
A: Hello, may I speak to Ivan,please?
B: Yes.【小题1】 ___________________.
A: Hello, Ivan! This is Bill speaking.It’s Sunday tomorrow. What are you going to do?
B:【小题2】                  . Do you have any ideas?
A: There is a fashion show in Huanghe Park tomorrow.【小题3】______________________?
B: Good idea. 【小题4】                      ?
A: Let’s meet outside the school gate at half past eight in the morning.
B: How shall we go there?
A: 【小题5】                .
B: Sorry, my bike is broken.Let’s go by bus,OK?
A: All right. See you!
B: See you!

【小题1】Ivan is here./ This is Ivan (speaking).
【小题1】 Nothing much. I have nothing to do./I have no idea…
【小题1】Shall we go and have a look?/Shall we go to visit it?/Would you like to go with me?/Why not go (there)and have a look?
【小题1】When and where shall we meet?
【小题1】 By bike.解析:

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