
“Jane, please let me borrow a dollar,” Jenny asked as they stood in the school lunch line. “I have one in my jacket, but I don’t want to   1   and lose my place.”

“OK,” agreed Jane.

Jane waited all day for Jenny to   2   back the dollar she borrowed, but Jenny always seemed to be   3  . “She’s just forgotten,” thought Jane. “I don’t want to make her angry.” Still, her money didn’t go   4  . Some classmates, like Jenny, were   5   five dollars a week.

Weeks went by. At last Jane got up enough courage (勇气) to tell her about the money.

“Oh Jane, I   6  !” Jenny said. “I’ll bring the dollar tomorrow.”

The next day Jenny seemed to have forgotten again. During the noon hour Jane saw her buying sweets for Mary and Ann. Jenny saw Jane looking at her.   7   she said something in a low voice to the other two girls. Jane felt   8   and asked her teacher if she could go back to the classroom.

In the classroom, Jane saw two new pencils in Jenny’s desk. An   9   came to her. “Jenny’s not   10  lately, and anyway, she really owes (欠) me. Besides, she has all money to buy more. A dollar doesn’t mean anything to her, but it means a lot to me.”

1.A. stay       B. wait          C. leave           D. take

2.A. return         B. lend          C. take            D. pay

3.A. busy       B. happy         C. free            D. sad

4.A. up             B. on            C. far             D. back

5.A. losing         B. getting       C. finding         D. asking

6.A. used       B. forgot        C. understood      D. thought

7.A. Even       B. Again         C. Then            D. Instead

8.A. alone     B. bad           C. hungry         D. lucky

9.A. end        B. answer        C. idea            D. example

10.A. busy      B. pleased      C. healthy         D. kind




























In the 21st century classroom, modern technology has made our learning experience more interesting. Also, it’s more interactive(互动的).

     Now three kinds of tools in the 21st century classroom---a whiteboard, a computer screen and some audio tools(音频工具) are available. They have made a big difference in how students learn. An interactive whiteboard allows the teacher to show pictures and provide sound as well. A large computer screen has colorful pictures and sound in it. So lots of students’ attention is attracted by what they see and hear. Different kinds of audio tools, such as earphones and microphone, also help to make sure that everyone can hear the teacher. In the past, if a child missed some of what the teacher said, the child may have been too nervous to ask the teacher to repeat it. Now the students are not likely to miss what the teacher says with these audio tools.

   The 21st century classroom is able to teach students more than one thing. Just imagine an English lesson is given in a modern classroom like this. How would it be different from a classroom in the past? The answer is simple. The students would learn about not only the subject itself but also how to use the modern machines.

   The 21st century classroom can make teaching and learning easier. Now everyone is able to express their opinions or answer questions without having to speak loud. Since everyone can do it, the teacher can easily see who needs more help in other ways.

    It’s clear that the 21st century classroom is really making a great difference.

1.Modern technology has made our learning experience more _________ and the technology is also more __________.

2.An interactive whiteboard can provide not only __________but also_________.

3.A computer screen with pictures and sound in it can attract students’_________, and there is less chance of ________ what the teacher says.

4.In a modern classroom, students can learn about both the _________itself and the use of _____________.

5.This passage mainly talks about audio tools like _________ and _________.


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