
In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them.

At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water (自来水) before you order. You may find bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill(续杯).

Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day.

Serving (一份) in restaurants is often large, too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself.

Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal.

Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.

1.Which of the following statements is true?

A. American people like sitting with people they don’t know.

B. You may find bread and coffee is free.

C. American people never sit with people they don’t know.

D. American people won’t light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.

2.What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?

A. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” for their dogs.

B. They leave the food on the table and go away.

C. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” and enjoy the food later.

D. They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them.

3.What can you learn about “tips” according to the passage?

A. Customers often add tips to their check.  

B. Tips are supposed to be left on the table when customers leave.

C. People don’t need to pay tips.     

D. The price of the meal usually includes the tip.









1.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them.可知选D。

2.细节理解题。根据第四段第二句If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”.可知选C。

3.细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave可知选B。




Amy Chua, well-known as the Tiger Mother, has held the attention of parents all across the US. She told Reader’s Digest that she’s a little strange about how her book struck so many nerves in the US. The reporter of the magazine is sharing the interview with us.
Reader’s Digest: Did you want your book to be controversial (有争议的)?
Amy: I don’t think it would have been controversial at all if it wasn’t for the Wall Street Journal headline that was called, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”.
Reader’s Digest: What’s your view on your parenting?
Amy: My children grew up with one Western parent. My husband doesn’t believe in raising his voice with the kids and we don’t spank (打小孩). They were really raised in a half Asian family. My book’s message is that we should try to find the balance. I believe that when children are little, you should restrict (限制) their choices. I like the traditional Chinese way. Respect authority (尊重权利) and don’t just let them watch TV all the time. I don’t think kids under the age of ten can make good choices. But once they start to get older, the lesson I learnt with Lulu (Amy’s second daughter) is that you have to start listening to them. You have to start giving them more choices and more freedom. I really think it’s important to find a balance.
I like the strict Chinese way of discipline (行为准则) and hard work when children are young. But when they’re older, you have to send love to your child, you have to listen to your child and really achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom on the one hand, which the west is very good at, and on the other hand, hard work and self discipline, which I think traditional Chinese parenting is very good at.
【小题1】Where can we find the passage?

A.In a novel.B.In a magazine.C.In a comic book.D.In a history book.
【小题2】The Tiger Mother thinks the reason her book became controversial is that ______.
A.she is very famous
B.parenting is such a common topic
C.traditional Chinese parenting is too strict
D.the Wall Street Journal headline was called “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to Amy’s view on parenting?
A.We should control all of the children’s choices.
B.Spanking is necessary during children’s growth.
C.Children should be raised in half Asian families.
D.When children get older, parents should listen to them.
【小题4】According to the passage, we can see ______ in the west.
A.children respect their parents because of authority
B.all kids under the age of ten can make good choices
C.some parents don’t believe in raising their voice with the kids
D.children do all of the things according to their parents’ orders
【小题5】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.The book that the Tiger Mother wrote is very controversial.
B.Traditional Chinese parenting is much better than that in the west.
C.The Tiger Mother shows some of her ideas about her book and parenting.
D.Parents should achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom.

Childhood is a time of fun and games. Many people still remember when they were young, they often played games like hide-and-seek and chess. Playing teaches children how to get with others, and it also helps to exercise the mind and body. However, children today spend most of their time in front of the computer, playing video games.

A recent survey found that in the US. Children between 8 and 12 spend at least 13 hours a week playing video games or "gaming". Boys of this age spend even more time, almost 16 hours a week. Although some people will say that gaming is helpful, it brings many problems as well.

One big problem is that kids who spend most of their time on games might have difficulty communicating with real people. They might have trouble sharing and resolving (解决) problems because they do not practice these skills when sitting alone at a computer.

Another problem is about health. Game players usually sit for hours without doing any exercise. And they might not eat healthily. As a result, they might be out of shape.

Next, game players might have trouble with their lessons. Many of them spend more time playing games than working on their homework. In the end, they fail in the exams.   

Finally, it is always possible that the gamers become addicted. Some people play four or five hours a day or even all day. This happened to a 28 - year - old Korean man. He spent about 50 hours playing an online game without sleeping or eating well. He died while gaming!

This is one example of the dangers of video gaming. It tells us that video gaming, like everything else, should not be done too much. A few hours a week should not hurt, but several hours a day just might be dangerous to your health.

1.Children of 8 to 12 in the US spend at least _________ hours a week playing video games.

A.13               B.16               C.28               D.50

2.How many problems about playing video games are mentioned in the passage?

A.Two.             B.Three.            C.Four.             D.Five.

3.If game players spend lots of time playing games without doing their homework, they might __________.

A.become ill         B.lose their friends    C.die at once        D.get lower grades at school

4.What does the underlined word “addicted” mean in Chinese?

A.悲伤             B.无聊             C.成瘾             D.沮丧

5.What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?

A.Video gaming has quite a lot of advantages.

B.Video gaming might be a dangerous thing.

C.Childhood is a time of fun and games.

D.Children should learn how to get along with others.


Do you want to know anything about ma staying in America? Well, Let me tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience to study here.

In China, I had English classes five times a week since the fifth grade. However didn’t know textbook English was very different from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School, Connecticut.

When I first studied English, I was told to say,“I am fine” when people say “How are you?”But in the US, I found that people say,” I am good” or “I am tired.”

One day, someone greeted me with” What’s up?”It made me confused. I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didn’t know what to say.

Since then, I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and the US cultures.

To my surprise, the US girls spend a lot of time in burning sun getting a tan (晒黑). However, in China, girls try every possible way to get their skin paler(白的).

I am also surprised by how hardworking the US students are. In China, schoolwork is almost everything, so we study hard all the time. But here, an “excellent” student gets good grades, does a lot for the public and plays sports or music .The kids here are so talented ,I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano at an early age and that I have never thought about sports.

1. How often did the writer have an English class in Grade Five?

A. Four times a week.

B. Five times a week.

C. Six times a week.

2.To the winter, textbook English is           everyday English.

A. quite different from B. the same as   C. easier than

3.A good US student spends his/her time          .

A. only in doing homework 

B. only on sports or music

C. on studies, sports or music and public work

4.Which of following is NOT true?             

A. The writer is now in the US

B. American girls love to have while skin

C. The US students are talented and hard working.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?           

A. My own Travel in the US.

B. My Study in the US.

C. My friends in the US.



With a determined(坚定的) look on his face, Chicago’s Michael McCarthy held on to the banister(扶手) and climbed to the top of the Willis Tower not long ago. The Tower stands 1,451 feet(442 meters) tall, the_1._ building in the US.

 As he got to the last step, McCarthy _2._ fell down, but that didn’t stop him. The 14-year-old boy finally finished climbing the 2,109 steps and arrived at the top, where he _3._ cheers from many people.

“I just want to show people that _4._ a kid with no legs can do it, anyone can do it,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy, who was born without legs, has to wear prosthetic legs(假肢) and use a stick to walk. But McCarthy has a strong 5.  . He believes having a disability(残疾) shouldn’t stop anyone  6.   achieving his or her success.

He has been in a special school  7.   he was four. When he decided to climb the Willis Tower, his teacher, Jeff Kohn, was   8.   by his determination(决心) and offered to help train him. They   9.   more than ten hours practicing climbing stairs and keeping balance with the prosthetics and sticks on the steps every day. “  10.   seems that he never knows how difficult it is.  11.   I was so tired that I asked him to rest for a day,”said Kohn. “But he said he was still full of energy and wanted more  12.  .”

Kohn always walked with McCarthy for the climb. “I   13.   the last 10 floors, he went faster,” said Kohn. “He’s the most craven sportsman I’ve ever trained.”

McCarthy said he was   14.   of himself and that the tower now holds special meaning. “When I’m older, I’ll   15.   to the building and say ‘Look at this building I climbed’,” he said.

16.A. largest     B. highest     C. earliest   D. latest

17.A. seldom      B. hardly      C. always     D. almost

18.A. enjoyed     B. needed      C. made       D. kept

19.A. while       B. after       C. if         D. though

20.A. heart       B. hope        C. body       D. love

21.A. by          B. for         C. in         D. from

22.A. as          B. since       C. until      D. before

23.A. pleased     B. beaten      C. moved      D. asked

24.A. used        B. spent       C. took       D. wasted

25.A. Here        B. There       C. He         D. It

26.A. However     B. Sometimes   C. Again      D. Then

27.A. friends     B. helpers     C. time       D. exercise

28.A. tried       B. saw         C. did        D. met

29.A. thinking    B. talking     C. worried    D. proud

30.A. point       B. go          C. turn       D. hurry


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