
A teacher let her class play a game. The teacher told each child to bring a bag with some potatoes. Each potato would be given a name of a person that the child hated, so the number of potatoes in his/her bag would depend on the number of people the child hated. Some children had two potatoes, some had three and others had up to five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the bag wherever they went for a week. After a week, the teacher asked, ”How did you feel?” The children started complaining about the unpleasant smell coming from the rotten potatoes when they had to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes everywhere they went.
Then the teacher said,” This is the same when you carry your hate for somebody inside your heart. The smell of hate will pollute your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot bear the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for your lifetime?”
【小题1】 Tom had two potatoes in his bag .It means he had ______ persons he didn’t like.

【小题2】 In the game, the students should _________.
A.keep the bag of potatoes in the classroom
B.carry the bag of potatoes everywhere they go
C.leave the bag of potatoes at home
D.count the bag of potatoes every day
【小题3】The underlined word “rotten” most probably means ___________ in Chinese.
A.美味的 B.新鲜的C.甜的D.腐烂的
【小题4】 According to the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.
A.potatoes are very important to the students
B.hating others can make the life unhappy
C.the smell of hate is good for our health
D.the students like to carry the bag of the potatoes
【小题5】 Which is the best title of this passage?
A.An interesting game
B.Carry the smelly potatoes
C.The rotten potatoes
D.To excuse others is to excuse yourself


【小题1】推理判断题。根据第一段的Each potato would be given a name of a person that the child hated, so the number of potatoes in his/her bag would depend on the number of people the child hated.可知孩子书包里土豆的数量是孩子讨厌的人数,因此包里有两个土豆,说明他有两个憎恨的人。故选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据第一段的The teacher then told the children to carry the bag wherever they went for a week.可知教师要求学生走到哪,装有土豆的书包就带到哪。故选B。
【小题3】词义猜测题。根据第一段的the unpleasant smell可知土豆的味道不好闻,因此此处是指土豆腐烂了。故选D。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据最后一段的If you cannot bear the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for your lifetime?”可知腐烂的土豆气味,我们一周都忍受不了,那一辈子心里装着憎恨的气味会是什么样?也就是说一辈子憎恨别人是不会让人快乐的。故选B
【小题5】标题归纳题。根据最后一段的The smell of hate will pollute your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go.可知憎恨的气味污染着你的内心,让你不快乐,因此宽恕了别人也就宽恕了自己。故选D


Do you care about your memory(记忆力)?The following ways can help improve your memory.
Sleep: Sleep plays an important part in improving your memory. Enough sleep is very important to have a good memory.
Don’t watch TV while eating: Do not watch television while eating. Some people keep talking and eating while watching TV. Eating is a time when you can take a break from studying and rest your eyes.
Healthy food: Healthy food is important for a healthy mind. Have milk, eggs, fish and fruits. These foods have a lot of nutrients(营养成分)
Make the things interesting: If you find the things the teachers ask you to memorize interesting, you will memorize them more easily. For example, include music and different colors in the things you need to memorize.
Repeat(重复)the things: Repeat the things by singing or talking. Repeating is a good way to memorize things.
Exercise: Do exercise every day. It not only improves the body but improves the mind. Air in the morning keeps your mind clear. A clear mind is needed for memorizing things.
Have a rest: Don’t study for long hours. Have a rest from time to time. Studying for a long time will make you tired and you will find it harder to remember and learn things.
【小题1】 How many ways of improving memory are there in the passage?

【小题2】Why shouldn’t you watch TV while eating?
A.Because it will make you eat less.
B.Because you need to rest your eyes.
C.Because you can’t take in enough nutrients in this way.
D.Because it is bad for your mind.
【小题3】 Which is NOT good for improving memory according to the passage?
A.Plenty of sleep.
B.Healthy food.
C.All work and a play.
D.Repeating the things you need to memorize.
【小题4】The passage is written for _______.

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【小题1】What kind of website is it?
A.A news website.B.An entertainment website.
C.A study website.D.A travel website.
【小题2】 How can you get useful information from the website?
A.By paying some money.
B.By sending your own study tips and exchanging them with others.
C.By sending an e-mail to ask for some.
D.Just getting it for free.
【小题3】What message can probably be put in the blank space in the form?
A.Funny Stories.B.Writing SkillsC.New Books.D.Fashion News.
【小题4】 You will find some useful information except about ______ on this website.
A.how to use dictionaries.B.tips for reading
C.skills to remember new wordsD.how to make friends.
【小题5】Of the four choices at the bottom(末端) of the form, which should you click on if you want to tell people about new ways to study?
A.The first one.B.The second one.C.The third oneD.The fourth one.

Students learn their lessons in class. In class teachers teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves. For example ,if you can’t remember something when you are doing your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer .This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing. We can do this at any place and at any time.
How do you teach yourself? The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in, or you have to read .The second is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you don’t understand, or you want to know more about .You can write down these questions. A clever student is usually good at asking questions. The third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard ,by reading the text of other books, and sometimes by asking other people .This is the way of teaching yourself .And you must do this all by yourself. If you keep doing like this for a long time, you are sure to succeed in your study.
【小题1】Listening to the teacher is ____for the students to learn something.

A.not a way B.the best way
C.the only way D.not the only way
【小题2】Which of the following is right?
A.Students can teach himself only in class.
B.It’s a bad way to learn from the teacher .
C.A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to.
D.Students know very well how to teach themselves.
【小题3】In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is_____.
A.writing B.reading C.asking D.answering
【小题4】A clever student usually likes ____.
A.asking questions B.answering questions
C.finding questions D.teaching others
【小题5】If you want to succeed,you’d better learn_______.
A.how to teach others B.how to teach yourself
C.to read and write carefully D.how to ask questions

Once there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was said that the island would go down, so all made boats and left except Love.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to offer her help until the last possible moment. When the island had almost gone down, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a great boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”
Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you .” “Oh, Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even notice when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love was so excited that she even forgot to ask who the elder was. So Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time understands how valuable Love is.”
【小题1】What would happen to the island?

A.It would grow bigger. B.It would sink. C.It drove feelings away. D.All the feelings lived.
【小题2】Sadness didn’t see Love when he passed by Love, did he?
A.Yes, he did. B.Yes, he didn’t. C.No, he didn’t. D.No, he did.
【小题3】Why didn’t Happiness help Love?
A.Because Happiness didn’t like Love.
B.Because Happiness didn’t hear Love calling her.
C.Because her boat was so small that she couldn’t take Love with her.
D.Because she needed to be by herself.
【小题4】Who helped Love out of danger?
A.Sadness. B.Knowledge. C.Happiness. D.Time.
【小题5】What does the underlined word “valuable” mean in Chinese?
A.令人喜爱的 B.珍贵的 C.吸引人的 D.有爱心的

My dear friends, do you like cycling? Cycling is full     fun. When I go out, I always like it. But cycling in the UK is      from cycling in China.
First, you have to ride on the      side of the street. It’s not    as you do in China. It was the biggest difference when I first rode here.
One day when I was riding on my bike I heard someone  to me. “Wrong side! Wrong side!” I didn’t care about it at first, but soon I was     when I saw a car rushing(冲向) by me. Luckily, I was not hurt.
Second, UK bikes have two    ,a white one and a red one. The white one is in the     and the red one at the back. When you’re riding in the dark, they can keep you   . But in China, you can’t see lights on bikes in the dark.
There’s another difference between UK bikes and Chinese bikes. What? Remember. You can      your bike anywhere you like in China, but you can’t do that in the UK.
【小题1】A. with                B. of               C. on
【小题2】A. same            B. difference           C. different
【小题3】A. right               B. left             C. east
【小题4】A. different           B. the same         C. same
【小题5】A. crying          B. cry              C. shouting
【小题6】A. happy           B. glad             C. frightened
【小题7】A. lights          B. bags             C. baskets
【小题8】A. front           B. back             C. side
【小题9】A. dangerous       B. safe             C. funny
【小题10】A. make           B. park             C. mean

Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:
Speak loud   When you are not confident, you can’t do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.
Play sports   Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.
Encourage yourself  Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you’ve done.
Get rid of (消除) fear  Fear comes along with failure. But it’s easy to overcome (克服) if you know that failure is part of your life. Don’t hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.
Pick up a hobby   If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.
【小题1】Is confidence important in daily life?
【小题2】How many suggestions can help you to be more confident?
【小题3】Which can help you be more confident, speak in a low voice or speak loud?
【小题4】How can you encourage yourself?
【小题5】What’s the passage mainly about?

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