
【题目】I think the Buddy Club is great. I really enjoy talking with the older students about school life and growing up. They can tell me a lot. One student told me how he relaxed (放松) before exams. Another student told me about great websites about learning History and English.

The Buddy Club is also a good place to just forget about school altogether! One of the older students taught us origami (日本折纸). We made paper planes, birds and hats together.

The table tennis tournament(锦标赛) was a great idea. I didn’t do very well, but I learnt a lot from watching the doubles tournament won by a fourteen-year-old girl and a seventeen-year-old boy.

Last year, we had the annual (每年的) Buddy Club Picnic. Everyone enjoyed the games we played. After I learnt how to fish, I caught two fish in the lake. I think it might be a good idea to change the Buddy Club Picnic to a weekend camping trip. We could learn how to put up tents and how to find our way through a forest. Many of the older students know how to do this already, and I think they would like to teach the younger students.

I want to say again how much I enjoy the club. When I’m older, I will make friends with younger students. Then, I can tell them all about school life and growing up.

【1】What does the writer enjoy doing at the club?

A. Learning Japanese.

B. Talking to older students.

C. Losing at table tennis.

D. Surfing the Internet.

2What websites did the writer learn about?

A. Paper planes. B. Origami.

C. History and English. D. Relaxing.

3How does the writer want to change the picnic?

A. He wants more fish to be caught.

B. He wants to make it shorter.

C. he wants to have it in a tent.

D. He wants to change it to a camping trip.

4What does the writer want to learn?

A. How to put up a tent and make a fire.

B. How to put up a tent and find his way through a forest.

C. How to make clean water and find his way through a forest.

D. How to find his way through a forest and climb a mountain.







试题分析:本文讲诉了作者在Buddy Club中所做的事情。在这个俱乐部,能够和高年级的学生交谈,学习如何在考前放松,如何在网上学习历史及英语。俱乐部还举行锦标赛及野餐。能学到很多实用的知识。

【1】B细节理解题。句意:作者喜欢在俱乐部做什么?根据文中I really enjoy talking with the older students about school life and growing up. 可知答案选B。

【2】C细节理解题。句意:作者能在网页上学什么?根据上文 Another student told me about great websites about learning History and English.,可知答案选C。

【3】D细节理解题。作者希望野餐做怎样的改变?根据第四段中I think it might be a good idea to change the Club Picnic to a Buddy weekend camping trip.可知答案选D。

4B细节理解题。句意:作者想学到什么?根据最后一段中We could learn how to put up (架起) tents (帐篷) and how to find our way through a forest. 可知答案选B。



Mary was an operator (接线员) 911 in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a young child who said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill, again and again. Mary hurried to find the address of the call. She called the police, in a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The little child was so young that maybe she could not walk!She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mother’s hand. Tears (眼泪) were running down her face. T he doctors gave the woman some medicine and soon she woke up. Late r she told people, Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. One Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911, but she couldn’t do it.” Mary was surprised,too. “It’s the first time I’ve seen a two-year-old child call 911.”

1What did Mary do every day?

A.She answered the telephone calls.

B.She talked with the policemen and the doctors.

C.She played with the children.

D.She dealt with emergencies(紧急情况).

2How did she feel when she answered the little girl’s call?

A.She was worried. B.She was sorry.

C.She was surprised. D.She was happy.

3How did the police and the doctors get into the house?

A.They went in through the windows.

B.They broke the door open.

C.They didn’t go in.

D.The women was outside. They didn’t need to go in.

4How could the little girl learn to call 911?

A.She learnt it by herself.

B.She asked others to call 911.

C.Her mother taught her one Monday.

D.Her mother of ten taught her.

5How old was the little girl?

A.Only two.

B.She was nine.

C.She was five.

D.She couldn’t walk,so she must be less one.


Blueberries(蓝莓)were Billy’s favorite fruit. Today he planned to make blueberry juice. Billy didn’t know how to make juice, so he asked his uncle for help. 【1】_______ He made carrot juice, apple juice and vegetable juice. But he never made blueberry juice before!

First, Billy and his uncle went to a blueberry farm. They picked blueberries for an hour. It was hard work picking the little blueberries from the trees. 2______ But he thought these blueberries tasted better than those in the store.

3______ After that, they put the blueberries in a pot to mash(捣烂 ) them up. They used a potato masher and really mashed them into a mess. Then they pushed them through a strainer (滤网).4______

When they tasted it, they could really taste the blueberries. It wasn’t very sweet, though. They added grape juice to the blueberry juice.5_____ He thought it was better to use a natural sweet juice, like apple juice, pear juice or grape juice. They used grape juice, because grapes had a similar color as the blueberries.

Finally, they drank it. It was a lot of work to make juice, but it was delicious!

A. Now, Billy understood why they were expensive in the store.

B. His uncle liked to make juice out of everything.

C. The second morning Billy took some blueberry juice to school.

D. Next, they washed the blueberries.

E. As a result, Billy’s mother asked Billy to learn from his uncle.

F. Billy’s uncle didn’t want to use white sugar

G. Soon they got a small pot of dark purple juice.

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