B.Debate Club and Reading Club.

C.Classic Club and English Speech Club.

D.English Speech Club and Debate Club.

3.Mike is going to take part in a club activity on Dec 19th. He will probably_______________.

A.practice debating B.read a classic

C.learn to speak English D.practice on the stage

4.We can get more information about Reading Club's activity by _______________.

A.calling 38746393

B.sending e-mails to 157893248@qq.com

C.calling 87733982

D.sending e-mails to 448927482@qq.com

5.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A newspaper. B.A report.

C.A science book. D.A healthy book.

The awards show for the top 10 people who moved China of 2018 was held on February 18, 2019. One of them is Lv Baomin.

On September 8, 2018, when a mother and her son were shopping in a market, a robber(盗贼) grabbed(抢夺) their bag. The son refused to give their bag to the robber. Suddenly, the robber took a knife and pierced the mother and the son. Lv Baomin was in the market at that time. When he saw it, he rushed forward to stop the bad man without thinking twice.

In the fight, the robber was nearly crazy and kept piercing Lv's body, but Lv wasn't afraid of him and fought against the robber bravely. Then the robber felt nervous and wanted to run away.

Lv just kept catching the robber and stopped him from hurting others. Suddenly the crazy robber turned back and stuck his knife into Lv's body. Blood ran down from his stomach and chest.

When the people around came up to help to catch the robber, Lv couldn't suffer the pain from his body and fell down on the ground. Lv Baomin was sent to the hospital. Luckily, he was out of danger after a few days.

Lv Baomin, who is 50 years old, had been a soldier for four years, selling eggs at a vegetable market. In daily life, Lv is always ready to help others who are in trouble. His kindness moved everyone. His story not only makes everyone proud, but also sets up a good example for everyone especially the young!

1.Who is the awards show mentioned in the passage for? ( )

A.Ten people who are famous. B.Ten people who work every day.

C.Ten people whose stories moved the whole country. D.Ten people who invented many things.

2.What were a mother and her son doing on September 8, 2018? ( )

A.They were running on the street. B.They were waiting for a bus.

C.They were shopping in a market. D.They were playing with kids.

3.What might happen if Lv Baomin couldn't stop the robber? ( )

A.More people could be hurt. B.The robber himself would give up.

C.People around could catch the robber quickly. D.The police would come and catch the robber.

4.The right order of the story is _______.( )

a. After being reported, Lv Baomin's story moved many people.

b. When a mother and her son were shopping in a market, a robber grabbed their bag.

c. Lv Baomin saw the robber and fought against the robber bravely.

d. With the help of other people, the robber was caught, but Lv was hurt and sent to the hospital.

e. The son refused to give their bag and the robber took a knife and pierced the mother and the son.

A.b e c d a B.b e d a c C.c b a e d D.c b d e a

5.What's the best title of the passage? ( )

A.The story of a hero-Lv Baomin B.How Lv Baomin caught the robber

C.The daily life of Lv Baomin D.The kindness of Lv Baomin

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