
If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak, when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.
When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.
If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be blamed(责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can’t read or write but usually they have better memories ? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things, they cannot write them down in a small notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is the whole time being exercised.
So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practise remembering things in a way as other people do.
小题1:Someone can’t have a good memory if ________.
A.he can’t read or write
B.he doesn’t use his memory
C.his parents haven’t a good memory
D.he doesn’t use his arms or legs for some time
小题2:If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, ______.
A.you can’t use them any more
B.they will become stronger
C.they become weak but they slowly become strong again
D.they become weak and won’t become strong until you use them again
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE ?
A.Your memory works in the different way as your arms or legs
B.Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you do not give it enough chance for practice
C.Don’t learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory
D.A good memory comes from less practice
小题4:Few people know that it is only ______ if a friend has a poor memory.
A.his own faultB.his parents’ fault
C.his teachers’ faultD.his grandmother’s fault
小题5:The writer wants to tell us ________.
A.how to use our arms or legsB.how to read and write
C.how to have a good memoryD.how to learn from the people


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.可知,记忆力也遵循这一规律;故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第一段If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak, when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again.可知,答案为D。
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文第一段Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.可知,记忆力也符合这一规律,故A错误;第二段When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.可知B项正确;根据最后一段So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practise remembering things in a way as other people do.可知C项错误;D项与原文的意思背道而驰,错误;故选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文第三段But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be blamed(责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.可知,一个人的记忆力低下是与个人缺乏锻炼引起的,即自己的责任;故选A。
The world's oldest person, Ms. Baines, died. She celebrated her 115th birthday with congratulations from Barack Obama, President of the United States. Over her life she lived through the terms of 21 US presidents.
Gertrude Baines passed away peacefully in her sleep at the Western Convalescent Hospital in Los Angeles, where she had lived for her last ten years. Emma Camanag, the hospital's leader said she was a respectable lady. "It is really an honor for the hospital to take care of her over the last 10 years and we will greatly miss her, It is just like we have lost a relative, " said Emma.
Ms. Baines, who was born in Shellman, Georgia, in 1894, had no living relatives. She grew up in the southern US during difficult times. During that time, African American people were required to use separate, often poor, public services. She married young and later divorced(离婚).Her only child, a daughter, was born in 1909 and died of a terrible disease at the age of 18. Ms. Baines worked as a maid(女佣) in Ohio before moving to Los Angeles where she lived on her own until she was well over 100.
She once told an interviewer, "As to the secrets of long life, I do not have any disappointments in my own life."
She gained some fame when she voted for Mr. Obama in the US presidential election, saying she supported him "because he's for the colored people". It was only the second time in her life she had voted, the first time being for John F. Kennedy.
Ms. Baines became the world's oldest person in January. Japanese woman, Kama Chien, 114, has now taken over the title.
小题1:Ms, Baines voted for Mr. Obama because he______.
A.was very popular in the hospital
B.did good things for African Americans
C.did even better than John F. Kennedy
D.congratulated her on her birthday
小题2:It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that______.
A.Ms. Baines didn't like any presidents except Mr. Obama and John F. Kennedy
B.Ms. Baines' daughter died many years before her husband
C.Japanese woman Kama Chien is the second oldest in the world now
D.a positive attitude towards life is the main secret of .Ms. Baines' long life
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Ms. Baines liked to live alone.
B.Ms. Baines died in a hospital in Los Angeles.
C.Ms. Baines and her husband had only one child.
D.Ms. Baines used to serve' others in Ohio.
小题4:The passage is mainly about ______.
A.how Ms, Baines lived for so long
B.why Ms. Baines voted for Mr. Obama
C.the world's oldest person, Ms. Baines
D.Ms. Baines and President Obama .

Two-year-old hero Ye Chengfeng saved most of his family from a deadly gas leak(泄漏). As his grandfather lay dead, the child woke up his grandmother and saved five other family members from death.
More and more British school kids use their mobile phones to cheat(作弊)in exams. They use them to send messages to get the answers. So far this year, 1,013 students were caught cheating with mobile phones. Teachers are now teaching themselves so they can find the cheats. They also ask the students to hand the phones in before exams.
A new study shows that girl chimps(黑猩猩) are faster to use tools than boys! Experts found that girl chimps in East Africa use sticks to dig in the soil two years earlier than boys do. But they don’t know why. Girls watched their moms work, but the boys climbed trees. Yes, human girls always learn to write and draw first, but boys often run and play balls earlier than girls.
In Germany, doctors have three ways to help kids who are addicted (上瘾的)to the Internet. First, learning art — Kids learn painting or singing; Second, doing sports — Kids do swimming or horse riding. The last one is to go into nature — Kids plant flowers and grow vegetables. Doctors want kids to find other ways to have fun rather than surf the Internet.
小题1:How many family members did 2-year-old Ye Chengfeng save?
小题2:The British teachers are teaching themselves to________.
A.send messages to each other
B.find their students’ cheats in exams
C.stop the students from using their mobile phones
D.ask the students to hand in their phones before exams
小题3:According to the third piece of news, we know ________.
A.chimps are cleverer than monkeys
B.only chimps in East Africa can use tools
C.human boys always learn to write and draw earlier than girls
D.experts don’t know why girl chimps use tools faster than boys
小题4:The German doctors help kids addicted to the Internet so that they can________.
A.go into nature
B.enjoy their school life better
C.become famous painters and singers
D.find some other ways to enjoy themselves
小题5:Choose the best title for each piece of news above from the following six ones:
①Girls learn faster than boys?   ②Phone cheats      ③Little hero
④No cheating!      ⑤Internet cure      ⑥Go into nature
You may know the English letters A,B and C. But do you know there are people called ABC? You may like eating bananas. But did you know there is such a thing as a "banana person" "How strange! Are these people from "another earth"? No. They are just Chinese people like you and me.
ABC means American-born Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people call an ABC a "banana person". A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So, when a person is a banana, he or she is white inside - thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside - looking like a Chinese.
Do you know why? Usually, ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language. Some of them don't speak Chinese. But if ABCs cannot speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people? Yes, of course. They are Chinese. They are overseas Chinese. These people may be citizens of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. But they have Chinese blood, Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China They all have black eyes and black hair.
But they are not Chinese citizens. They are not people of the PRC. For example, we all know the famous scientist C. N. Yang (杨振宁). He got the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. Chinese people love him. But he is an American citizen.
小题1:"ABC" in this passage means"_______ ".
A.three English lettersB.a kind of banana
C.Chinese born in AmericaD.Americans born in China
小题2:Chinese in Western countries are called "banana persons" because_______.
A.their bodies are white inside but yellow outside
B.they think like Westerners but look like Chinese
C.they were born in China but go to study in America
D.they like to eat bananas
小题3:The underlined word "blood" may probably mean_______.
小题4:This passage mainly talks about_______.
A. different kinds of bananas              B. overseas Chinese
C. the Nobel Prize    D. the life story of  C. N. Yang
On April 20th,2013, a big and powerful earthquake attacked Ya’an, Sichuan Province. A great many buildings and houses collapsed, a lot of people were killed and even more people lost their homes in the earthquake .
The number of the death from the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit Ya’an in southwestern China's Sichuan Province has risen to 188, according to latest calculations by local Civil Affairs Bureau(as of 18:00 pm, April 22, ). At least 11,826 were reportedly injured in the quake while 25 are still missing.
Experts are anticipating(预期的)much less casualties(人员伤亡)in the quake than that from the 8.0 magnitude quake hit Wenchuan on May 12, 2008, also in Sichuan Province, which killed more than 80,000 and injured over 300,000.
Energy released from Wenchuan earthquake would be 30 times of that from Ya’an quake, according to Zhang Xiaonan, an expert with China's Geophysical Union. Dai Junwu with Harbin-based seismological bureau (地震局)expects the number of the death at less than 1,000, and economic losses from the quake could reach up to 100 billion yuan.
Rescue(营救)efforts were carried “timely and orderly”, said Chinese Premier Li Keqiang who flew to the quicken-stricken area on Sunday, the second day of the quake. He was quoted as saying that “the current priority is to save lives”.
小题1:When did Ya’an earthquake happen?  
A.April 22,2008B.April 20,2013C.May 12,2008D.May.22 2013
小题2: How many people injured in the earthas of 18:00 pm, April 22 ) according to the   passage?    
A.About188B.At least 11,826C.More than 80,000D.Over 300,000.
小题3:What does the underlined word “ collapsed” in para.1) mean?
A.fell down suddenlyB.Rebuilt
C.burnt to the groundD.turned into pieces
小题4:Which one is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Wenchuan earthquake released 30 times energy of Ya’an earthquake.
B.Premier Li Keqiang who flew to the quicken-stricken area on April,21,2013.
C.Wenchuan earthquake killed around 80000 people.
D.Zhang Xiaonan expected the economic losses from the quake could reach up to 100 billion yuan.

It is 40 meters long and 6 meters wide. This must be the biggest bus you have ever seen. It can carry 1,200 to 1,400 people.
It is China’s new Super Bus. It went for a test run in Beijing. Some other cities are also interested in running the Super Bus. They hope it can solve traffic problems.
The Super Bus runs along *fixed tracks. The bus sits on top of two2.2-meter-tall legs. The legs have wheels at one end. Small cars can drive under the bus, so the Super Bus does not take up road space.
The bus runs on *electricity and *solar power. It can travel up to 60 km every hour. Its creator, Song Youzhou, says it can reduce a lot of traffic *jams.
The Super Bus can do the work of 40 buses. In that way,  it can save 860 tons of *fuel every year, according to Song.
‘ Building a Super Bus and its track costs less than building subways. Subways are nearly ten times more expensive to build. ’ Song says.
Some people worry that the Super Bus may not be safe. However, Song says there’s no need to worry about that. The Super Bus has *laser *scanners between its legs. The scanners make sure the cars keep a safe distance.
小题1:The Super Bus can carry ___________people.
A. 1,300B. 1,500
C. 1,700D. 1,900
小题2:Some other cities are also interested in running the Super Bus because they hope it can _____________________________
A.Take the place of small cars
B.Solve traffic problems
C.Increase the speed
D.Reduce car accidents
小题3:All the following are the advantages of the Super Bus EXCEPT that ________.
A.The bus doesn’t take up road space
B.The bus can do the work of 40 buses
C.The bus is very easy to build and drive
D.The bus can save a lot of energy every year
小题4:According to Song, it’s safe for small cars to drive under the Super Bus because _____.
A.the bus is tall enough
B.the road is wide enough
C.the bus travels up to 60 km per hour
D.there are laser scanners between its legs

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