
When I had something ______ to do,  I used to ask my mother for help. But she always _____ ,“ Do it yourself, dear.”I was not ______at all. I thought she was the _____ mother in the world! For example, one day, I decided to _____  some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order(乱). Books were everywhere. And I didn’t make the bed. I ask my _____ to help me clean it, but she still said,“ Do it _____, girl.”
_______ my “lazy mother”, I have to wash my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents____. I even have to go to the dentist(牙医) by ____. It is really _____for me to do everything well, but I have learnt _____.
As time goes by, I ______ my mother. She makes me clever and diligent(勤奋).­_____  a great mother! A(An) _______mother is worth one hundred teachers! Don’t you think so?
A.tallestB.most foolishC.cleverestD.laziest
A.asB.soC.becauseD.Because of
A.do homeworkB.make moneyC.do houseworkD.work
A.a littleB.a lotC.by mistakeD.many


试题分析:这篇短文主要讲了假期前的最后一堂英语课。学生和老师都很高兴。老师在黑板上写了“SMILES”这个单词,然后说这是世界上最长的单词,因为第一个字母和最后一个字母间有一英里长(a mile)。整个班都笑了。
小题8:考查连词及语境的理解。句意:因为我的懒妈妈,我不得不自己洗衣服、打扫房间。because后跟句子,because of后跟短语。故选D。
小题9:考查短语及语境的理解。句意:我不得不帮父母做家务。do housework做家务。选C
小题10:考查代词及语境的理解。句意:我甚至得一个人去看牙医。by myself我自己一个人故选 C。
小题12:考查语境的理解。句意:做好一切对我来说真得很难。但是我已经学了很多。a lot 很多。故选B。
小题15:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:一个好妈妈值一百个老师。故选 C。
Bob Harris was a weatherman at a small television station. He worked for twenty years and during those twenty years, he felt that his life was boring. Every day, he studied the weather and tried to predict(预报)the next day’s weather. Then, he stood in front of the camera and read his report. Some days it was cloudy, some days it was sunny; sometimes rainy, while sometimes snowy. The weather changed each day, but Bob still felt that his job was always the same. His boss often told him to be happier and smile more in front of the camera, but Bob rarely smiled. He thought that most people did not watch his weather report and his job did not matter much to anyone. One day, he arrived at work and began to study the weather as usual. He noticed that something was different that day.
Everything he studied told him that there was going to be a very big storm very soon, though he was not completely sure. Suddenly, Bob felt excited. He ran to his boss’s office and asked to do a special weather report. The boss agreed and Bob gave a special report that afternoon, warning people of the coming storm. Because of this report, many people were safe during the storm.
Bob realized(意识到) that his job was actually very important.
小题1:Why did Bob feel that his life was boring?
A.Because the weather changed each day.
B.Because he did not want to work for a small television station.
C.Because he did not like to stand in front of the camera.
D.Because he felt that his job was always the same.
小题2:Why did Bob rarely smile when he was in front of the camera?
A.Because he thought that his job did not matter much to anyone.
B.Because he only worked for a small televison station.
C.Because he did not like his boss.
D.Because the weather report was boring.
小题3:Why did Bob ask to do a special weather report?
A.Because he felt excited.
B.Because he wanted to warn people of the coming storm.
C.Because he realized that his job was actually very important.
D.Because he wanted to smile in front of the camera.
小题4:Why did Bob feel excited?
A.Because he wanted to do a special weather report.
B.Because he wanted to ask his boss for more money.
C.Because he knew there was going to be a big storm soon.
D.Because he was going to stand in front of the camera.
小题5:How did Bob realize that his job was actually very important?
A.People were safe from the storm because of his weather report.
B.He got better pay after he did the weather report.
C.People liked him very much.
D.He did a special report every day.

Helen 's favorite food is chocolate. Her parents and teacher often say that it's        for her teeth to eat too much chocolate. But she doesn't believe it. She often puts some chocolate in the milk for breakfast, the juice         lunch, even the soup for supper. Her mother has to        some chocolate in her bag before she goes to school. Sometimes when her mother goes shopping with her, Helen won't leave the shop        her mother buys some chocolate for her.
The little girl        back from school with a painful(痛苦的) look yesterday afternoon. A tooth hurt and she had nothing. Her mother made some soup for her. But she put some chocolate in it. Her father bought some       for her, but she put some chocolate in it, too. Of course it was useless.       the next morning her mother took her to see the      .The dentist saw there was a cavity(洞) in her bad tooth .So he had to fill(填充)it with something.
“Now, young girl,” said the dentist , “What kind of filling(填充物) would you like for that tooth ?”
     , please,” answered Helen. The dentist and Helen’s mother both laughed. The dentist asked Helen to eat fresh fruit and vegetables        chocolate. And it’s necessary for Helen to have healthy eating habits.
小题1:A. good    B.  bad C.  well
小题2:A. for B.  with    C.  at
小题3:A. get B.  put C. buy
小题4:A. when    B.  if C.  until
小题5:A. go  B.  came    C.  returned
小题6:A. medicines   B.  pills   C.  medicine
小题7:A. But B.  So  C.  And
小题8:A. doctor  B.  nurse   C.  dentist
小题9:A. Chocolate   B.  Milk    C.  Fruit
小题10:A. instead    B.  but C.  instead of
Last week, the manager of an old jeweler's shop received a letter marked "personal". As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till teatime. When he opened it, a $100 note fell. out onto his desk. With the note was a short letter. This is what it said:
Dear sir,
I got engaged (订婚的) forty years ago. Unfortunately at that time there was a lot of unemployment and I lost my job. I was out of work for about six months before I got another one. Of course I was very short of money.
I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring one day. The assistant brought some rings for me to have a look, later she was called away, and then I put one of the rings into my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriend's finger.

So I left the shop without paying for the ring. My wife died a month ago, and the fact that I never paid for her ring has been on my conscience
(让我良心不安) all these years. I always feel guilty about that. At that time the ring cost $ 20, and I think that is about five times- $100 at today's price. Now I am sending you that amount.
Yours truly,
A customer
After reading the letter, the manager said, "Well, well, well, life is full of surprise!"
小题1:The ring that the customer put into his pocket was_______ at that time.
A.$20B.$50 C.$100D.$400
小题2:The underlined word "unemployment" means "_______" in Chinese.
小题3:How long has the customer's wife been dead?
A.A week.B.A month.C.A year.D.Two months.
小题4:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The manager opened the letter by himself.
B.The manager thought life was full of surprise.
C.When the customer's wife knew the fact, she was impatient.
D.The customer always feels sad for not paying for the ring years ago.
Jean is a bright young woman from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has almost everything that money can buy. But the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely.
So Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名的) talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends.
Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had the same interests in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them many hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot the time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself: he was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.
When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him, so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of the rock singer they liked most. But when Jean knocked on David’s door in San Francisco, she found that the special friend she had talked to was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim!
小题1:Jean spends time talking on QQ in order to            
A.tell others she is from a good family.
B.find someone to talk to.
C.learn more from the QQ talking.
D.find a good boy friend.
小题2:The real name of the special friend she made on QQ is         .
小题3:Which of the following sentences is wrong according to the passage
A.Both David and Linda aren’t real names.
B.Jim was a tall, good-looking young man.
C.Jean went to San Francisco with her father.
D.Jim and Jean both like rock music.
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.A Real SurpriseB.A Talk on QQ
C.A Bright Young GirlD.A Good-looking Boy

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