要求: 1.字迹工整,书写规范
2. 80词左右
要求: 1.字迹工整,书写规范
2. 80词左右
Dandong City in Liaoning province is located in southeastern China. It is China’s largest border city and it has a population of 81 million. It is surrounded by green mountains on three sides.
It is rich in prawn, swimming crab, clam and various fishes. It is famous for fresh and live marine products, which is praised by gastronomes. There are many natural and human scenery spots such as the Tiger Cave, the Camel Peak.The Moon Bay surrounded by the Island and the Double-Pearl Beach are the biggest natural bathing beaches in the corner of the northern sea in China and are the ideal places where people go to pick shells, see the sun rise and listen to the sea waves. I love my hometown.
【亮点说明】这篇文章写作时运用了正确的时态和人称,行文连贯,叙述完整。按要求从丹东的地理位置、人口、特产、风景等方面为我们介绍了丹东这个城市,表达准确。并且文中运用了一些较好的句型如has a population of 、is surrounded by 、are the ideal places where people go to pick shells等,为文章增色不少。
