
Amy Chua, well-known as the Tiger Mother, has held the attention of parents all across the US. She told Reader’s Digest that she’s a little strange about how her book struck so many nerves in the US. The reporter of the magazine is sharing the interview with us.
Reader’s Digest: Did you want your book to be controversial (有争议的)?
Amy: I don’t think it would have been controversial at all if it wasn’t for the Wall Street Journal headline that was called, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”.
Reader’s Digest: What’s your view on your parenting?
Amy: My children grew up with one Western parent. My husband doesn’t believe in raising his voice with the kids and we don’t spank (打小孩). They were really raised in a half Asian family. My book’s message is that we should try to find the balance. I believe that when children are little, you should restrict (限制) their choices. I like the traditional Chinese way. Respect authority (尊重权利) and don’t just let them watch TV all the time. I don’t think kids under the age of ten can make good choices. But once they start to get older, the lesson I learnt with Lulu (Amy’s second daughter) is that you have to start listening to them. You have to start giving them more choices and more freedom. I really think it’s important to find a balance.
I like the strict Chinese way of discipline (行为准则) and hard work when children are young. But when they’re older, you have to send love to your child, you have to listen to your child and really achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom on the one hand, which the west is very good at, and on the other hand, hard work and self discipline, which I think traditional Chinese parenting is very good at.
【小题1】Where can we find the passage?

A.In a novel.B.In a magazine.C.In a comic book.D.In a history book.
【小题2】The Tiger Mother thinks the reason her book became controversial is that ______.
A.she is very famous
B.parenting is such a common topic
C.traditional Chinese parenting is too strict
D.the Wall Street Journal headline was called “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to Amy’s view on parenting?
A.We should control all of the children’s choices.
B.Spanking is necessary during children’s growth.
C.Children should be raised in half Asian families.
D.When children get older, parents should listen to them.
【小题4】According to the passage, we can see ______ in the west.
A.children respect their parents because of authority
B.all kids under the age of ten can make good choices
C.some parents don’t believe in raising their voice with the kids
D.children do all of the things according to their parents’ orders
【小题5】What is the main idea of this passage?
A.The book that the Tiger Mother wrote is very controversial.
B.Traditional Chinese parenting is much better than that in the west.
C.The Tiger Mother shows some of her ideas about her book and parenting.
D.Parents should achieve the balance between creativity, choice and freedom.


【小题1】细节题。根据文章The reporter of the magazine is sharing the interview with us.可知,这篇文章来自于一份杂志。故选B
【小题2】细节题。根据文章I don’t think it would have been controversial at all if it wasn’t for the Wall Street Journal headline that was called, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”. 可知,虎妈的书受到争议是因为华尔街日报的标题是《为什么中国式妈妈的教育更优胜》故选D

Tigers are fierce animals. They are the bosses of the Asian jungles with their cleverness, quickness and strength. A pussycat, on the other hand, is a homebody that comforts us with its gentle warmth and calms us with its purring.
As a mother, the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is definitely a tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎妈战歌) . tells of the strict upbringing she gave her two children. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child's potential( 潜力) and to make them strong, independent and successful. Her kids were not allowed to watch TV or play video games. They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their classes. And they had to practice the piano and violin for hours every day. As a result, her kids became successful. She admits this caused a lot of tears and anger but she has few regrets (后悔).
Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really pussycats. They care more about their children's self-esteem (自尊). They don't want to push their kids too hard for fear of hurting their feelings. American mothers encourage their children to find their own path.
So, is a tiger mom better than a pussycat? Perhaps it depends on the differences between Asian and Western cultures. It may also depend on the child himself. Some kids need to be pushed while others respond to a gentler hand. To growl or to purr? There is no easy answer.
【小题1】What's the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua's idea on children's education? (根据短文内容回答问题)
【小题2】 How did Amy Chua's kids become successful? (根据短文内容列举两条)
【小题3】Why are most Asian mothers tigers? (根据短文内容回答问题)
【小题5】 What kind of mother would you like, a tiger or a pussycat? And why? (先回答,然后至少写一个句子说明原因)

USBoy, 9, Plans to Take Balloon Flight Alone
ALBUQERQUE. New Mexico — Bobby Bradley is ready. He has been training for about five years and learned from some of the
most experienced and decorated pilots in the sport of ballooning.
BENGHAZI, Libya — Muammar Gadhafi accepted an African Union(AU) plan to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite said on Monday there could be no deal unless he leaves office.
NEW YORK — A new book written by Amy Chua on her super-. strict parenting—Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has raised media (媒体) storm and strong arguments in the US.
Amy Chua is the mother of two teenage girls. In the book she
describes her efforts to give her children what she describes as a
traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.
TOKYO — The operator of Japan’s quake-hit nuclear plant( 受地震袭击的核电站) said on Sunday it aims to reduce radiation leaks(辐射泄漏) in three months and achieve a "cold shutdown" in six to nine months.
LOS ANGELES — Sunday night, the 83 annual (每年一度的) Academy Awards took place in Los Angeles. Colin Firth won the Best Actor for his role in "The King’s Speech”, and Natalie Port man won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in " Black Swan".
Judge the following sentences True (T) or False (F).
【小题1】A 9-year-old American boy is ready to take a balloon flight on his own after training for about five years.
【小题2】Gadhafi agreed to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite wouldn’t accept it if he leaves office.
【小题3】"Tiger Mother" parenting raises media storm in the US, but all people agree other traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.
【小题4】Japan tries to fix radiation leaks in 9 months.
【小题5】 Natalie won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in "The King’s Speech" while Co­lin won the Best Actor for his role in "Black Swan. "


US Boy, 9, Plans to Take Balloon Flight Alone

ALBUQERQUE. New Mexico — Bobby Bradley is ready. He has been training for about five years and learned from some of the

  most experienced and decorated pilots in the sport of ballooning.


BENGHAZI, Libya — Muammar Gadhafi accepted an African Union(AU) plan to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite said on Monday there could be no deal unless he leaves office.


NEW YORK — A new book written by Amy Chua on her super-. strict parenting—Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has raised media (媒体) storm and strong arguments in the US.

Amy Chua is the mother of two teenage girls. In the book she

describes her efforts to give her children what she describes as a

traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.

TOKYO — The operator of Japan's quake-hit nuclear plant( 受地震袭击的核电站) said on Sunday it aims to reduce radiation leaks(辐射泄漏) in three months and achieve a "cold shutdown" in six to nine months.


LOS ANGELES — Sunday night, the 83 annual (每年一度的) Academy Awards took place in Los Angeles. Colin Firth won the Best Actor for his role in "The King's Speech”, and Natalie Port man won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in " Black Swan".



Judge the following sentences True (T) or False (F).

1.A 9-year-old American boy is ready to take a balloon flight on his own after training for about five years.

2.Gadhafi agreed to end the Libyan civil war but the opposite wouldn't accept it if he leaves office.

3."Tiger Mother" parenting raises media storm in the US, but all people agree other traditional, strict "Chinese" way of bringing up children.

4.Japan tries to fix radiation leaks in 9 months.

5. Natalie won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in "The King's Speech" while Co­lin won the Best Actor for his role in "Black Swan. "



Tigers are fierce animals. They are the bosses of the Asian jungles with their cleverness, quickness and strength. A pussycat, on the other hand, is a homebody that comforts us with its gentle warmth and calms us with its purring.

As a mother, the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is definitely a tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(虎妈战歌) . tells of the strict upbringing she gave her two children. She thinks that being strict is the only way to develop a child's potential( 潜力) and to make them strong, independent and successful. Her kids were not allowed to watch TV or play video games. They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their classes. And they had to practice the piano and violin for hours every day. As a result, her kids became successful. She admits this caused a lot of tears and anger but she has few regrets (后悔).

Chua says, like her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really pussycats. They care more about their children's self-esteem (自尊). They don't want to push their kids too hard for fear of hurting their feelings. American mothers encourage their children to find their own path.

So, is a tiger mom better than a pussycat? Perhaps it depends on the differences between Asian and Western cultures. It may also depend on the child himself. Some kids need to be pushed while others respond to a gentler hand. To growl or to purr? There is no easy answer.

1.What's the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua's idea on children's education? (根据短文内容回答问题)


2. How did Amy Chua's kids become successful? (根据短文内容列举两条)



3.Why are most Asian mothers tigers? (根据短文内容回答问题)




5. What kind of mother would you like, a tiger or a pussycat? And why? (先回答,然后至少写一个句子说明原因)



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