
Hello! My name is John Brown. I’m from England. I’m an English teacher. I’m in Beijing International School.
My telephone number is 8523-3237. Zhang Hao, Alice and Yingzi are my students.

I’m Zhang Hao. My English name is Peter. I’m eleven years old. I’m from Beijing. My telephone number is 8876-5342.

Alice Brown is my name. I’m twelve. I’m from Canada. My mom is a teacher. My telephone number is 7342-6979.

I’m Yingzi. I’m fourteen years old. I’m from Japan. 5673-6981 is my telephone number.
【小题1】Where is John Brown from?
A.            B.        C.
【小题2】Peter is a       .
A. student          B. teacher          C. girl
【小题3】Alice is a girl. Her telephone number is       .
A. 5673-6981          B. 7342-6979         C. 8876-5342
【小题4】How old is Yingzi?
A.12.               B.13.               C. 14.
A. John Brown is an English teacher.
B. Zhang Hao is from China.
C. Alice is a teacher.


【小题1】细节理解题。根据My name is John Brown. I’m from England.我叫约翰布朗,我来自英国,结合图片(图一代表美国,图二代表中国,图三代表英国)可知选C。
【小题2】推理判断题。根据My English name is Peter. I’m eleven years old.我的英文名字是彼得(彼得为男孩名),我11岁。推测应选A。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据My telephone number is 7342-6979.我的电话号码是7342-6979.可知选B。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据I’m Yingzi. I’m fourteen years old.我叫樱子,我14岁。可知选C。
【小题5】细节理解题。由第一段知John Brown是英语老师,由第二段知张浩来自北京,而北京是中国的首都,由第三段知Alice是12岁,正在学生时期。结合以上信息可知选C。


Britain's smallest school was closed down because its only pupil failed to turn up for class, a famous British newspaper reported in May. The newspaper said the six-year-old girl's parents were unhappy with a teacher she just got the new job to teach the only pupil.
The school was closed for the last nine months after its former(前任的) teacher retired(退休)and the only other pupil moved on to a secondary school. The new teacher, Ms Puckey, was to start teaching the girl and reopen(重开) the school. But the girl's mother is keeping her daughter at home." I was not pleased with the new teacher," the mother said, "I told the old teacher as far back as last September that if Ms Puckey got the job, my children would not be going to school." The school is on an island(岛) off the northeast coast(海岸) of Scotland. Although there was only one pupil, the school is very good in many ways and has a headmaster, three computers, a television and an art room as well as a school house with three bedrooms.
【小题1】The reading is about_______.

A.the smallest school that was closed down
B.the only pupil in the smallest school
C.the new teacher and her teaching
D.the old teacher who just retired
【小题2】"turn up" in the reading means_______.
A.pass an exam B.go to school
C.pay money D.hand in homework
【小题3】From the reading we can know that the school_______.
A.is too far for the students B.does not have enough teachers
C.does not have many pupils D.is new but small
【小题4】Before the school was closed down_______.
A.the girl's mother wanted to teach her daughter at home
B.the only pupil had to move to a secondary school
C.a famous newspaper had written something about it
D.the girl's mother had a talk to the former teacher
【小题5】The reading doesn't say but we can infer(推断) that_______.
A.the girl's mother had only one child
B.the new teacher was not kind to the girl
C.the old teacher was fit to teach the girl
D.the parents were unhappy with the school

“Jason, honey? Can you answer the door?”
"I am busy, mom!" Jason shouted back at his mother. He had spent three hours so far working to his point in the game. He couldn’t stop now.
Ding-Dong! Jason’s mother came to the front door.
"Jason, it’s your friend, Todd,” Mum called out. Todd, his best friend, stepped into the room. "Jason! I need a friend for playing basketball." He sounded excited.
Jason said angrily, “No way, Todd. I’m playing a game here.” Todd shook his head, “you can play later, let’s go.” Jason gave his friend a dirty look, and his character in the game almost got killed while he looked away. “I almost died because of you!” Todd looked at Jason's mother. Jason's mother looked back at him. They both looked at Jason. But he just played his game.
An hour later, Jason's father came home. It was dinner time after his father washed up and sat down. Jason didn't even hear his name being called to the table. He didn't hear his father walk up
behind him and ask him to turn the game off, either. When the screen suddenly went black and his father's angry face appeared in front of him, Jason finally heard. "No more game for a month." Jason's father shouted at him. "You don't play basketball, you don't come to dinner, and you don't do your housework. We'll make sure everything else gets done before you play any more.”
Jason nodded slowly. He knew better than to quarrel with his father, and when he thought about it, he had been playing quite a bit. It was fun, but he was letting down (使失望) his friends, his family, and himself by playing too much.
He'd try harder in the future.
【小题1】What did Todd ask Jason to do?

A.Help him cook dinner.B.Beat more levels for him.
C.Repair the computer for him.D.Play basketball with him.
【小题2】Why did Jason finally stop playing the game?
A.He won the game.
B.His mother got dinner ready.
C.His father turned off the computer.
D.He decided to play basketball outside.
【小题3】What did Jason do in the end?
A.He thought his father was too strict.
B.He found playing games was quite interesting.
C.He realized it was an unhealthy habit to play computer games without dinner.
D.He couldn’t spend all day playing games, because he had other duties.
【小题4】The best title of the passage is ______.
A.Inside the gameB.Games or basketball
C.Jason’s angry fatherD.Uses of the computer

Rico is a dog who lives in Germany(德国). His owners trained him from a young age to find his toys. When they say the name of a certain toy, Rico can find it. In fact, he seems to know the names of 200 toys!
Some researchers in Germany wanted to test Rico. They put his toys in a room and then told him to go in the room and find a certain toy. Since nobody was in the room with Rico, he had no help from anyone finding the right toy. The researchers did this test forty times. Rico found the right toy thirty-seven times!
Then the researchers tried something else. They put seven of Rico’s toys in the room together with one new toy that Rico had never seen before. Then they told Rico to go into the room and get the new toy. This new toy had a name Rico had never heard before. Rico found the right toy seven out of ten times!
Researchers cannot really say that Rico knows words or language. However, these tests seem to show that Rico can think about what he hears and think about what he knows. In fact, Rico seems to think and remember things as well as a three-year-old child.
From these tests, animal researchers know one thing for sure. Rico has given them a lot to think about.
【小题1】From the passage we know that Rico is good at ______.

A.catching toys B.counting toys C.finding toys D.putting toys in order
【小题2】 At first researchers asked Rico to ______.
A.bring a certain toy out of a room B.choose a toy that he liked best
C.name toys and put them away D.put his toys into his room
【小题3】Rico went into the room _______ times to find a new toy he did not know.
A.seven B.thirty-seven C.ten D.forty
【小题4】 The best title for the passage is ________.
A.German dogs are the smartest B.An unusual dog
C.How dogs use language D.The best toys for Rico

When I left school five years ago, I said to myself, “That’s that! No more learning for me.Now I can enjoy myself in the evening.” But about a year ago the boss said, “We’re going to get a computer in the near future.” What does he mean? I simply don’t know.Anyway, I decided to go to evening classes.I’m quite an expert(专家) on computers now and you know, I actually enjoy studying.
I haven’t much interest in studying.To be honest, I don’t like reading very much, except for magazines and that sort of thing.Just reading, that is, to kill the time.But I do enjoy watching TV.Not that I watch everything.In fact, I choose my programmes very carefully.I’m particularly interested in current affairs(时事).In some ways I think I learn more in this way than I did at school.
I’m a very different sort of person-I simply love doing things.That’s why I enjoy sports so much.I mean, actually playing.I hardly ever watch it on TV, but I do read quite a bit about it.I’m even interested in the history of sports.I don’t have much time for anything else, except that I quite like dancing.Some people say I’m not very good at it, though.
I should say I have great interest in studying.I’d rather do this than anything else.Since I left school.I’ve taken courses in all sorts of things.I go to the city library once a week, but I much prefer evening classes because it’s more fun that way.My latest “craze(狂热)”-if you can call it that -is foreign languages.I’m learning two, not one!
【小题1】According to what they say, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.Ben was pleased to leave school.
B.Eve does not spend much time in reading.
C.Ted spends a lot of time watching his favorite sport on TV.
D.Joan is learning languages in the evening school.
【小题2】Among the four people, _____ are considered to have made good use of time in studying.
A.Ben and Eve B.Eve and Ted
C.Ted and Joan D.Ben and Joan
【小题3】In the future, we can infer(推断) that ________.
A.Joan may speak one of foreign languages well.
B.Eve will study computers
C.Ben is interested in current affairs.
D.Joan prefers going to the city libraries.
【小题4】The sentence “That’s that!” means ________.
A.Ben thinks he never need to learn
B.Ben wants to learn that
C.Ben would like to go on studying
D.Ben will learn from others

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