

While I was growing up, I never h   1   a guitar.I t   2   piano lessons and p   3   trumpet in our school band, but I never had a chance to study how to play the guitar.Sometimes I really regretted it, too.It seemed that guitar p   4   had all the f   5  .When they got out their instrument, everybody wanted to gather a   6   and sing a   7  .But who wants to sing along w   8   a trumpet player?Finally, in 1990, I decided to get a guitar and take lessons.After s   9   around, I bought a nice guitar, I started learning to play the guitar.I even began playing“the music of the masters”like Bach and Beethoven.It's really g   10   to have my guitar around.

1.h ________ 2.t ________ 3.p ________ 4.p ________ 5.f ________

6.a ________ 7.a ________ 8.w ________ 9.s ________ 10.g ________


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