Jim is an American boy. He is  1  New York. He likes   2  football matches,     3  he doesn’t have enough money   4  tickets. He has to watch the matches  5 TV at home when he has   6  homework. He   7  go to school from Monday to Friday, so he missed a lot of important football matches.

A big football match would be held(举行) in the afternoon the next day.   8  wanted to watch it very much. But he couldn’t. He would have a physics(物理) test in the   9  afternoon.

“Can we have a video, mom?” Jim asked his mother   10  he went to school. “Then from our TV set you can record the match for me.”

“I’m   11  we can’t afford(买得起) one,” said his mother.

The next morning Jim went home with a smile,   12  a new video.

“But where did you get the   13  , Jim?” His mother asked in   14 .

“That’s   15  , mom. I sold our TV set.”

1.                A.on            B.at             C.from D.to


2.                A.watching        B.seeing          C.playing   D.looking


3.                A.and            B.so             C.but  D.or


4.                A.to buy          B.buying          C.buy  D.bought


5.                A.in             B.on             C.at   D.with


6.                A.few            B.a few           C.many D.quite a little


7.                A.may           B.can            C.must D.should


8.                A.Mother         B.Father          C.Teacher  D.Jim


9.                A.other          B.different        C.same D.another


10.               A.after           B.before         C.because   D.as


11.               A.glad           B.afraid          C.pleased   D.happy


12.               A.carrying        B.listening        C.watching  D.playing


13.               A.car            B.money         C.match D.TV


14.               A.surprise        B.person         C.a low voice D.great pain


15.               A.easy           B.easily          C.difficult   D.hardly



“Jane, please let me borrow a dollar,” Jenny asked as they stood in the school lunch line. “I have one in my jacket, but I don’t want to   1   and lose my place.”

“OK,” agreed Jane.

Jane waited all day for Jenny to   2   back the dollar she borrowed, but Jenny always seemed to be   3  . “She’s just forgotten,” thought Jane. “I don’t want to make her angry.” Still, her money didn’t go   4  . Some classmates, like Jenny, were   5   five dollars a week.

Weeks went by. At last Jane got up enough courage (勇气) to tell her about the money.

“Oh Jane, I   6  !” Jenny said. “I’ll bring the dollar tomorrow.”

The next day Jenny seemed to have forgotten again. During the noon hour Jane saw her buying sweets for Mary and Ann. Jenny saw Jane looking at her.   7   she said something in a low voice to the other two girls. Jane felt   8   and asked her teacher if she could go back to the classroom.

In the classroom, Jane saw two new pencils in Jenny’s desk. An   9   came to her. “Jenny’s not   10  lately, and anyway, she really owes (欠) me. Besides, she has all money to buy more. A dollar doesn’t mean anything to her, but it means a lot to me.”

1.A. stay       B. wait          C. leave           D. take

2.A. return         B. lend          C. take            D. pay

3.A. busy       B. happy         C. free            D. sad

4.A. up             B. on            C. far             D. back

5.A. losing         B. getting       C. finding         D. asking

6.A. used       B. forgot        C. understood      D. thought

7.A. Even       B. Again         C. Then            D. Instead

8.A. alone     B. bad           C. hungry         D. lucky

9.A. end        B. answer        C. idea            D. example

10.A. busy      B. pleased      C. healthy         D. kind



Learn to relax. Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired. Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day so that you only do the most important things well. Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun. This might mean reading a good book, listening to the music, going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath. You will feel very good.

Get a good night’s sleep. Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind﹡ in the best form﹡. If you stay up late and need to get up early for school the next day, you may not be able to pay attention﹡ to the things you need to do. You also feel tired.

Exercise regularly and eat well. Don’t rush through your meals. Eat less junk food or fast food. Eat healthy food instead. Fruits and vegetables are necessary.

Get to know pleasant people. Some people are optimistic, while others are not. Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them and you’ll be as happy as them. You’ll see everything with the optimism.

Learn to be calm when you face any problem. Find out the best option from those that are in your mind. Knowing that you are able to solve problems is a good way to build up your self-confidence﹡. 

Be happy. How you feel decides the way you see things. Is your cup half full or half empty: Learn to think more positively﹡ about the difficulties you face.

1.This passage mainly talks about _________.

        A. how to feel relaxed and happy.   

B. how to get good grades.

        C. how to get on well with others.   

D. how to work and study hard.

2.The underlined word “optimistic” means “ ______” in Chinese.

        A. 主动的          B. 消极的        C.乐观的         D.悲观的

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?

        A. It’s necessary to have enough sleep in order to keep us good both in body and mind.

B. We should try to do as many things as possible each day.

C. We should not spend time on things like eating and sleeping.

D. We should make friends with all kinds of people.

4.To stop worrying, which point is not mentioned in this passage?

        A. Going to a doctor for help.                

B. Finding time to do relaxing things.

        C. Paying attention to the most important things. 

D. Thinking positively.

5.According to the writer, one should think his “cup” is _______.

       A. a cup           B. half full        C.empty         D. half empty      


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