
A. Hello, Li Lei. I saw a new film yesterday.
B: What’s the name of the film?
A: Harry Potter!
B:  ______________(【小题1】)?
A: It’s quite good.
A: Tom. He is from Australia. He is my new friend.
B: ________________(【小题3】)?
A: He’s handsome, tall and strong, easy to get on with. By the way, I heard your father was not well. ________________(【小题4】)?
B: His left leg was hurt in a car accident. Nothing serious now. He’s much better.
A: ________________(【小题5】). I hope he’ll be better soon.
B: Thank you.

【小题1】 How do you like it?  【小题2】Who went to see the film with you?   
【小题3】 What does he look like?  【小题4】 What’s the matter with him?  
【小题5】I’m sorry to hear that.

解析【小题1】下句的含义为哈利波特相当的好,所以本句的含义为你觉得这部电影如何,故本句空格处可填How do you like it?
【小题2】下句表示身份,意思为汤姆和我一起去看电影了,所以本句的含义为谁和你一起去看电影,故本句空格处可填Who went to see the film with you?   
【小题3】下句表示他的长相,所以本句的含义为他是什么样的长相,故本句空格处可填What does he look like?
【小题4】下句的含义为他的腿受伤了,所以本句的含义为他怎么了,故本句空格处可填What’s the matter with him?  
【小题5】对于别人腿部受伤我们可以说听到那样的事情我很难过,故本句空格处填I’m sorry to hear that.


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