A nurse took a tired soldier to an old man , “Your son is here ,” she told the old man. The old man could hardly  1 the young soldier clearly. He reached out his 2 .The soldier held the old man’s hand. The nurse brought a chair so that he could sit  3 the bed. All through the night, the young soldier sat there   4  the old man’s hand. Now and then he heard him say a few words. The dying man said . He only held his son’s hand tightly all through the night.
The next morning, the old man died. The soldier freed his hand and went to  6  the nurse .While the nurse did  7 she had to do, he waited. Then he asked her, “Who was that man?”
The nurse was  8“Wasn’t he your father?” she said.
“No, he wasn’t”, the soldier answered.” I 9 saw him before.”
“Then  10 didn’t you say anything when I took you to  11 ?”
“I knew right away there had been a  12 , and I also knew he needed his son ,_13  his son just wasn’t here. When I found that he was too  14 to tell whether or not I was his son, I knew  15 he needed me, I stayed.

A.heldB.holdsC.holdingD.was holding
A.how manyB.how longC.how muchD.how old

One day, I went to see my last patient(病人), an old woman. In the doorway, I saw she was struggling (挣扎) to put socks on her swollen (浮肿)feet in the bed. I stepped in, spoke quickly to the nurse, read her chart noting. I was almost in the clear that she was not in serious condition.
I asked, “Could I help put on your socks? How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure were high but they’re better today. The nurse mentioned you’re anxious to see your son. He’s visiting you today. It’s nice to have a family visit. I think you really look forward to seeing him."
"Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not yours." She said with a serious voice.
I was surprised as I helped her with the socks. She told me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him in five years. She believed that was the main cause of her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook her head no and smiled. All she wanted me to do was to listen.
Each story is different. Some are detailed; others are simple. Some have a beginning, middle and end; others don’t have clear ends. Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard — without interruption(打断) or judgment(评价).
It was that woman who taught me the importance of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. And, not long after, in an unexpected accident, I became a patient. 20 years later, I sit all the time — in a wheelchair.
For as long as I could, I continued to see patients from my chair. I believe in the power of listening.
【小题1】 How was the old woman?

A.Her feet were swollen. B.Her sugars were high.
C.She was not badly ill.D.Her blood pressure was better.
【小题2】How did the doctor know that the old woman’s son was visiting her? 
A.The nurse told him.B.The old woman told him.
C.The woman’s son told him.D.The doctor got it from her chart noting.
【小题3】What did the old woman think caused her health problems?
A.Her son’s not seeing her.B.No one listening to her story.
C.The medical care of the hospital.D.The distance between her and her son.
【小题4】When the patient told the doctor her stories, what she needed might be ______.
A.keeping smiling B.interruption or judgment
C.listening without interruptionD.communicating with each other
【小题5】Which statement is NOT right according to the passage?
A.Her son lived close to her house.
B.The old woman didn’t need the doctor’s treatments.
C.Listening is powerful medicine.
D.The doctor has to “walk” with the help of a wheel chair.

Two old men lived in a room on the third floor of an old people’s home. Both men were very old and badly ill, and they spent 24 hours a day in bed in the room.
Luckily, one of the old men had his bed by the window, and every day he spent hours telling his friend far from the window what he could see through the window. He told him about the traffic going by, the children playing in the park opposite, and the birds flying in trees. The old man far from the window got a lot of pleasure from hearing about the world outside, but after a time he began to get rather unhappy. How nice it would be, he thought, if he had the bed by the window and could see everything for him, instead of just hearing about it.
One night, the man by the window called to his friend, “Quick! Pull the alarm by your bed; I don’t think I can get through the night!” But his friends, expecting an empty bed by the window, did nothing---he just closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
The next morning, the nurse found the man dead in his bed by the window.
The old man was very excited as they moved him into the empty bed by the window. He sat up in bed, pulled back the curtain, looked out --- and saw only a wall.
【小题1】Who do you think was kind in the story?

A.The old man by the window.
B.The old man far from the window.
C.Both of the men.
D.Neither of the men.
【小题2】The old man didn’t pull the alarm by the bed because _________.
A.he was too weak to do it.
B.he had fallen into a deep sleep.
C.he didn’t hear what the other man asked to do
D.he wanted to move to the bed by the window.
【小题3】The old man by the window thought _______that night when he asked his friend for help.
A.he wouldn’t dieB.he would dieC.he couldn’t sleepD.he could sleep
【小题4】In fact, there was ___ outside the window.
A.a gardenB.a parkC.a wallD.a picture
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?
A.The two old men weren’t badly ill.
B.The living old man knew the truth.
C.The nurse didn’t look after the old man carefully.
D.The old man by the window could see a lot through the window.

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